Important stuff will go here one day.
Fitness tricks with a baby
Hey girls! So -- how do you fit in exercise when you've got little ones demanding your attention? I do squats, lunges, and calf raises while I'm holding the baby, and we make going for walks a family activity. I make sure my step tracker is on while I'm pacing up and down the hallway with him during the night, too. Every…
Pregnant and Overweight
Hi everyone! I have a beautiful 21 month boy and my husband and I found out that I'm almost 2 months pregnant again! I'm excited, but also scared. I was overweight with my first, but I had still lost 60 lbs before getting pregnant. It's been a hard journey to lose the weight again afterwards and I'm heavier now than with…
How much weight have you lost?
I really enjoyed watching the thread 'how much weight have you gained' on the pregnancy boards. I decided to start this one here, I would really like to have a check in for our weight loss after baby. Here is mine so far: Total pregnancy gain: 27lbs First day home - day 6 postpartum: down 3 lbs (still had massive water…
Final 10 pounds to go and finding it so very hard.
My baby wants all of my attention when I am home and I feel yanked in every direction that working out at home is impossible. I try to get the gym in 3 times a week but it is hard to keep it steady with all of lifes little things. Does anyone else feel frustrated and overwhelmed?
More friends with babies under a year?
Hi Fit People! I have some great mommy friends on here already, but could really use some more pals who are in the same stage of life as I am. It is so so hard for me to get motivated some days, eat well, work, take care of everyone else, then still have some of my own sanity left! My baby is 4 months, and I'm…
Noob here! Wish me luck!
Hi guys! I'm Ashley, 32, mom of 3 and 2 stepkids, from Arkansas. Just getting started and hoping to lose 43 lbs (lost 4 of that so far), and get my figure back. I'm tired of having a mom butt! Lol! I want to say I'll exercise, but I'll pretty much a couch potato, besides the usual chasing my 11 month old around and running…
Babyled Weaning
Has anyone done this? Anyone thinking of doing it? I was seriously leaning towards it because it just seemed to make sense to me but my doctor (who I have a very good and trusting relationship with) has told me to start with rice cereal and purees. I spoke with the nutritionist who came to my hospital room to talk about…
Maternity Clothes
So when do you think the line should be drawn for how long it acceptable to wear them? Is there even a line? I fit ok in one pair of pre pregnancy jeans (my first pair of non low rise jeans or "mom jeans" as my husband and I call them that I bought a few years ago when I was heftier than usual) and am barely fitting into…
tummy workouts
Has anyone had success getting their tummy back in pre-baby shape? Is it mostly diet and weight loss or have you found certain exercises to be helpful? Or does it just take time for the skin to shrink back down? I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight (2-3lbs away), but my jeans and pants are still tight around the…
Low carb?
Anyone here on a low-carb diet? Low-carb and breastfeeding? I would like to meet other moms on a similar eating plan (although I'm definitely not excluding other moms--I've just noticed most of the moms I've found here are on other diets). I just started reducing my carb intake and focusing on real foods instead of…