Paleo Poop

aescam21 Posts: 25 Member
Sorry if this topic has been covered before. But in the last few weeks I have been doing very well paleo wise. I am on the whole30 so I haven't logged/counted calories for this purpose but I have one issue... poop... I used to consider myself very regular before embarking on this new eating plan but the last few days my bowels have been either very soft or watery. I don t want to give too much detail but on my way to work today I had terrible abdominal cramping and I thought I was going to poop myself if I didn't go to the bathroom. I was bent over the cramping was that bad. As soon as I went to the bathroom I immediately felt way better. But it was like pooping liquid... lots and lots... Again sorry for being so gross , hopefully my stomach get accustomed to this and it gets better soon. Any others have this problem??


  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Have you been eating a lot more coconut oil?How about cabbage?
    Most people work their way up in the coconut oil department as it can be an adjustment for your body and many/rapid trips to the toilet are very common.
    Also,if you have increased cabbage(especially for me),this can cause cramping,watery stools,etc.
    It will pass,no pun intended.
  • aescam21
    aescam21 Posts: 25 Member
    I have been using very little oil in food and when I do its been olive. I did have a kale/cabbage salad for lunch on Friday but other than that that's it. I'm sure it could be the coffee too. Drinking coffee always makes me go.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Coffee would have been my next avenue.
    It could also be your body detoxing in a whole 30
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Btw,if I ate a kale and cabbage salad,I wouldn't be able to walk from much as I love kale,it does not love me and the 2 together would be a double whammy effect.It's a lot of roughage.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Without having any information about what you've been eating, it's hard telling what the cause is, exactly. Here are two theories I have:

    1. Your fiber intake is way up from what you're used to. Too much fiber will cause the runs, too, especially if you're not used to a lot and suddenly jump it up. If this is the cause, it'll clear up in a few days as your body adjusts.

    2. You're eating too much protein and not enough carbs or fat. Too much protein and not enough carbs and/or fat can cause the runs, as well. If your carb intake is coming from non-starchy vegetables and not much fruit, then your carb intake is likely way down. If you're avoiding/minimizing fat on top of that, then you're setting yourself up for trouble, and this one won't go away on its own. Don't avoid fat. Instead, make liberal use of it. Coconut oil, ghee, and animal fats are all Whole 30 approved, so make use of them, especially for cooking. Olive oil is great for salads, but shouldn't really be cooked with too much (it can withstand some heat, but saturated fats are better in that department). It sounds like you could use more fat in your diet, anyway. Fat is a hugely valuable source of fuel for a hundred different reasons. Don't avoid it, embrace it.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Another thing is that if you have a lot of inflammation in your intestine it can come out as runny stool for a few days and then even out. If adjusting your fiber intake or decreasing coffee consumption doesn't fix it then this might be part of the problem, it won't last too long.
  • aescam21
    aescam21 Posts: 25 Member
    Quick update: I haven't had a bowel movement since I posted this on Saturday... Also when I woke up on Monday the room was spinning like crazy and I was very nauseous. The dizziness lasted most of the day and I am still a little nauseated. My first thought is dehydration so I have been drinking gallons of water but my appetite is almost non existent. I forced myself to eat water melon , cucumbers and mango slices for lunch and a chicken drumstick with grilled squash for dinner but that's it. I'm thinking too much coffee , not enough carbs , too much protein? Thanks off all the responses.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    give it some time, your system needs to adjust to the new way of eating, mine did too, but eventually got back to normal