Not pregnant yet, but I have some questions...

Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
I am not yet pregnant, but I have a few questions and I thought someone on here might be able to help:

1. When they say you can do whatever you did before you got pregnant, but nothing new, how do you interpret that? I am not yet pregnant, but I have started C25K. If I get pregnant, would I be able to continue with that? (Including increasing the level of intensity according to the weeks laid out in the program?) In other words, does the fact that I have jogged AT ALL mean that I can jog more while pregnant? Or would I need to work up to the level of intensity that I was hoping to maintain while pregnant ahead f when I get pregnant?

2. Is there a way to "preserve" your ticker? I am in the process of a 70 lb weight loss journey which I am totally fine with putting on hold while pregnant, but that I'd like to continue after giving birth. I am realizing that if I got pregnant and had to put my goal at maintenance and then at gaining 0.5 lb per week for awhile, I would lose my ticker with my goal weight and how much progress I've made so far. Is there a way to just put myself on "pause" for the duration of a pregnancy? Like, have my ticker just stop for now? Or would I have to switch my goal to gaining and then come back later and start fresh with a new goal? Would it work if I just manually put in a calorie goal? Would it keep my same starting weight and goal weight and just let me do my own thing while pregnant and then pick up the goal again later?

3. Is it really unhealthy to eat at any kind of deficit while pregnant? Everything I read says that it's fine to lose weight while pregnant as long as it's unintentional -- but how is it different for me to have lost 3 lbs in my first trimester if it's just because I wasn't as hungry, but not okay if it's because I am watching what I eat? I guess what I am saying is, what's the safety concern with losing weight due to loss of appetite vs intentional deficit? Either way, you lose because you burn more than you eat (and keep down).

Thanks! With my first pregnancy, I was obese and was very careful to gain only the recommended amount. This was considered a good thing. Now I am contemplating getting pregnant again, but this time I would be actually tracking my calories. I am nervous that I won't know how to balance the rules about how much to gain with the rules about not "dieting."


  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    One of my friends did our bootcamp style classes through her whole pregnancy. She had to listen to her body and adjust things accordingly (at a certain point jumping jacks felt too weird). I would think you could continue C25K but you would have to pay attention to your body .

    I can't really comment on the other parts. I ended up being on bed rest for several months of each of my pregnancies and had nausea issues when I wasn't eating for the whole time. My first pregnancy I watched everything I ate and my second I didn't. I gained the same amount (50 lbs). It wasn't too bad losing that weight though. I'm finding it much harder to lose the weight I gained after I reached my pre baby weight.
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    As for your first question--based on my discussions with my doc, I would stay with the workouts you have already done. Increasing intensity from what you have already mastered is what could cause potential concern. I would say when you find out your are pregnant--just stick with the distance/intensity of running you have already been able to accomplish. With that said, make sure to ask you your doc because I think everyone's situation can be a little bit different.

    I have no idea about your second question and as for your third question--you really need to ask your doc this question. In the first trimester, my doc told me to just try to maintain my weight, but that it was okay if I lost some weight due to morning sickness. I know a lot of women lose weight due to morning sickness during the first trimester and it doesn't usually seem to be an issue, although I am sure there are certain cases where it could be an issue. Also some women who are in the obese category seem to continue to lose weight with guidance/monitoring from their doctors. Personally, I wouldn't try to lose weight intentionally while pregnant unless a doc gave me the green light. With that said, I didn't start out in obese category, just little extra padding. ;)
    I am not yet pregnant, but I have a few questions and I thought someone on here might be able to help:

    1. When they say you can do whatever you did before you got pregnant, but nothing new, how do you interpret that? I am not yet pregnant, but I have started C25K. If I get pregnant, would I be able to continue with that? (Including increasing the level of intensity according to the weeks laid out in the program?) In other words, does the fact that I have jogged AT ALL mean that I can jog more while pregnant? Or would I need to work up to the level of intensity that I was hoping to maintain while pregnant ahead f when I get pregnant?

    2. Is there a way to "preserve" your ticker? I am in the process of a 70 lb weight loss journey which I am totally fine with putting on hold while pregnant, but that I'd like to continue after giving birth. I am realizing that if I got pregnant and had to put my goal at maintenance and then at gaining 0.5 lb per week for awhile, I would lose my ticker with my goal weight and how much progress I've made so far. Is there a way to just put myself on "pause" for the duration of a pregnancy? Like, have my ticker just stop for now? Or would I have to switch my goal to gaining and then come back later and start fresh with a new goal? Would it work if I just manually put in a calorie goal? Would it keep my same starting weight and goal weight and just let me do my own thing while pregnant and then pick up the goal again later?

    3. Is it really unhealthy to eat at any kind of deficit while pregnant? Everything I read says that it's fine to lose weight while pregnant as long as it's unintentional -- but how is it different for me to have lost 3 lbs in my first trimester if it's just because I wasn't as hungry, but not okay if it's because I am watching what I eat? I guess what I am saying is, what's the safety concern with losing weight due to loss of appetite vs intentional deficit? Either way, you lose because you burn more than you eat (and keep down).

    Thanks! With my first pregnancy, I was obese and was very careful to gain only the recommended amount. This was considered a good thing. Now I am contemplating getting pregnant again, but this time I would be actually tracking my calories. I am nervous that I won't know how to balance the rules about how much to gain with the rules about not "dieting."
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I did C25k and just had a super slow pace. But I was pregnant from week 4 on!

    Re: losing weight, it isn't always okay for women to unintentionally lose weight during pregnancy -some end up in the ER needing IV fluids - but losing a few pounds at the start can be normal for some women. If maintenance for you is ~2500 calories and you eat 2400 that's probably fine. That's my opinion as a layperson - see what your provider says and be specific about what you mean by "lose weight."

    As far as your ticker goes, you can just choose not to display it or ignore the fact that it's going in the wrong direction. My 38lb loss includes the weight I lost prior to getting pregnant. It went from 34lbs prepregnancy, all the way to 13lbs at delivery, and has made its way back postpartum.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Looking at your ticker... if you gain 25 lbs for example your ticker will just stay at 0 until you net a loss (8 lbs for that example) but it will keep your goals the same.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    I am not yet pregnant, but I have a few questions and I thought someone on here might be able to help:

    1. When they say you can do whatever you did before you got pregnant, but nothing new, how do you interpret that? I am not yet pregnant, but I have started C25K. If I get pregnant, would I be able to continue with that? (Including increasing the level of intensity according to the weeks laid out in the program?) In other words, does the fact that I have jogged AT ALL mean that I can jog more while pregnant? Or would I need to work up to the level of intensity that I was hoping to maintain while pregnant ahead f when I get pregnant?

    2. Is there a way to "preserve" your ticker? I am in the process of a 70 lb weight loss journey which I am totally fine with putting on hold while pregnant, but that I'd like to continue after giving birth. I am realizing that if I got pregnant and had to put my goal at maintenance and then at gaining 0.5 lb per week for awhile, I would lose my ticker with my goal weight and how much progress I've made so far. Is there a way to just put myself on "pause" for the duration of a pregnancy? Like, have my ticker just stop for now? Or would I have to switch my goal to gaining and then come back later and start fresh with a new goal? Would it work if I just manually put in a calorie goal? Would it keep my same starting weight and goal weight and just let me do my own thing while pregnant and then pick up the goal again later?

    3. Is it really unhealthy to eat at any kind of deficit while pregnant? Everything I read says that it's fine to lose weight while pregnant as long as it's unintentional -- but how is it different for me to have lost 3 lbs in my first trimester if it's just because I wasn't as hungry, but not okay if it's because I am watching what I eat? I guess what I am saying is, what's the safety concern with losing weight due to loss of appetite vs intentional deficit? Either way, you lose because you burn more than you eat (and keep down).

    Thanks! With my first pregnancy, I was obese and was very careful to gain only the recommended amount. This was considered a good thing. Now I am contemplating getting pregnant again, but this time I would be actually tracking my calories. I am nervous that I won't know how to balance the rules about how much to gain with the rules about not "dieting."

    if you can keep your intensity that's awesome. I used to run 10ks easily before pregnant. I actually ran a 10k race @6wks and finished in 58mins BUT I can not do that anymore simply because my body wont let me. LOL. Its so hard to run now, I go walking 3-4miles and I struggle with that (mind you I'm pushing a double jogger stroller with a 1yr old and 4yr old) I'm just 10.5weeks along and a lot has changed in the past 4 weeks. I think its simply because I STOPPED running, I have a hard time starting up again. I am actually going to try doing C25k now simply because I used to be able to easily run 5ks without issues few weeks ago I feel like my body might easily get into the transition. I still do ZUmba when I can and I actually did an obstacle mud run last weekend. Just listen to your body. Your body will tell you if its too much on you or if its just fine. I ran easily with my last pregnancy up until 7-8months along, then I started to walk/run
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Thanks everyone. I will, of course, chat with my midwife once I get pregnant. I am considering a pre-conception check-up too, to get these questions answered beforehand in case they affect our timeline for baby #2.