Stomach fat

Do any of y'all have some tips on shrinking stomach fat? I'm losing weight everywhere BUT there & it's depressing me. I can't stand it anymore. I've never had kids & I'm only 19 so there is no reason for this. My mom said our body type sucks but still. I guess I'm having a hard time accepting it? I don't know. -_-


  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,806 Member
    Just keep going, you're doing well. Your belly will eventually shrink but if you're like me it'll be the last place you lose it. There's no way to target fat on your belly or any other place. All I can suggest is to stand up straight and pull your lower abs in - a great core exercise which will make you look leaner.
  • Emma97H
    Emma97H Posts: 5 Member
    A few years ago i have had the same thing. Believe me, it's not your body type. I suggest you do lots, and when say lots i mean it, of sit-ups. You will see the the results in about a few weeks already. Also don't eat carbs in the evening. Fat is actually better then carbs.

    It worked for me, hope it will work for you too ;)
  • sophieR12
    sophieR12 Posts: 43
    Once you start dieting and cutting down your calories your body notices the change and starts going into "starvation mode" so it starts laying down fat stores, which is why you'll still have a bit of pudge around the middle like me haha

    But if you want it to disappear then i suggest starting gentle cardio and pumping up the intensity as you build your stamina, crunches, leg raises, push ups are all good to start nuking the fat :)
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    Could it be bloating? I found that cutting wheat and dairy made a huge difference in tummy bloat. But, I still have times where the pudge stays put around the middle. Water, water, water and watching my sodium is my best weapon
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    My stomach was also the last place I lost weight as well. I was able to finally get the body I want after about a solid year of lifting heavy weights and bringing my overall body fat percentage down in the 18-20% range. My stomach was definitely the last thing to improve though.
  • jinnykittiy
    jinnykittiy Posts: 3 Member
    strength training! I started doing a lot of core workouts including hanging leg raises (working up to straight v raises) and also lots of planks. be patient and one day your abs will slowly show and stomach area will be dense, shedding fats! Once you have decent amount of muscles it will be much easier to maintain it also.