
MoeNificent Posts: 31 Member
Hi everyone! Just looking for a bit more support/accountability. Was wondering if there is anyone out there in the Medifast world in the low 230s looking to lose approximately 60 pounds?


  • geekishgirl
    geekishgirl Posts: 117 Member
    I started at 227 with a goal of losing 67 pounds. Is that close enough?
  • MoeNificent
    MoeNificent Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry for the late reply. I keep thinking i'm going to get a notification when someone responds to my post. In answer to your question...YES! Can we be internet twins? You're doing Medifast? Maybe we can check in with eachother once a week to update....or when in need of motivation/support....
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    FYI: I started at 220.7 and dropped to 151.8. The first 30ish were not TSFL but the last 35 were. Hit my goal weight about 6 weeks ago. now I'm training for the Portland Marathon - trying to get a time that will qualify me for Boston in 2015.
  • randomworldgirl
    randomworldgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, I'm at 228 now. I've been on Medifast for 4 months and have lost 40 pounds so far. I'm actually wanting to get down to 140 because I'm 5'4". So I still have 88 pounds to lose. You can add me too, if you like :)