november 2014

EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
I didnt see a November board so I thought I'd start one. My daughter is 11 months and, about a week ago, I had a shockingly positive pregnancy test. We are thrilled, though nervous about having two littles. We moved to CA last week and I'm super excited that I will be able to deliver at a birth center :)


  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    Congrats! I'm 24 weeks. Feel free to add!
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    congrats on your pregnancy! i'm pregnant with my first - about 7 weeks along. my estimated due date is November 8th :)
    I just had my first ultrasound yesterday and we got to see the heartbeat - so exciting!!!
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Yeah other November babies! Thsi is my first pregnancy and I am about 5 weeks along no doctor visit yet until 8 weeks but I am due sometime in mid November 2014. I would love to have some preggo pals so feel free to add me I am new to all this and would love to have others to talk to along the journey!
    Congrats to all of you!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi friends!

    I am also due mid November (I'm around 6 1/2 weeks) so no Dr. visit for me either.

    Congrats all and feel free to add!
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    This is my 3rd bubby and I'm due Nov 9th feel free to add me!!
  • burns429
    burns429 Posts: 104 Member
    Just had my first appointment today!! Due Nov 4th! It's my first so I'm a bit nervous but really excited...I know my sister and cousin are going to flip. They've been pushing for this baby since my wedding day :)

    Congrats to everyone else!!
  • cjm13
    cjm13 Posts: 2
    Just rejoining MFP!!!! Was at goal weight than found out I was pregnant which was a big surprise since my.fiance and.i both have 3 children together from our last marriages!!! We are extremely excited and havent told the kids yet only.our close I am almost 10 weeks and have gained 13 lbs so far!!!! I need ALL the support i can get:/ Pretty much freaking out:(
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Glad to have some company for November! I was going to wait for an appointment but I've been having some spotting so I'm gonna make an appointment to make sure everything is ok.i think that, for me, spotting might just be part of pregnancy because I spotted a lot with my last but I just want to make sure. Assuming all is well, we plan to announce the pregnancy at our daughter's 1year party by putting her in a "big sister" shirt.
  • KrisBB1
    KrisBB1 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP, and new to being pregnant! I'm almost 9 weeks - due date of 11/1/14. I'm secretly hoping for a late Oct. baby rather than November, but we will see what happens! I've used WW for years, and I found going from tracking everything to not was going to lead me straight to gestational diabetes. So I dropped my $18/month subscription and figured I'd try this site to track and make sure I'm getting enough of what I need, and not too much of what I don't!
  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am 7 weeks along with my third baby. My older boys are going to be 8 & 9 this year. This was a complete shock and took 3 pregnancy tests to believe it. We had tried for 2.5 years and nothing, finally giving up in January. I booked a dr appt for March 17, just before we went to Florida for 2 weeks in February. Came back and my period was due the following Friday. It didn't come and I thought it was from the antibiotics I was put on just before we left for pneumonia. By Tuesday, I was getting frustrated because it still hadn't come and a friend said well did you test? Me..test?!? Why would I ?!? 2.5 years of monthly testing and nothing, there is no reason to. So just to prove her wrong I bought two tests from the dollar store... that both came back positive. Well they were cheap so it must have been false positives, so I went to Walmart to get the 'expensive' kinds. Yet another positive. This is hubby's first, so he is just thrilled! EDD is November 14th. First midwife appt was last week, first ultrasound is tomorrow :)
    I have lost 45 lbs in the past 10 months to bring myself under 200 lbs, and am worried about going up that high. I want to remain active in this pregnancy and tone my body all over.

    Congratulations to everyone!
  • formerlynobel
    formerlynobel Posts: 96 Member
    Also due in this month. Yay!!!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    Yay 11/11 here. Feel free to add me too. So excited to eat right and exercise with this one since I was a lazy bum with my last lol. Not doing that again.
  • burns429
    burns429 Posts: 104 Member
    1/2 WAY THERE!!! I wish it was November's going to be a long summer
  • lauradoingyoga
    lauradoingyoga Posts: 22 Member
    Nov 11th too! This is my first and I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible. I did tell my husband that I'm sure not going to enjoy working off the extra weight, so I'm going to enjoy putting it on! I think I enjoyed that a little tooooo much the first trimester so I'm being much more careful this second trimester and logging my food intake.
  • myxchemx77
    myxchemx77 Posts: 2 Member
    I am due November 18th!