looking for support pals!

Hey All!

My name is Destiny! Started Induction on Tuesday along with my "IIFYM" protocol. Because I'm not too comfy without knowing my calories..I was able to put the two programs together. trying to eat between 1500-1800 calories a day given workouts but remain at 18-22 grams of carbs & around a 100-130 grams of protien (I normally would take this higher) but wish not to be kicked out of ketosis once that happens. Keeping fats at 60-100.

When I did "IIFYM" my number were almost the same for what atkins was asking but with "IIFYM" you can have healthy carbs or like some folks anything you want to eat as long as it fits your macro nutrients but I decided to blend the two by only eating the Atkins approved foods.

Anyone want to be my friend to motivate each other! Share meals?

I did block my diary only because I don't want my non Atkins or IIFYM's folks asking why I'm eating tons of coconut oil! lol!



  • lauralimanieri
    lauralimanieri Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Destiny,
    I'm Laurali, and I'm also looking for a support buddy who understands a low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet. I've done Atkins in the past. but always managed to eek my carbs up until I would go on carb binges and give up. I never understood the importance of fats. I'm finally putting it all together but it would be nice to have someone to share tips, questions, recipes, successes and stumbling blocks with.