how is everyone doing?

mushu0517 Posts: 21 Member
Just checking in to how everyone is doing today. How are you all doing on your green tea challenge? I'm doing so/so. I remember to drink green during the work week but forget on the weekends. Maybe I need to set it in my phone as a reminder to drink my green tea.



  • krislady
    krislady Posts: 16 Member
    I'm having an AWFUL time getting into the swing of it! I apparently have very deeply ingrained habits. . . even though I try to be flexible. ;)

    I'm on vacation this week, and last week, I was so busy I barely had time for coffee, let alone tea!

    BUT today, I've got a pitcher of green tea brewed, and I'm drinking it from my regular water glass - hopefully I'll remember to refill with tea instead of water.

    I had a guy here this morning doing some work in the kitchen, so I sat out on the deck with the dog, and BOY am I thirsty - very glad to have plenty of tea ready. :)

    I just placed an order with the English Tea Store for a BUNCH of different teas, including Earl Gray green tea. Plus my mint is starting to take over the herb garden again, so I'll be brewing some with some of that soon, too. I take a handful of mint, cram it in a tea ball, and then put that right in the coffeepot when I brew tea through the coffee maker. It adds a nice fresh flavor. Lavender is good, too. If you don't have a tea ball, I've also just mashed the mint up and put it in the filter-lined basket of the coffee maker along with the tea, too.
  • krislady
    krislady Posts: 16 Member
    So . . . is anyone else still working on the Green Tea Thing?

    Gosh, I'm so awful about lack of routine on the weekends, though - BUT with the warm weather coming, I know I'll be drinking EVEN MORE water - it's just a matter of swapping that out for tea, I guess.

    AND - last week, I added a handful of fresh mint to the tea while it was brewing, and, I must say, it's DELIGHTFUL! :bigsmile:
  • thisonewillwork
    thisonewillwork Posts: 74 Member
    Well I am definitely not going to try drinking 8 cups of green tea a day, ever again. I was making a habit of brewing a coffee pot equivalent to 8 tea cups each morning and drinking it during the day. I began to feel a bit queasy when I drank the green tea but decided to persevere for the sake of weight loss. Well I wish I'd at least reduced the amount because I ended up being violently ill. On the last morning I brewed my 8 tea cup pot for the day, I began to drink the first of my 4 mugs (equals 2 teacups to 1 mug) for the day when I felt queasy. Next thing I knew I brought the lot up along with my breakfast. That was 2 weeks ago and I haven't been able to drink green tea since. I used to love the stuff. So...........I would recommend that you drink maybe 2 mugs per day at most. At least that's my plan! :drinker: