Cloth diapering



  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    I have quite a few Bumgenius 4.0 pocket diapers. They are a favorite in our household, especially with the hubby. He prefers the velcro ones. For the newborn period I used mostly prefolds with covers until a little bigger, then the one size pockets started to fit pretty good from there on. We use a diaper sprayer after solids are started. I don't use special detergent for the diapers, I used to use Tide or sportwash which I used on all our laundry. I dry the inserts/prefolds in the dryer and hang the covers to dry. Works great. We do use disposables for on the go and sometimes at night. Our oldest is almost potty trained except at night when he wears a pullup most of the time. Looking forward to the cuteness with the new babe.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I have a question for anyone who may have an answer. :)

    I am planning on using disposables at first, but plan to switch to cloth diapers as soon as I am able. What sort of container do you suggest I use to hold the dirty cloth diapers in while I am in between washings?
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I have a question for anyone who may have an answer. :)

    I am planning on using disposables at first, but plan to switch to cloth diapers as soon as I am able. What sort of container do you suggest I use to hold the dirty cloth diapers in while I am in between washings?

    Garbage can with easy open lid. I line with a regular garbage bag and change it out every couple of weeks. I wash every 2-3 days and my pail is dry. I don't soak while it fills.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I have a question for anyone who may have an answer. :)

    I am planning on using disposables at first, but plan to switch to cloth diapers as soon as I am able. What sort of container do you suggest I use to hold the dirty cloth diapers in while I am in between washings?

    Garbage can with easy open lid. I line with a regular garbage bag and change it out every couple of weeks. I wash every 2-3 days and my pail is dry. I don't soak while it fills.

    Thanks! That's what I was thinking, but I didn't know if it would create too much of a stench. :) (Although I guess breastmilk is typically not offensive)
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I have a question for anyone who may have an answer. :)

    I am planning on using disposables at first, but plan to switch to cloth diapers as soon as I am able. What sort of container do you suggest I use to hold the dirty cloth diapers in while I am in between washings?

    Garbage can with easy open lid. I line with a regular garbage bag and change it out every couple of weeks. I wash every 2-3 days and my pail is dry. I don't soak while it fills.

    I do the same thing, but I use a pail liner made of waterproof PUL that i can just throw in the wash with the dirty diapers and re-use. I recommend getting two so you can wash one with each load and have a fresh one to line your pail with. Dry pails are the way to go! :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have a friend that cloth diapers and uses a diaper genie. Her baby is 13 months now and not breast feeding anymore and her baby's diapers don't smell good at all. The diaper genie keeps the smell down very very well.
  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    With my first I used a hanging wet bag that had water proof pul lining. It got washed with the diapers. But it needs replacing and I'll probably go with a regular garbage pail this time with a lid and liner.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Those with experience what do you recommend for overnights. My little gal is 7 weeks and starts the night with a 5 to 6 hour stretchof sleeping. So by the ttime she wakes she has soaked through the diaper and her sleeper. During the day I use prefolds and a cover. Nighttime I have been doing a few different things but nothing working so far. At night I will either use GroVia with the hemp/cotton insert or usually a Applecheeks cover and lay in thirds one of their bamboo inserts. Since nothing is working I have started putting her in a fleece sleep sack so at least my bed is not getting wet. But I would love to get this figured out. It's the only thing I can say negative about cloth so far. And if she is wetting through at 7 weeks I hate to think what it will be like as she gets older.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Those with experience what do you recommend for overnights. My little gal is 7 weeks and starts the night with a 5 to 6 hour stretchof sleeping. So by the ttime she wakes she has soaked through the diaper and her sleeper. During the day I use prefolds and a cover. Nighttime I have been doing a few different things but nothing working so far. At night I will either use GroVia with the hemp/cotton insert or usually a Applecheeks cover and lay in thirds one of their bamboo inserts. Since nothing is working I have started putting her in a fleece sleep sack so at least my bed is not getting wet. But I would love to get this figured out. It's the only thing I can say negative about cloth so far. And if she is wetting through at 7 weeks I hate to think what it will be like as she gets older.

    I would get a hemp/bamboo fitted diaper! You can put your cover over it, but it will give way more absorbancy than prefolds or inserts alone. WAHMs usually make better fitteds than commercial brands. (As far as extra absorbancy, etc). :)
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    We double up....using 2 hemp/microfiber pads. At 6 months 2 weeks, we've had our first leak just this past week! (We use gDiapers and the pads we use are theirs. I've also read that their disposable liners are crazy absorbent, though we only use them for travel and the time she had a very bad reaction to butternut squash so we had to use heavy-duty diaper cream.)
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I would get a hemp/bamboo fitted diaper! You can put your cover over it, but it will give way more absorbancy than prefolds or inserts alone. WAHMs usually make better fitteds than commercial brands. (As far as extra absorbancy, etc). :)

    How many layers should I be looking for in the fitted diapers? Is the absorbency usually with the diaper or are there snap in/lay in inserts?
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I would get a hemp/bamboo fitted diaper! You can put your cover over it, but it will give way more absorbancy than prefolds or inserts alone. WAHMs usually make better fitteds than commercial brands. (As far as extra absorbancy, etc). :)

    How many layers should I be looking for in the fitted diapers? Is the absorbency usually with the diaper or are there snap in/lay in inserts?

    Most of the absorbancy will be in the insert, but I'd make sure the body of the diaper has a hidden layer of hemp or bamboo. For a heavy wetter, you'll want to get a regular fitted as opposed to a hybrid fitted (which has a hidden repelling layer instead of a hidden absorbent layer) I'd also avoid microfiber b/c although it absorbs quickly, it doesn't hold the liquid well and is prone to compression leaks. I like to pair heavy bamboo fleece with hemp fleece. Look on Etsy or Hyena Cart for WAHM fitteds. (work at home mom). They should say in the description what materials they are made from. I, myself, am a cloth diaper WAHM, (Sow Much Love) and I know most of us use the same materials and similar patterns. They are way more absorbent than say, a Kissaluvs fitted (which is what I used before making my own. They contain messes well, but are not very absorbent and take forever to dry). Just a couple of good quality fitteds should work well for a good night time rotation. :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    How do you guys find time?! Seriously!
    My baby is 9 days old now and I am just now finding my first 1/2 hour of open time in a day where I can get on here and catch up. I don't know where you guys find the time in a day tonwash diapers!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    How do you guys find time?! Seriously!
    My baby is 9 days old now and I am just now finding my first 1/2 hour of open time in a day where I can get on here and catch up. I don't know where you guys find the time in a day tonwash diapers!

    It seriously is no more than doing a small load of laundry every other day! Everything else is the same as using disposables.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    How do you guys find time?! Seriously!
    My baby is 9 days old now and I am just now finding my first 1/2 hour of open time in a day where I can get on here and catch up. I don't know where you guys find the time in a day tonwash diapers!

    It seriously is no more than doing a small load of laundry every other day! Everything else is the same as using disposables.

    Agreed. I do on average 2 extra loads a week. I honestly don't even notice it. Now that it's summer here they get dried in the sun so that's no work at all. I had to go buy swim diapers the other day and it occurred to me that I rarely shop and running to the store for diapers was a huge inconvenience. So I guess it's just whatever you're used to!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Yea, I hate laundry! Just one of those things that I don't get along well with. I was so happy when I got married and my husband told me he prefers to do his own laundry and even happier when my daughter reached an age where she started doing her own laundry. I am already not liking how quickly my baby goes through clothes and the extra laundry that entails.
    I have been incredibly blessed with diapers. I have not purchased one diaper yet or a single wipe and I have enough for about another month thanks to friends and family.