Introduce yourself



  • saraholland452
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Sara, I'm 18 from western Connecticut. This is my first time doing JMBR and I couldn't be more excited! I'm doing my 3rd workout of week 1 today and I'm already feeling it! I'm aiming to lose anywhere from 20-30 pounds and I'm glad I have you all to keep me motivated!
  • pisces3
    pisces3 Posts: 27
    Welcome! 8 lbs in 3 weeks is fantastic. This program will definitely help you hit your goal :laugh:

    Wow, that's great!
  • pisces3
    pisces3 Posts: 27
    Welcome everyone! So glad to see more on the JMBR track.

    I'm only in week 1, but so far it's going great. I joined a while ago, but off starting so it'd coincide with a fitness challenge I'm doing with some friends.
  • nikkik8806
    nikkik8806 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone.
    I'm Nicole, I'm on my 4th week of JMBR. I've also been adding in extra cardio whenever I can. I'm completing this program this summer before my wedding this August and while I'm on break from school. I'm a nursing student. I'm also a mommy to a very busy 19 month old. Anyone can feel free to friend request me! I'm always looking for food tips because sometimes the same old chicken/lean fish & veggies gets a little bland, I'm enjoying making my food more fun. Also feel free to follow me on instagram (nikkik8806), I post a lot relating to my journey. :)
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Nicole. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You sound like you've got a lot to keep you busy:smile:
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I just ordered the JMBR set off ebay for a nice price, so I am excited to have it delivered and to start. My cousin did JMBR last year, and she was looking quite fab, she is doing it again, she is also on MFP so maybe she will join this group too. She's a few weeks into this time around.

    I have a cruise planned in October, and I want to look toned and comfortable in a bathing suit, it's been a while since I've felt really good about myself (physically). I'm about 155 now, and feel my best at 135, I'd be thilled with anything in the 130s, even 139, but for now I'll just be happy to get back in the 140s, ugh! I'm so sick of the 150s! No fun! I eat pretty healthy, I don't know why it's so hard for me to lose weight, I think it's because I'm getting older, 39. But I know I'm not as active as I should be.

    I get really bored with dvds so I hope I can stick to this program. I really enjoy working out with a group, so I might substitute some days with classes at a local fitness studio. I'm just going to try to shoot for exercise 6 days a week, 250 minutes/week, or 1000 minutes each month.

    I'm married but no kids. So I really don't have any excuses to not get my rear off the couch and get this DONE!
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    I just ordered the JMBR set off ebay for a nice price, so I am excited to have it delivered and to start. My cousin did JMBR last year, and she was looking quite fab, she is doing it again, she is also on MFP so maybe she will join this group too. She's a few weeks into this time around.

    I have a cruise planned in October, and I want to look toned and comfortable in a bathing suit, it's been a while since I've felt really good about myself (physically). I'm about 155 now, and feel my best at 135, I'd be thilled with anything in the 130s, even 139, but for now I'll just be happy to get back in the 140s, ugh! I'm so sick of the 150s! No fun! I eat pretty healthy, I don't know why it's so hard for me to lose weight, I think it's because I'm getting older, 39. But I know I'm not as active as I should be.

    I get really bored with dvds so I hope I can stick to this program. I really enjoy working out with a group, so I might substitute some days with classes at a local fitness studio. I'm just going to try to shoot for exercise 6 days a week, 250 minutes/week, or 1000 minutes each month.

    I'm married but no kids. So I really don't have any excuses to not get my rear off the couch and get this DONE!
    Welcome! I think you'll find it hard to be bored with this workout. I find it hard to put the DVD in sometimes, but once I get started I'm OK. The routines change so often and they are so fast that it's been really enjoyable. And you gain strength so quickly that it's motivating.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Maria. Started doing this workout to fill my hour of circuit training a day...I usually do 2 workouts. When I hit maintenance I may just do 1. I'm 5'2" and trying to get to my GW of 110...I have to say the JMBR workouts are really challenging and I feel they're effective as well. I skip some cardio or do it but don't come down that hard because I'm in an apartment right now & my downstairs neighbor hates the noise but part of my program has me running an hour outside. I did not buy the kit yet so I am substituting with form and weights when it comes to things that need the cable. Glad to see there's a group here to stay seems like the entire workout is supposed to last 90 days or 3 months, which is when I'm hoping to approach my GW.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Wordwhimsy and Maria - I think you'll both find this program fun and challenging. Also, its a great group of women who are amazingly supportive. Post post your workouts on the workout thread (there are links on the first page of this thread).
  • hanzbi
    hanzbi Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Biri and I'm from an island in the southern Caribbean. I did 30DS a few months ago and had a really good time. That was the first time I joined a support group and I think that's the only reason why I managed to finish it ^_^ So I'm hoping that joining this group will keep me just as motivated. I got spectacular results with 30DS -- I think it was about 7 lbs and 8 inches lost with lots of muscles suddenly appearing. Jillian Michaels is such a great instructor and motivator. Even when I'm yelling at her on the video I still appreciate how practical her workouts are and the way she keeps pushing us past those last few seconds of the move.

    Since 30DS I plateaued, started a new job (with a bakery round the corner, yikes), joined a gym, got comfortable, started eating pretty badly and ultimately gained back 7lbs. So I'm using this challenge to regain some of that discipline I had last year and revisit that healthier, clean-eating lifestyle. Best of luck to everyone!
  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Everyone! I've just started JMBR today, so I guess I'm a little way behind everyone! I've been on MFP for a while and have hit the dreaded plateau, with my weight loss. I love Jillian's DVD's, so thought I would give this one a try. I also use a FItBit, to monitor my daily activity, so I'm hoping that this, combined the the Body Revolution Program, will help get the scale and the tape measure moving in the right direction again. I haven't really used the social aspect of this website properly in the past, so would welcome any friend requests, if anyone could use some extra friends and support! Day 1 wasn't too bad as I found it quite similar to 30 Day Shred, but I'm sure that Jillian has a few surprises in store, as the workouts progress! :smile:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Biri and Marjorie. Please post about you workouts at You've joined a great group of ladies (haven't gotten any men to join - yet). We are all at different points in the BR program so no worries about where you are right now.
  • soapyskin
    soapyskin Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm right there with you Marjorie, just starting the Revolution today. I'm also a newbie to MFP. I not only hit a plateau with my weight loss, but a nearly ten pound gain since January. When I started Jillian's Body Revolution last August, I lost seven lbs my first week, and continued to lose to my ideal weight. Lean muscles developed, and I never felt/looked better, like a lot of people are describing in this group. There's something in Jillian's work outs that truly create a change in the physique that is incredible.

    Unfortunately I can see my weight is slowly wanting to creep back up, and my clothes aren't fitting as nicely. So this time around, I'm determined to make the change a permanent part of who I am.

    Today when I get home I plan on doing the first week prescribed: Cardio 1, followed by Work out 1 and maintaining a clean diet. Hope everyone else is getting through their Monday work outs. :)
  • chillau
    chillau Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm Lauren and I've been on MFP for almost 2 years now. I originally started on MFP following 2 surgeries for hernia repairs, where I was restricted on my activity and lifing abilities for quite some time. I lost 23 lbs using MFP over the course of a year and a half by just watching what I ate and by walking my dog daily (~2 miles per walk). I refer to myself as an 'intermittent' excerciser. I get on a long kick where I work out often using strength training and cardio and feel great. But, then, I end up falling out of the routine.

    I'm off of work for the summer, so I started JMBR a few weeks ago. I'm still in Phase 1, half way through week 3. So far, I'm loving the program. Admittedly, some of the initial workouts were not as challenging as I wanted, but it's good to build a strong, solid foundation. Looking forward to having some JMBR buddies!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Soapyskin and Lauren. Hope you saw the link above to where you should log in your workouts.
    Lauren - it will get more challenging soon. You'll see a difference when you get to phase 2.
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    Hi, I'm Ela. I do not own the DVDs yet, but I am planning to buy them in the near future so I thought it would be a good idea do see what I can expect... Right now I'm doing the 30 Day Shred. I lost some weight and inches doing it which was unexpected as I have Hashimoto's ( an autoimmune form of hypothyroidism ) so every little bit counts.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Ela. I think you can get a good idea of what its like by looking at our workout thread

    You'll see that it starts out fairly easy but then ramps up pretty quickly. All of us are starting from different places in terms of our in going fitness levels and weight so everyones' experience is different in terms of how it feels and how quickly they can work through it.

    I haven't done the 30 day shred so I can't comment on that DVD but I have done some of her others and I always found I couldn't get to the highest levels. I feel like BR preps you better to keep moving up. I just started the 2nd half and I can't believe some of the things I'm able to do now. This program really whips you into shape. It also helps develops a habit so I actually need and look forward to the workouts.
  • Hi, I'm Sara. I'm new to the MFP community after hearing great things about it, and I'm planning on picking up my BR dvds in the next two weeks (pending shipping!). I'm currently located in Argentina, so I'm not sure how a lot of the diet portions will work out, but I'm excited to give this a try. I have been enjoying 30DS, and wanted to kick it up a notch to get even better results!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Sara - I'm sure you are going to really enjoy will definitely be kicking it up a notch
  • musicalsmiley30
    musicalsmiley30 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Alicia and I'm 19 years old! I'm fairly new to MFP but I come back and forth for tips :)

    I'm currently on week 4 phase 1 of JMBR! I feel so happy that I came this far! I did lose a few inches on my stomach, upper thighs etc which are my problems!

    I still have the belly though so I'm not sure when the biggest changes in my quest for a skinny body (from skinny fat) will come! The fitness guide says that phase 2 is when it really begins to set in!

    Anyways hopefully just 30 mins is enough to get me to that body I dream of!