Is anyone still here?

Hi! I'm Marisa, a 20 year old college student. I've struggled with EDNOS (not officially diagnosed, but what the hell else could it be?) and am now trying to get fit, healthy, and toned. Not gonna lie, it's hard. My past tendencies are constantly in my mind when I'm eating or working out, tempting me to restrict, purge after meals, or over-exercise. It's rough. But I think I'm balancing it all alright.

Anyways, I hope I can get this group active again, because I could really use a support group on here! Please feel free to add me :)


  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi , were still here , ive noticed its not very active, but we always check in when there is a post :)
    I am a recovering bulimic , still have body image issues , trying to get 40pounds off the healthy way, this is the disorder talking but it was so much easier to lose the other way. ive had for over 20 years, time to stop I know, im 75 days binge and purge free, no more cravings , but jeez its hard to come off, retraining the thought method and loving me is key, itll come off, no more restricting.
    welcome :) im here if you need :flowerforyou:
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    Wow congrats, that's awesome!!

    Yeah my main problem is viewing my body the wrong way. My friends would say "you're so skinny!", but my family would say "damn, you eat so much and never exercise! That'll catch up to you one day..", and then strangers and bullies would tell me I was fat or ugly. I'd hear all these things and not know what to think. Eventually I just began to hate myself and crave the skinny comments, so I altered my behavior to please some people and prove others wrong, never realizing that my health and happiness was the only thing that ever mattered.

    Now I'm trying to focus on not worrying about what people say (even myself sometimes) and simply being healthy. I worried being on here would trigger me or something, but I'm actually doing really good!

    Thank you, I'm here for you too :)
  • BMK1986
    BMK1986 Posts: 18 Member
    I check in from time to time, my activity depends largely on where my mind is though, I find I shy away when I'm struggling more.... Funny, you'd think that's when I'd want to be around people who understand more!

    I am 28, EDNOS. I have struggled most of my life with it. I completely understand the body image problems thanks to other people's comments. I used to get the "Your mother and I aren't skinny, and you won't be either, you'll look like us, just give it time..." from my aunt all the time.
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    No, that's completely understandable! Ugh family comments are the worst. My parents would always say ****, not even realizing what they were doing. Does your family know about your struggle? Sorry if that's too personal!
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    HA that comment of 'shes eats so much and doesn't ever gain weight,
    me silently thinking 'muwhahahaha youll never know why" sighhh
    then someone else would say 'oh that's because she eats dinner"
    as they were yapping about there was me planning my dinner binge shopping spree for after work.
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    OMG I can totally relate! My old roommates used to comment on how I would eat so much but never gain any weight, and I'd be sitting there thinking, "Yeah, but I NEVER eat without you guys, so then when I'm around you I eat a lot to keep you from worrying and then purge after or head straight to the gym!"

    Ugh it was a vicious cycle, and the worst part was I loved it. I loved every minute of it, feeling like I was gonna pass out or seeing the scale drop made my sick mind feel like I was doing the right thing. Stupid disordered brain! Even now, when I see the scale change just the slightest bit from doing this whole thing the healthy way my brain thinks "but how much could you lose if you went back to your old ways?" and I have to fight it so hard. I just have to remember that back then I was weak, sick, and f*cked up, and now I'm strong and healthy.

    Trying to love the healthy me is the hardest thing I've ever had to do! But it's so worth it, recovery is so worth it :)
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    that is where I am right now, I follow MFP, stay within the macros , go to the gym, and the scale doesn't budge, I just said it this morning, 'I would be 20 pounds down by down restricting and or purging"
    annoying as hell , I wont go backwards, just bloody irritating :(
  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    Well this group is still active, and nice to see...I am not on here much anymore, just pop in to check in on everyone.

    I am a bit older than you ladies in this discussion, but I lost my weight by following the plan and not restricting...restricting only led to more weight gain (I know, WTF?)...but I think it takes some of us with ED, EDNOS, whatever, longer to feed our bodies what it needs for it to be able to shed what it doesn't. (even those of us with a few extra pounds)

    Macros are very important to us, we need those, very much so for vitamin absorption and the like. And if we don't get them, our bodies rebel...and let me clue you, osteriposis (sp, on my phone) isn't freaking pretty, neither is acne at almost 44...I mean seriously, do I use wrinkle cream or the zit crap? :)

    Long and slow pace seems to be the best for those of us...I have had many friends on MFP and those with ED, EDNOS, BP, the like all seem to be better mentally and physically if they took the slow steady path and didn't succumb to ED and the old tendencies to get the weight off fast.

    And I threw the damn scale out...beat the ever living crap out of it with a hammer one evening and tossed that ***** into the dumpster about a year ago. I go on how my clothes fit and whatever the number on the scale at my doctors, and I don't even look at that number...I am not a number, I am me.

    I refuse anymore to let a number on a scale dictate to me. Yup, I probably have a couple of extra pounds on me, but that is my 'cushion', and no on likes hugging a damn twig?

    Healthy and strong are the way for me now.

    hugs ladies, (and the few gentlemen that read this forum)