first refeed CKD

chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
Hi All,

I've been doing CKD for 8/9 days now and was going to go for 13/14 days before doing my first carb reefed, however, the last couple of days I have been struggling terribly, I can literally feel how depleted my body is and my muscles feel so flat. Last couple days I've woken up feeling very weak. I train intensely most days give or take a day at the weekend, but I've decided I need to listen to my body and am having the refeed a couple days early.

I got into ketosis very quickly despite this being my first time, I tested for ketones on the 3rd day so all good from that side of things.

Has anyone else had this happen to them and does this sound familiar?

I'd appreciate your views, please bear in mind I'm new to this so constructive criticism is welcome :-)


  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Why did you choose CKD?
    How are you testing ketone levels?
    Its pretty common for body to struggle initially when carbs get depleted, your body is probably not fat adapted to use fat as fuel in work outs.
  • chrispike7
    chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    I used Ketostix to test for ketone levels. I felt a massive struggle first 3 days of cutting carbs to 25g, then my energy levels went right up and I felt good most of the week, which indicated I was now using fat for fuel. First few days were tough as I guess my body was still trying to use carbs as fuel. I have been very strict with my carb intake and kept the ratios right (5% carbs, 30% pro, 65% fat)

    Defo noticed the initial drop in water weight also, but felt good for most of the week.

    It wasn't until day 8 I started feeling like I'd been hit with a sledgehammer even after 8/9 hours sleep, and felt very weak. I have been training heavy and also doing HIIT for 15 mins 3x a week, so I haven't been taking it easy. I've chosen CKD as it is supposed to be good for those who exercise intensely, but want to drop bodyfat.
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    You really should read this entire FAQ before sticking with CKD:

    CKD is probably the least typical variation and if you're not really "hitting the wall" in your workouts you most likely shouldn't be going in that direction. Of course it all depends on your goals though.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    You probably need to probably approach it from a different angle, what are your goals? I want to build muscle and bulk up? I want to burn fat and improve body composition? I want to lift 400 lbs? or I want to run ultra distance? Then you can go ahead and decide what work outs are the best. If you are doing Keto or CKD or some variation and working out, you need to understand how the body performs at different intensities on low carb.

    Watch this video

    The above video sums up very well from what you can expect, remember its not a theory but Dr Attia experimented with himself.
    Now to the basics of Keto and exercise, your ketone levels or keto adaption won't yet impact the athletic performance, the intensity of the exercise will dictate what fuel is used. Higher the intensity, the body will start using more carbs as fuel because your body is not used to utilizing fats at higher intensities. Look up RER/RQ, which tells you if the body is using carbs or fats. You have two options early in the keto diet.
    1)Cut down on the HIIT ( HIIT is not very beneficial for low carb, because you don't have ton of carbs to burn at high intensity to force body in to burning more fat). Initially when I started low carb, I couldn't even exercise for first 3 weeks, my body started burning predominantly carbs starting at like HR of 100. I choose not to carb reefed but to force my body to improve fat oxidation. Right now I burn predominantly fat even at 85-90% of my Vo2 max. This approach is more like short term loss but long term gain. I can get through intense work outs and recover from them very fast with out carbs.
    2) The second option is to reefed or eat carbs before HIIT work outs, with this you won't have problem getting through your work outs now. But, how ever your RQ/ fat oxidation won't be as high as the first option. Your body will continue to use carbs because its preferred fuel for the body if present.

    There is no right or wrong approach, its a matter of choice. For me the first option made sense as my goals were to increase fat burning and also I am more focussed on resistance training because thats the best combo for burning fat along with a ketogenic diet. You need to figure out what your goals are and adjust the workouts and diet accordingly. I choose to adjust my work out routines based on my diet not the other way round. You can choose to adjust diet based on your work outs if thats your goal. After 6 months, it doesn't matter for me because I burn fat at high intensities. Not sure where you are but you can get RER/RQ tested, I do metabolic tests every 3 months.
  • chrispike7
    chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks all
  • chrispike7
    chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi again, I took your advice, and im 3 weeks in with no refeeds, and noticing great fat loss, reduced appitite, and more level energy throughout the day. Muscles feel a little flat to be fair, but I only want to go 3 more weeks, and don't see the point in refeeding, i will just slowly reintroduce carbs and eat at maintenance levels once the desired amount of fat has been lost.

    Seems that the refeed i did previously put me back at square one, but your advice has shown it is better to be fat adapted after a few weeks.
