Feelings about Week 1

So just post here every day (or even at the end of the week) how you felt about the workouts!
Especially if they kicked your butt- it's always good to know you aren't the only one!


  • Brit1283
    Brit1283 Posts: 22 Member
    It's only Day 1 and that blew me away lol. Feeling encouraged that I will see results if I stick to this.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Need to make sure I don't do Zumba right before doing t25 but I got it done.

    Brit I was looking at how I did lost fall with T25 and I lost a lot of inches.
  • jmelton9
    jmelton9 Posts: 19 Member
    This week is also my first week of summer break. Should make doing it easier!
  • jcoiv70
    jcoiv70 Posts: 10 Member
    Back at it. I have done the Alpha Phase before, but never moved on to Beta (I needed to study for a test). I really want to do this in the morning, but can't seem to get myself out of bed. Did day one last night and did OK. It was much better than the first time I started this program. I find that I need groups like this to keep me motivated and have others to share the experience with. I know that this will work if I stick with it. Good luck to everyone on this ... BTW Wednesday is the killer workout for Alpha
  • Brit1283
    Brit1283 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 2 done and I have to say Speed 1.0 I actually enjoyed. It still gave me a great workout but I struggled way more with the cardio routine. Dreading 50 minutes on Friday quite a bit but I want Saturday off so I am pushing through it for sure. Starting to feel the soreness settling in so I know I am doing something!!!!!!!!!
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    Day 2 done, but kind of half assed it towards the end. I was dog-tired. Who thought 25 mins would be so brutal? Definitely not me.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Well day 2 was knd of a bust, went to do speed 1 (speed 2 is a fav) and the DVD is so scratched it won't play so I mowed the lawn. Going to probably substitute sipped 2 for 1 and rip't for TBC (I'm not hard broken about TBC I have a love/hate relationship with it).

    Jcoiv u are right TBC is. a killer like I said its a love/hate thing. Although the first double made me sore for days mostly bc I'd never done that much with the lower focus stuff in a long time.

    Brit hang in there it gets better and the doubles aren't bad after you get past the first one IMO.

    jiagetsfot. Yes it seems like much more than. 25 min at times.
  • tamikawoodson
    tamikawoodson Posts: 185 Member
    Day3 Total Body -Yes I was doing so modification when it came to the planks and jumping. My knees are very week but I hung in there.
  • jcoiv70
    jcoiv70 Posts: 10 Member
    Day 2 last evening and day 3 this morning. I now remember why I hate TBC, and to think the last week we get it 3 times. It is killer, but can be done. I feel so much better getting back into these work outs. Only 2.5 days and I seem to have a different energy level. Last time I started sleeping better, I am looking forward to that as well. Keep it up everyone
  • amybluehat
    amybluehat Posts: 17 Member
    I am a day off-I started 6/17, but thinking I might try and catch up over the weekend. First 2 workouts not bad...now I am scared for total body cardio tomorrow! Oh well there is always the modifier!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Since my speed/tbc isn't working I did rip't circuit and Zumba going to call customer service to see if I can get a replacement.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Yeah custmer service is sending me a replacement for speed 1/TBC. should've here next week
  • jmelton9
    jmelton9 Posts: 19 Member
    Well, I will first be honest and say - I am both surprised and proud that I have done this 3 days in a row. I think this is the first time, and I thank all of you. I know you are all doing it, and I don't want to be left behind! Thank you!

    Day 2- I enjoyed. I will have no problem doing that one again. However - TBC taught me that I hate planks. I am weak and I just can't do them, yet. I will get there! Good job everyone!
  • knoes1
    knoes1 Posts: 19 Member
    Played squash last night and when the alarm went off this morning at 5am to start T25 I almost used my squash as an excuse but I didnt and nailed day 4. Now my abs are asking me why I didn't use squash as an excuse! Great feeling!

    By the way what exercise are you listing this as in your diary? I've chosen Aerobic general and allocated 180 calories any insights?
  • tamikawoodson
    tamikawoodson Posts: 185 Member
    Day 4 in the books, my abs do need a lot of work.
  • jmelton9
    jmelton9 Posts: 19 Member
    Day 4 in the books. I must say, having tears in your eyes because you just realized how weak you really are is truly upsetting. I didn't give up, but I don't feel like I really achieved maximum workout today. I am headed out to zumba tonight to help burn more calories. Bring on Cardio tomorrow.
  • tamikawoodson
    tamikawoodson Posts: 185 Member
    I had a case of insomnia and couldn't sleep so I was up at 3 a.m. did both Cardio and Lower body then went for a 6 mile walk/jog. Needless say it is too late to get some sleep now since it's time to get ready for work. Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day.
  • Brit1283
    Brit1283 Posts: 22 Member
    I am one day behind. My dad was checked back into the hospital and I missed Wednesday. Will catch up this weekend though and get back on track with everyone on Monday :) The Total Body was not my favorite lol. So far I am really enjoying it overall and I like that it is done so fast but I feel it afterwards. Also having the group is great because I feel more motivated to not skip days here and there.
  • jmelton9
    jmelton9 Posts: 19 Member
    How does everyone log this into MFP? I usually just leave on my fitbit & don't do anything, but I'm sure that is not accurate. Help! ????
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    How does everyone log this into MFP? I usually just leave on my fitbit & don't do anything, but I'm sure that is not accurate. Help! ????

    Last year when I was still new to Fitbit I created my own log under cardio for T25, however now I just let Fitbit do it's thing. It's a personally preference. The abs in particular is not going to give you the step count but for me I don't mind. I have been thinking of going and logging stuff again with 1 calorie burn just so I have record of what I'm doing. It does make it easier when I need to look back over my diary.