Weight loss

Hi all - just being a little nervous/insecure here. I'm at 5 weeks and have stalled for the past 2 weeks. I'm feeling nervous because this is usually the time when my other diets/programs get dropped by me. I am beginning to feel like "oh well, that was a good try" and thinking I won't be able to lose any more weight.

Has anyone else felt like this - can you all reassure me that things will roll again, I will lose the weight and it'll all be ok? I'm hitting my food/protein goals. Drink at least a liter of water per day, occasionally more.

Just need some reassurance, please!


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Make sure you are accurately measuring your food and logging it all. In the beginning I was eyeballing my portions and waaaay off. I was getting in far too many calories. A bite of food here or there will quickly add up to 300 calories. You have lost 40 lbs and it simply takes less effort with every step. Your body has to readjust. I also found that for me staying under 900 calories was absolutely key. I exercise much more now so I have a few more calories. What ever you do don't get discouraged. Just accept the process and your body will give in. I would go 2-3 wks then lose 4 lb in 5 days. Wt loss is not linear, I have had tons of stalls. I am in one now. Took all of May to lose 3 lbs!! But I am 16 lbs from goal. I hope to be 150 by my surgiversary. You will have to get accustomed to ignoring the stalls. If you stick with it you will be so proud of yourself when you come out of it. Make sure you are not constipated. You could have 5 lbs of poo in you.
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    Thanks, MangoPickle. I threw out my scale (it was old anyway) because I was becoming obsessed with weighing myself. I can cross my legs now, sit indian style and reach my feet when I want to cut my toenails. My scrubs at work have gone from 3X to just XL. I will start weighing my food, too. I don't feel like I'm eating enough but it could be more than I think, you're right. I also recently went off of both hydrochlorothiazide and lisinopril and that could change things, too.

    I'll stick with it - since my high last summer, I'm down 51 lbs!

    Have a great day!!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    In my opinion it takes a month for your body to adjust to not taking HCTZ. When I go up a lb or two I look at my body and check how my clothes are fitting. I was up 2 lbs last night but I can feel my cheekbones and I fit into every pair of size 8 pants at Goodwill which I couldn't do 2 weeks ago. Cheekbones are very new to me having never had them before. They were even more defined than last week. So I knew it was water or poo. I am hoping in a few years my intestines will shrink back down and let me go daily again. I eat so much fiber +fiber supplements but i think my intestines are just all stretched out. I love the food scale. I have 1 at work , home, parents house and gonna get one for the Inlaws. Just makes it easier when you eat something odd or you are really tracking. I completely accept that it takes a month now to lose 3-4 lbs. Every time I start to get annoyed at the stall I look at my MFP reports and see how much wt loss I have averaged. 1 lb every 3 days!!! Then I love on myself and thank God, mother Mary, the Saints, and my family for their love and support. My mentors remind me that maintenance is the big battle so the stalls are my little training battles to strengthen me. You are doing awesome!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Stalls are a normal part of the process. Some of us stall more than others (I do) but remember, a stall is temporary. Also, since 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat (think feathers vs bricks), as you lose fat and gain muscle, the scale may not move, but you are losing inches. So as my surgeon told me, as long as something is still moving down (scale, clothing sizes, inches), you are still headed in the right direction.
  • claresta23
    claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
    I Love THAT...as long as something is still moving down,,,,you are headed in the right direction. CLASSIC!