Difficulty getting into it

Hi everyone! I haven't posted much yet, but have been doing alot of reading in this group. I am a first time mom of an 8 week old. She is the most beautiful amazing thing in my life.

I had a pretty good birth experience, with a vaginal delivery of Zaynab, who was 9 lbs 15oz. Even though the baby was big, I didn't tear and so had a really easy recovery afterwards.

I had a healthy pregnancy, gained a little under 35 lbs and have lost about 20lbs. I am exclusively breastfeeding.

My challenge is actually working out or getting exercise in. I'm losing weight slowly just from eating healthy and breastfeeding, but baby and I don't have a schedule yet and because of that, I feel like I don't have any time. She still feeds just about every 2 hours, and she sleeps well at night, but that also means she doesn't sleep a ton during the day. Between nursing (and pumping), playing and tummy time, diaper changing, time to put her down for naps (and napping when she does), paying bills and working on some baby-related things (daycare, health insurance, etc..) and making a meal for us to eat when hubby gets home, I don't have time to do much of anything else. Our apartment hasn't been cleaned in weeks (since my mother in law left), and when I do find some spare minutes, I try and tidy up, get some dishes done, etc.. oh and shower, which I think I'm managing to do twice a week.

Regardless of what I'm doing, there really is no routine yet and I'm finding that extremely challenging... Baby might wake up 2-3 times a night, or once a night. She might sleep in till 10am in the morning (and I do too) or might be up at 4:30am ready to go. It's been getting better... closer to a schedule, but when I think we've got one, she goes and flips it on me. She also has extremely fussy evenings, from 6-9pm, which is normal I know, but which is also nixing my chance of getting any workouts in after hubby is home from work.

We live in NYC and have a grand total of zero family members near by. My parents live 5 hours away and his parents live in another country. I have lots of loving friends who visit, but none that I would actually give my baby to at this stage.

Any thoughts on this? Rather than getting inspired, I get so bummed when I read about other people exercising right away postpartum because if they can do it, why cant I seem to find the time?! I've been feeling good physically for exercise for about 4 weeks now...


  • Can you put the baby in a stroller and go for a walk? Or a jogging stroller and go for a jog?

    Another option is exercise videos while baby has tummy/play time next to you.

    I have 5 kids ranging from age 10 to 2 so I have the luxury of having my 10 year old keep an eye on the others while I work out at home. But sometimes I just walk around the kitchen for 45 minutes watching a show on my iphone. lol Anything just to get moving.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I have a toddler and a 2 week old so I know where you are coming from. I try to include the babies in my workouts. Right now, 2 weeks post partum, we are taking daily walks which my 2 year old lives for and it soothes the baby as well. Once I start doing serious cardio I will have to rely on hubby more to take the wheel for an hour, which shouldn't kill him:)
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I just wanted to tell you that your life sounds perfectly normal for having a 6 week old. Breast feeding does help a lot. If you find it too hard to get in exercise you can focus on the food part for a little longer until you feel ready.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I just wanted to tell you that your life sounds perfectly normal for having a 6 week old. Breast feeding does help a lot. If you find it too hard to get in exercise you can focus on the food part for a little longer until you feel ready.

    ^^Agreed! The only thing I'll add is even though my daughter wasn't on much of a schedule, I woke up at 5 every morning to shower before my husband left for work. It helped me feel ready for whatever came. And that way, if I felt like going for a walk I didn't have to worry about "looking gross" and I just did it. We started walking outside when she was about 9 weeks old (December baby, it took 9 weeks to get above freezing!) and once we did I think it helped establish a routine for both of us.
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    I know what you mean! I have a toddler and a 5 week old. Getting in a routine has been more challenging than I anticipated. But one thing I do manage to squeeze in is walks. It's the only way me and my toddler won't kill each other during the day! LOL. I put my baby is a carrier (I wear him) and I put her in a stroller and we either go to the park or walk around our neighborhood. Sometimes, I even breastfeed my baby while we walk. Since he is in a carrier he is facing me, and I just cover him with a blanket and walk while he eats. My best advice is just get a carrier like a Ergo or something. Strap you baby in a walk. It's less stressful that way. You don't have to fuss about a stroller and all that jazz.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I know where you are coming from! My baby's schedule is still not flipped yet - he is sleeping more during the day than at night. So after the frequent feedings, diaper changes, etc. I do my best to find some time to close my eyes during the day to keep my sanity but that is hard to do when you have older kids.
    I make it a point to get in a shower every day, even if it is 3 minutes. I have to have at least that to help me feel human and not like the zombie I am afraid that I am, lol
    I have not started exercising at all yet and really don't know when I will at this point.
    As for house cleaning - I am shamed to admit that in the 6 days I have been home from the hospital, I have not done one bit of it. But, my house is mostly clean... My 8 yr old daughter has been doing it.
    Today is the first time I gave gotten around to laundry and it was one load. It went in the washer, then the drier. It is still in the drier.
    I am barely getting around to getting back on this website and trying to play catch up. But, I Ned some social life and am not ready to face people in my real world yet. Why? Because I am feeling fat, hormonal, onery, sleep deprived and still hurt. I like the people on here, they can't see me :p
    Don't beat yourself up. We will eventually get around to being able to function normally again - I personally really hope that day is soon :p
  • Thanks everyone for your words of kindness and support! Glad to see I'm not alone ! Iwill work on getting walks in during the evenings... And also on showering daily since it seems to have worked for a few of you and may be a source of motivation.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I just wanted to tell you that your life sounds perfectly normal for having a 6 week old. Breast feeding does help a lot. If you find it too hard to get in exercise you can focus on the food part for a little longer until you feel ready.

     We started walking outside when she was about 9 weeks old (December baby, it took 9 weeks to get above freezing!) and once we did I think it helped establish a routine for both of us.

    I agree with both of these ladies. Walking is the only exercise that I have been doing as well. My little lady still is very fussy in the evenings and being outside is the only thing that calms her. So I either load her up in the stroller or if she is really fussy wear her in a baby wrap and we walk. Saves both of our sanity.