Body changes..and more

priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
Just curious. I shower everyday and even with staying in the house it seems my deodorant doesn't work?! I've changed brands but still have hint of musty. Anyone else have something like this?

I also don't feel full or hungry still. I only feel hungry in the morning. I'm officially 3 weeks post op on Monday.

Also I return to work on Tuesday and I'm trying to figure out what to pack for food that day. Any sample menus you all could share?

I hate the new direction protein shakes and I need something that I can really drink. Any suggestions?


  • GraceByMySide
    GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
    I swear by Unjury protein powders!!! They are really the best, IMHO. You can order them at Unjury.Com and they are very quick delivery!! Really, no aftertaste, they are neither too thick or too thin, consistency-wise, and they don't have that funky "protein-y powder" taste. They are a medical grade (rather than weight-lifting grade) powder that absorbs very well in our smaller systems. I don't care for ANY of the protein shakes (and I've tried many), but these I can tolerate (Ok, maybe even like a little bit)!!!

  • Busmom183
    Busmom183 Posts: 12 Member
    The EAS Advantedge protien shakes are pretty good . I've found them in shoprite and Walmart.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    The EAS RTD shakes are tolerable as are Pure Protein RTD shakes. Both available at Walmart or most supermarkets.

    As for the deodorant issue, I went through this at one point after surgery too. I was washing my underarms two or three times a day and reapplying deodorant. I switched brands several times, but it didn't seem to matter. This lasted a few months and then things returned to "normal". I think it was my body ridding itself of toxins from all the fat and weight I was losing. Maybe try drinking more water to help eliminate the toxins through your urine.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    drink and walk, drink and walk. You are in ketosis because your body is dissolving your fat for energy. your breath and your sweat will be like that of a carnivore-extremely musky. the only way to diminish it is hydration and sweating it out so the funk doesn't linger in your pores. my breath was the worst, I had to brush every two hours. Pure protein ready to drink shakes are nice and thin. I love Kroger carbmaster vanilla skim milk. 1 cup 60 cals, 11 g protein and for me counts as water.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I agree with Mangopickle, up your water and the musky odor will go away. I love Syntrac Nectar protein shakes. You can make them as thick or thin as you want and they taste great. No aftertast like some others I've tried. As for what to take to work for food, byt the time I came back to work I was on Pureed foods. I brought things like cottage cheese and fruit, mashed potatoes with pureed ham for flavor, yogurt, homemade soup. Everything was pureed and about 1/4 cup as that's all I could handle at that point. I would do a shake for breakfast and then the pureed stuff for lunch. Snacks were just more of the shake as I couldn't get the whole thing down all at once.

    PS - Freeze the shake if you want something you can spoon. Shake it up every hour until it's the consistency you want, otherwise it goes solid. I still do this sometimes.
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm a fan of Premier Protein shakes, especially the new flavor Strawberries and Cream. (at Sam's Club or Costco)
    30 Grams of Protein, half of my daily goal right now. It is on the approved protein supplement list from my clinic.
    My surgery was May 12th, my first day back to work was June 2nd....last week.
    My first days I brought soup to work...something I know I could handle. For my morning break I brought a half a cup of greek yogurt. Of course I also brought some zero calorie my case I like Powerade Zero, thinking it must be better than water. a 32 oz bottle costs only 80¢ at Wal Mart. Good luck to you, just take everything slowly and you'll be fine. Getting back to work is good...we need to get active again.
  • ckee1862
    ckee1862 Posts: 13 Member
    RTD's are going to taste better than most powders but they come at a price. I am almost 6 months out and I rarely and I mean rarely feel hungry and I have to have external cues (hiccups) to tell me I am full.
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    OMG!! You all have been so helpful! I'm sipping on water right now! lol Thanks for your thoughts--I really thought I was going INSANE with my B.O. lol

    I'll check out the shakes you all mentioned as well.

    I'm on regular foods starting today so I've planned to have an omelette for breakfast, one of those isopure protein waters (which are high as a kite but I needed to try something for tomorrow) and my goal is to finish that by the time I leave work tomorrow. I also have for snacks some cheese cubes and grapes as well as a greek yogurt. I'll probably have baked tilapia and spinach for lunch. I'm making a pot of chicken tortilla soup tomorrow (no tortillas) and will probably take that for the rest of the week.

    Thanks for your help all!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I love the Six Star Whey Isolate Protein Elite Series mix which has 30g protein in one serving. The only protein bar that I like that doesn't have a lot of calories are the Six Star Protein Bars (less than $1/each at WalMart and high source of protein). Some of the other protein bars are okay, but so high in calories that I usually break them in 1/2 or 1/4.

    I freeze everything - protein shakes, smoothies and yogurt I blend with fruit. I use either Dannon 2X Protein or Fage Greek Plain non-fat 0& yogurt for the things I blend. If I want something quick, I keep 100 calorie Yoplait Greek Yogurt 5.3 oz size in the freezer so I'll always have one ready if I want it. My surgeon suggested adding a little honey to the Fage Greek Yogurt as it is quite tart and it works.

    Good luck on returning to work and to moving into a new stage of eating.

  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Priceless, I have seen plenty of advice (I believe primarily from csmccord) about not trying too many new things at once. If your body disagrees with something, it will be harder to figure out what it was. I am sure you are ready to hit all of the real foods you have been missing, but his advice sounds prudent to me.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    After I had my surgery, I could not STAND my normal body smells. I switched to Dial antibacterial body wash and that totally took care of this. 100%!! This comes in a few scents too.
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks all. Week 1 back at work wasn't so bad. I was extremely exhausted after work where I would just come home, eat a little bit--sit up a while and then crash. I would be in the bed before 10 pm (my normal bed time is 10 pm). I stuck with fish and spinach for lunch--then tortilla soup and chilli from local restaurants and that went down well. I tried that Isopure plus protein water and nearly GAGGED! It was soooo nasty. I tried a gladiator smoothie from the smoothie king and could taste the protein powder but it was tolerable.

    I tried to eat a cracker and a breaded piece of chicken--that just came right back up--

    Cheese and fruit have worked as snacks during the day--yogurt was my go to for breakfast because I have to open my medicine because I can't swallow the capsule--so I mix it in yogurt and eat it.

    I started using dial antibacterial soap but I still get the odor sometimes. I have to amp up my water and start walking this week..just purchased my new sneakers today!

    Let's see how week two goes! 1 month post op appointment this thursday!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Good luck with your 1 month follow up. Keep us posted.