Overcoming hunger pangs

scubakat1212 Posts: 11 Member
What do people do to overcome hunger? When I do a big work out, like swimming or a long hike, I feel like eating a horse! And I'm cutting down on sugar...but it makes me just want to eat more. What are everyone's tips for keeping hunger at bay, especially after lots of exercise? Help!


  • Amytnblonde
    Amytnblonde Posts: 9 Member
    To avoid over eating I drink something hot like tea or decaf coffee or broth. It curves the appetite. It works for me.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    To avoid over eating I drink something hot like tea or decaf coffee or broth. It curves the appetite. It works for me.

    and i also try to consume a good dose of protien. Either a boiled egg, a tuna packet, or even a protien shake
  • scubakat1212
    scubakat1212 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, protein seems to work well. I've eaten yoghurt straight after my walk today and it's kept the hunger at bay.
    All hints and tips welcome :-)
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Could this offer any relief... (just a thought of mine)

    Consuming your calories during seating of 3 meals could possible generate time windows where cravings or pains could occur...

    I'm wondering if a foraging approach might prevent the craving/pains? Something like eating smaller amounts regularly throughout the day...

    A second though... frozen grapes, frozen yogurt bar, gum or something like beef jerky?

    Carl -
  • antrobin
    antrobin Posts: 73 Member
    To avoid over eating I drink something hot like tea or decaf coffee or broth. It curves the appetite. It works for me.

    I brew some black chai tea and add a little milk. the combination of the spices satisfies my hunger and I munch a couple of almonds.
    don't use the chai tea powder, it's loaded with sugar. my fave is Stash black tea chia spice
  • scubakat1212
    scubakat1212 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Carl...yes I do eat smaller meals. Not the standard three. But the frozen grape idea is such a good one! I'm veggie so gum is also a good option. Thanks !
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    Oh I am going to try this because I am also hunger.
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    frozen yogurt bar, gum and beef jerky . I like this !!
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Wow, that's cool :glasses:
  • 50sthenew30
    50sthenew30 Posts: 57 Member
    Its all in the preparation.
    I know Im going to be hungry at certain times of the day, so I make up some sin free slimming world munchiies the night before.
    Slices of ham with fat free cheeses pread x4 on a plate in the fridge for when I come home from work.
    I also make up 2 small containers of overnight oats.
    30 mg of oats, dessert spoon of whey protein, 3 spoons of fat free yoghurt, vanilla and a splash of 1% milk. Mix it all together then divide into very small food containers and top with a different flavour of ff yoghurt.
    I normally have one for mid morning and another as part of lunch.

    Hope that might help some of you. :)
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Also, make sure that you are hydrating well. I have noticed that after a hard work out if i drink at least a bottle of water that my hunger stays at bay. As others have said, nuts or protein, and some say a complex carb will help fuel the body and aid w/ muscle recovery post work out. Although I have found that the hunger subsides when your body is moving and is used to the more intense work out. When I first started I starved post work out also...but that has mitigated quite a bit.
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    I think I said this once before I am so bad at this eating , I am working my butt off and I am still hungry . Why am I always hungry , nothing fills me up , I am tried of counting and trying to figure out what to eat ##screaming at my refrigerator right now.
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    I am off to get some coffee so that I don't eat my whole pantry #ugh :(