something to take to a bbq

VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
Hello Everyone!
the guys at work are bbq-ing on friday...for them, bbq-ing means meat, meat, and chips. What raw foods do you like to bring to those types of things? I know there's always a salad, but salads are boring! Any recipes you have would be greatly appreciated.


  • LaVieEnRaw
    Try marinating portobello mushrooms for around 8 hours, then spread some avocado on top for the "mayo". After this layer burger trimmings like onions and tomatoes on top and sandwich between lettuce. It's super filling, and you can just brings everything in tupperware so all you have to do is put it together! You can even have jicama fries on the side, which is just jicama tossed with a little olive oil and your choice of seasoning. Have fun : D
  • RemDogzMa
    RemDogzMa Posts: 71 Member
    I have a dish that is very popular when I've brought it to bbqs.

    Corn and Bean Salsa

    Take organic corn and cut it off cob (if you are not 100% raw, you can open a can for the corn and/or the beans)
    2 cups soaked black beans
    1 1/4 cups chopped tomatoes OR 1 cup sliced grape tomatoes
    1/4 cup of minced red onions
    1 jalapeno
    juice of one lime
    1/4 tsp. cumin (or to taste)
    1/4 tsp. pink Himalayan sea salt (or to taste)

    Mix all ingredients together and allow to marinate in the fridge for about an hour.

    It is a very healthy alternative and goes well with bbq as it seems to fit that southwest theme. Not sure if the black beans quality as raw for you, but I guarantee you'll love the taste!

    Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    those both sound fantastic mmmm I'm totally gonna add the mushroom to my list of foods!

    I actually was going to ask about how you all prepare how long do you soak them? I'm trying to eat mostly raw, and if soaked beans are at all comprible to cooked that would be fantastic!
  • Tiffico
    Tiffico Posts: 5 Member
    I know this is an old topic, but I could definately use some recipes that people on the SAD could enjoy, any suggestions?
  • auttielise
    Whenever I BBQ, I do a whole bunch of items and end up with leftovers!
    -Corn on the cob
    -Onion sliced in ringed sections
    -Portabella mushrooms marinated in teriyaki sauce
    I'm an "enjoy every ingredient by itself" kind of person, but if you like dishes similar to what is normally brought to BBQs, google some ideas for vegan potato salad and coleslaw, do your own version of baked beans, and stick with the grilled corn. But as you can see, those are pretty heavy on the fatty / protein / starch side so eat what you feel comfortable with.
    Watermelon is great on the grill, I hear, but I've never tried it. Of course, it's always refreshing at a hot BBQ, and no one would look at you weird for having it! lol