Does the energy go?

mooie70 Posts: 70 Member
I had so much energy in the first few weeks of Induction...and then I had a huge emotional crisis and lost it all. I've been really down since Mother's Day (Australia) and just don't have the spark I used to have. I have to add that I'm not eating right either. I haven't been hungry and struggle to eat enough of anything even though I'm still strictly following Atkins foods. So no doubt I'm lacking enough energy through carbs and protein.

Gahhh what a rut to get into :ohwell:

What I'm asking is if long termers have noticed the energy dissipates after a while, or if it's just me going through the motions. I want my energy back!


  • wwmoab
    wwmoab Posts: 48 Member
    I'm not a long timer, only my 2nd week, but they don't seem to post often. I did talk to a friend last night who started Atkins two years ago, and she was in a similar slump, but she also said that she knew if she was as diligent as she was at the beginning, and made sure to get 15 carbs from veggies, and drank water all day and stayed under 30 carbs (for her), that she' d feel better.

    Don't beat yourself up. Be kind to your self and get outside and recommit. I hope you'll let us know how you are.
  • LadyALB
    LadyALB Posts: 6 Member
    I've done Atkins in the past (about 10 years ago) with great success and now I've returned and am in my 4th week of induction. I love the energy but I have also started using coconut oil to get extra fat in my diet. I cook with it, put it in my coffee or just take a tablespoon straight in the morning and I make little yummy dark chocolate like candies with it for the afternoons. Coconut oil helps your liver produce more ketones which aids in fat burning and feeds your brain. But the greatest benefit to me is the added energy. I am a female, 63 years old and since starting with the coconut oil I can hardly sit still. It's not a jittery feeling, like you would get from a couple cups of coffee, It just makes me want to get out and do something. Go for a bike ride, a walk, go hiking, just something to be moving. My lazy nature seems to be a part of my past and I couldn't be happier about that. Watch TV? no thanks. I'd rather go for a walk. If you try it I think you will notice the difference.
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    HI, I started Atkin's last month this is my 2nd month and I ended up having to modify Atkin's to fit my style and needs! Its really hard for me to burn 300+ calories doing cardio and then turning around and lifting weights/ or ab strength. I usually eat around 28g on down days and around 60g on heavy workout days. It works!!! :) you'll just have to tweek it for you!
  • dearannna
    dearannna Posts: 60 Member
    I started off folowing Atkins induction for a couple of months and found that it did give me lots of energy once I'd gotten into the swing of it. However, as I got more into exercise I found that even if I had a good meal before I worked out, I woudl still rung out of steam pretty quickly. I now follow the principles of Atkins OWL apart from the porridge with banana I eat before taking a trip to the gym.

    I think that bottom line, everyones bodies react differently and it is really important to do what suits you. Use trial and error to find that perfect balance.
  • VaporDeb
    VaporDeb Posts: 12 Member
    I restarted Induction yesterday after gaining 35lbs in 11 months. I've had great success with Atkins over the course of my life. Last time I lost 30 lbs in 3 months. The older I get the fewer calories I can intake with Atkins to continue to lose weight. For example, last time, when I lost 30 lbs, I lost nothing using Mayo...I had to switch to sour cream (and count the carbs). It worked for me immediately.

    The key to energy and the diet working in general is keeping to the Atkins plan. If you are not eating enough you will not have the expected energy. That actually goes for any diet...but especially Atkins. Every time I've diverged from the program something stops (either weight loss or energy loss or both). If you are bored with the food look up some great Atkins recipes. If you aren't hungry then eat smaller portions more frequently throughout the day.

    Being depressed can counteract the diet's energetic feeling. There isn't much you can do about that other than treating your depression. Try to focus on the positive things in your life. If there aren't any, try to create some.

    Best of luck & wishes!! Stay strong!!
  • MaxDPeterson
    MaxDPeterson Posts: 12 Member
    Make sure you have plenty of fat in your diet. I remember being really tired around week three but being full of energy in week 2. When I started making sure to have fatty foods daily I noticed a spike in my energy. Eat some bacon, put a little ranch or caesar dressing on your salad. It really helps. While low fat and low carb can help you lose weight fast, it isn't very fun and drains all of your energy.

    I have more energy than ever before now and I attribute that to Atkins and making sure to have some fatty foods.
  • mooie70
    mooie70 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone

    Thank you for your responses :)

    I eat plenty of fat, but then some days I wonder if I'm eating too much, not enough, just enough. Fat isn't something that's easy for me to 'count' due to fat on protein, how much renders down etc. For example I might throw in a tbs of olive oil or coconut oil and fry steak, but the fat in the steak renders down and I end up with more leftover fat in the pan than what I added. So do I actually count the tbs of olive oil I used that is probably not sitting on the bottom of the pan?

    I've started trying to eat carbs at the beginning of the day. Because by the end I am just not interested in preparing salads or veges. It's been helping quite a bit. When I snack, I snack on things like red capsicum and very occasionally nuts. Today I had cucumber sliced down the middle with salt (I'm deficient in salt so I've been trying to up my intake).

    The emotional upheaval continues. I'm also hypothyroid and being tested for Adrenal Fatigue and a range of other auto immune things. Stress and I do not work well together... :ohwell: