The wages of not getting that protein in



  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    JULIEBCCS. First of all this was just a general observation and not directed at any one individual. What I perceived was a large disparity across a number of individuals' protein intake and didn't know why there would be such a difference. I now have a better understanding that instructions are based on the Dr's knowledge of what will work best for each WLS patient. Mine has general, overall instructions, but tweak it to fit individual needs, based on general health, any health problems and blood work. This process is learn-as-you-go and I'm leaning more each day.

    I do know that eating habits are all about balance and in addition most of us have to now take supplements. Post surgery I have to take Iron, D3, Calcium and a multi-vitamin as I'm anemic. A few years ago I had to have twice weekly infusions for a few months that I found out almost totally destroyed my auto-immune system that will always be a problem.

    Some of us are lucky to have a team of Dr's. (specialists) who work together to come up with an individualized plan on for us post-surgery, some only have the surgeon and family Dr., some require extensive follow up the first year, some do not, and some communicate with a person's other Dr's and some do not. Our post-op instructions are as varied as we are as individuals and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.

    I personally think you are doing great and wish you continued success. Thank you for your comment in increasing my knowledge yet again.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I used to have very thick curly hair in my "youth". I noticed it starting to thin around my mid 20's and that is also when I was diagnosed with PCOS. Which I probably had for many years before getting it diagnosed. One of the symptoms if PCOS is thinning hair. Its thinned mostly on top and on the sides. I use a shampoo (Nioxin) to help keep what little I have left and am also watching my nutrition more. I am worried about losing even more after surgery and not having it come back.

    I plan on taking extra biotin (I have a bottle that I misplaced when I moved). and have also been looking into the nutritional benefits of gelatin for both protein and for hair/nails/skin elasticity. Has anyone supplemented their diet with either gelatin powder or bone soup regularly? Has you noticed any difference?

    I add knox gelatin to broth and to hot tea. It actually makes it more unctuous and I like it. A friend of mine, when she gets sick, drinks black cherry jello mixed with hot water instead of tea to soothe her throat, and says that it is good. I haven't tried it, but that would be another way to get some gelatin.

    I haven't lost hair yet, but I did just have the surgery, so I can't say that it works or not.
  • nkac1980
    nkac1980 Posts: 24 Member
    I had my surgery 17 days ago and my protein intake is only 16 grams daily. My surgeon said no to protein shakes. I am worried though that I am losing muscle mass...17lbs down.
  • spooky228
    spooky228 Posts: 34
    I lost much of my hair to the point that I went out and bought a wig.
    I am 9 months out. Four months ago I started taking Biotin, you can take 2500-5000 units a day.
    Happy to report my hair is growing back and almost back to normal.
    I also used Rogaine. It also helped my nails which had started to split and peel. They are
    healthy again. Maybe you could try this. It was recommended by my nutritionist.
    Good Luck :-)