Things Could Be Going Better....

sherambler Posts: 303 Member
Just a quick vent. I weighed myself and the scale if creeping up (284). I'm sure it's just a random fluctuation and I am less than a week from my TOM. But it's just disappointing. I was finally back down to 282, the weight that shows on my ticker. When I picked up MFP again, I refused to change it because it gave me some motivation. I've been within my calorie range and I'm exercising daily. I eat back some of my exercise calories but only a couple hundred at the most. Some people say I should eat more of them, some say I should eat less of them, but by the time I finish working out, it's been hours since I've eaten so I need something but it's late enough that I can't stuff myself and then go to bed with a stuffed stomach.

I'm going to try to remember to find my tape measure. Maybe that will make me feel better. I feel thinner. I look thinner. My clothes look better on me.

I guess I'm really bummed because I've been putting so much effort in and this is the longest I've lasted since When I log in here. My feed is filled with so-and-so lost 2lbs since her last weigh in, so-and-so has lost 20 lbs so far.

I admit that my diary isn't stellar, but it's not like I'm eating pizza or takeout. I could do with a few more veggies in my diet, but shouldn't I still be losing something? I've also been trying to cut back on sodium this week, which has been very hard. It just sucks when you're doing the best you can. I mean REALLY doing the best you can and the scale isn't catching up.

I know I've just got to stick it out and keep going. The weight will eventually come off, but I'd like to at least dip below 282 as some motivation. It feels too early in my weight loss for this nonsense to be happening.

Any thoughts? Be (a little) gentle.


  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    If your feeling it in your clothes and can see it, then I dont think I would be too worried. I would ask how much water you consume. I have gotten myself up to 100 ounces and I feel a major difference. According to the "rules" ofdrink half your body weight I need to drink 190 ounces, but holy cow! Thats a lot! Anyhoo, If you dont do measurements I totally would, because its just another way to get motivation when you see the numbers.... Good luck I think you're doing a great job!:flowerforyou:
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I've been drinking ALOT of water lately....especially with how much I've been exercising. I forget to record it, but it's usually like 8-12 glasses a day.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    The fact that you're sticking with this healthier lifestyle should be commended. This journey is certainly not a speed race and know that it will take time. Below I've listed some questions that might cause you to reflect on all you're doing. Hopefully, after reading through them, you'll be able to determine some areas where you might need to step up. It's easy to say we are doing our very best, but it is extremely challenging to actually do our very best.

    Do you log every bite in your food diary?
    Are you keeping track of the number of cups of water you are drinking? (There is a big difference between 8 to 12 cups depending on how much water your body needs on non-workout days and workout days.)
    Are you doing the same types of exercises each week, or do you vary them?
    Are you eating canned/pre-packaged/frozen foods daily, or do you eat more freshly prepared foods?
    Are you monitoring your carbs, fiber, fat, & protein daily?
    Do you take your measurements (know this one already), or have you taken pictures? (There are plenty of ways to track your progress w/out the use of the scale.)
    Do you eat the same foods regularly, or do you eat a variety of foods?

    Hope these questions help!
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Ugh. I feel you. My scale seems to be stuck the last week, too. :( Definitely get a seamstress tape and measure yourself! I've lost inches - mainly on my waist and hips - so that makes me feel better. You can tell by how your clothes fit, but it's always encouraging to see those measurements shrinking. I'm not a patient person by any means, but I figure that "slowly but surely" will be easier to maintain in the long run. :)