Quest 1: Hogger Must Die!

daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
Week 1 Quest: Hogger Must Die!
Difficulty: Very Easy
Target: Kill Hogger

Farmer Johnathan Gearhardt's prize pig Hogger has been ravaging the Enclave's Sharecropper Farm and must be stopped. In spite of our constant attempts at a diplomatic resolution, Gearhardt continues to scoff at our heroes. It's time to take action.

In order to complete Hogger Must Die! You must do the following:
-No bacon this week :/
-have at least two salads during the course of the week
-exercise for at least 30 min for at least three days

Quest Rewards:
50 Silver coins (half of a gold coin)
Resilience perk
100 EXP
-poor quality weapon [Sword of Despair]: A dull, rusted sword. It looks like it could break at any moment...+1 DMG
-poor quality apparel [Ragged Cotton Tunic]: +1 DT

In addition, killing Hogger has a 1 in 3 chance of dropping an uncommon item.
Loot Table
[nothing] [vendor trash] [Terrifying Tusk]*
*chance to intimidate a random competitor into giving you half of their money for the week.

Notate as follows:
[o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
[x] I have completed "Hogger Must Die!"


  • JimmySewell
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"

    *quick question though- i use an armband to track my activity rather than manually logging my exercise in mfp. my exercise doesn't show up because the armband is set to my tdee basically and will only show a calories burned if i exceed the target they set for me. can i still participate? i still workout there just may not be "proof"
  • Rhaynestorm
    Rhaynestorm Posts: 62 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • 8734Mang
    8734Mang Posts: 2
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"

    What is the week range?
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"

    *quick question though- i use an armband to track my activity rather than manually logging my exercise in mfp. my exercise doesn't show up because the armband is set to my tdee basically and will only show a calories burned if i exceed the target they set for me. can i still participate? i still workout there just may not be "proof"

    I have the same thing. I use my fitbit, however I do a workout just doesn't get logged in MFP.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Sorry for the late replies ladies, but no its cool. I trust you, no need for proof :)
    What is the week range?

    Since the timing of this is a bit off, it will go to next weds. but main quests generally start on monday :)
  • hismogwai
    hismogwai Posts: 58 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Megan, I'm sorry I accidentally deleted your post in the Enlist Here section, while trying to comment on it :(

    They really need to not put the EDIT and DELETE buttons so close together >:( But in any case, thank you for joining and good luck!
  • hismogwai
    hismogwai Posts: 58 Member
    Thats ok do you need me to post it again? [x] I have completed "Hogger Must Die!" my week with no bacon,at least 2 salads and 3 30 min sessions of excersice im counting monday 16th till monday 23rd as my week although i only joined the quest on the 20th =) hope this is ok =)
  • lazydanthaman
    lazydanthaman Posts: 182 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"

    Knocking out this quest this week!!!
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    [x] I have completed Hogger Must Die.
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    [o] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"

    *quick question though- i use an armband to track my activity rather than manually logging my exercise in mfp. my exercise doesn't show up because the armband is set to my tdee basically and will only show a calories burned if i exceed the target they set for me. can i still participate? i still workout there just may not be "proof"

    i failed this quest >.< i spaced and had bacon on something this weekend.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    [x] I have started "Hogger Must Die!"

    Well since I don't have any bacon or really like it this is complete.
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    That is why I put I completed it. I don't have any bacon here and won't get some until we go shopping. Therefore, the quest is done.