Another curiosity...

lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
Hey ladies!

I'm curious as to your calorie goals and how you set them to that particular number.
I've been doing some research and it turns out that most people have calorie goals that are set way too LOW.

I admit I haven't perused each of your diaries, but was curious.

Also, do you track sugars? Fiber? Staying away from processed foods?

Let me know! We are all out there to help each other get on and stay on track!

Have a beautiful Thursday and be awesome!!




  • Suzy81123
    Suzy81123 Posts: 103 Member
    I used to wear a Body Media armband so I learned how many calories per day I burned from wearing that. Non workout days were around 1800 calories (I'm short - only 4'10") and when I worked out, it usually bumped me to around the 1950/2000 mark unless I did a Zumba class. Then it bumped me to around 2300 calories burned. So based on that information, I choose to eat around 1400-1500 calories per day. When I work out, I do bump up the calories but since I haven't really worked out once in 2014 I am eating anywhere between 1400 and 1500 calories. I don't really look at sugars, fiber, etc... I do try to make sure that I'm getting protein though because this is something that I used to have a really hard time doing. But when I actually pay attention and preplan my meals, etc...I usually hit my protein goal that I set for myself. Other than that, I don't go crazy over the macros, etc... Not yet anyway. I have easily about 40+ pounds to lose so I know once I actually start working out and if I stay consistent with eating healthy, I will lose it. So maybe once I get a good chunk of the weight off, then I may start to worry about all the other items so that way, I can start putting on some more muscle and lose the body fat percentage, but for now, I'm worrying about the calories I'm putting in and making sure they're good calories, good fat, good carbs, etc... but not stressing over specific grams of fiber or sugar.
  • SqueakMonster
    I use the number MFP produced for me (1350 calories) as a base, then add/subtract as needed for exercise.
    However, I am almost ALWAYS over on my calories (with or without exercise), so in the end I'm eating somewhere between a 1500-1700 calorie day.
    I did the WW plan for a little over a year, and found that no matter what I did (or didn't do), my body loses an average of 1/2 pound per week. Anything more than that, and you'll hear me screaming from here! LOL
    As for focus ...
    Since my goals are not just weight-loss focused, I tend to pay particular attention to the amount of fruits, vegetables, and nuts that I eat. I try and minimize the amount of meat that I eat (grass-fed, humanely-raised/slaughtered beef, chicken, and turkey), and keep the wheat out of my diet as much as possible to help with the OA symptoms.
    I do better on some weeks than others (this is a not-so-good week), but I know that I have to keep pushing forward to reach the goals I want.
    Lisa II
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I use the ones MFP put together. Right now I'm watching iron content as well as it seems to be low. I take a supplement each day, but I have a hard time absorbing iron and a couple of other nutrients. Somethings my body also burns through very quickly meaning I need to take in more. I don't really watch sugar, but I do watch total carbs. I watch fiber as well and protein. I don't really watch fat, but I do often get too little of it for my skin and hair.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    Well I do exactly as Suzy. Even the calories.
    I wear a fitbit so I know about what I burn on days with and without exercise. I normally eat around 1400-1500 a day...some days its more, some days its less....