Introducing Myself

mcneilnomore Posts: 29 Member
Good Morning! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I've been a member of this group for a while but have not been active until recently.

My name is Jennifer and I am 38 years old. I started using MFP three months ago and was following the standard diet eating whatever I wanted as long as it fell within my calorie limits. I found myself, as time went on, eating more and more junk food and felt like I was on the precipice of going completely out of control.

I started this at 306 pounds and I lost 19 pounds in 2 1/2 months. Now, I know that at 306, I should have been losing more. My weight loss was very predictable: up one week, down the next. I got tired of the yo yo and decided to adopt a lower carb mentality. I lost 50 pounds on Atkins induction several years back but couldn't stick it and regained all the weight.

One week ago I started a modified Atkins induction while trying to keep within my calorie limits set by MFP. I am trying to eat below 20 carbs but I am eating an ounce of almonds some days and a cup of yogurt every day. I'm going to continue for one month on induction and start OWL next. I did not find low carb sustainable in the past but I wasn't doing it correctly either. This time I will follow the rules (with some tweaks based on my needs). I seem to lose weight well on Atkins and it makes me feel great! The energy hasn't really hit yet but I've only been doing it for a week and it usually takes two weeks based on my history.

I would love to have some low carb friends on MFP if you would like to add me. I'd like to have a nice group of motivating friends that won't look twice when they see my diary. :)

Have a great week!



  • lorarte
    lorarte Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me :-)
  • mcneilnomore
    mcneilnomore Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks Lorarte! Just sent the request. :)
  • fat2fit4good
    fat2fit4good Posts: 154
    just getting started... almost a week into induction... induction flu starting to lift.. 10 pounds lost already! No cravings or hunger pangs... I can see this being a long term change for me!!

    I look forward to sharing my success story in a year!

    feel free to add me, specially if you are just getting started!!! let's do this!
  • whitewillow76
    whitewillow76 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! And good luck with low carb---it truly is a life style change but you can do it. I've done low carb in the past (2003) and am currently on low carb.

    Feel free to add me.
  • fat2fit4good
    fat2fit4good Posts: 154
    I posted this elsewhere and wanted to repost here: :-)

    I just started Atkins again. I did it a few years ago and it sure works to REALLY kickstart your weight loss. The problem is you have to ease your way into eating some carbs after the strict induction phase (nuts, some fruits, some whole grains in moderation), but instead a lot of people lose the weight during induction, claim victory and then go straight back to cereal, toast, pizza and bread. If you do that, you wasted your time. Doing that simply switches your metabolism to its old ways with a vengeance, insulin levels spike, hunger pangs return, etc.. doing this is probably worse for you than not doing any diet at all. I did this, and I paid for it.

    I plan to use the induction phase to kickstart weight loss and *****slap my metabolism into burning some of my plentiful fat deposits... then slowly ease my way into phase 2 for a while. I have never had a sweet tooth, so eventually I'd like to just get all my carbs from salads, fruits, nuts (no bread, pasta, sweets, etc...)

    I feel fantastic (after some initial greasy gaggy disgusting days...), and the weight is coming off quick. This is really encouraging so far. Wish me luck!!! and feel free to add me if you need low carb buddies! I hope to have a good "after" picture to add to the monstruosity currently on my profile that smacks me on the forehead everytime I log in!!! :-)