June 14th, 2014


Feeling very tired this morning, but trying to fight it because I don't want to spend my only day off this week sleeping. Ugh.

Here are today's numbers:

488.5 miles/786.17 kilometers

What are your plans for the day?


  • ScatterBrainedSpirit
    ScatterBrainedSpirit Posts: 75 Member
    My number for the day: 5.93 miles

    I am off to have a short nap in the hopes that I will be able to enjoy the rest of my day!
  • mabybaby89
    mabybaby89 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! I met my friend today to pickup the homemade jerky I bought, and it is delicious! Must... resist... eating it all. Must . . . resist... must... gah!... resistance is futile! *Munches on a piece of jerky.* ;)

    8 miles on my bike
    2 miles walking the dog
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Checking in to let you know I'm still here and participating... just crummy weather (rain, rain go away) so I haven't gotten in any "extra" activity, which is all I'm counting for this challenge. Apparently it will clear up Mon-Wed next week so I'll try to make sure I take advantage of each of those rain-free days as much as possible!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    3.78 miles