


  • strippedandvital
    strippedandvital Posts: 32 Member
    I'm Robin- 34 years old. I am a mother to 4 kids: 7, 3, and twin 1yos.
    I'm also a military wife, teacher, grad student, writer and runner.
    I'm in great shape- just ran my first half-marathon, but I have one little problem that holds me back....
    I have been a binger for 14 years and have seen my weight go to 192lbs at my highest.
    I lost 40lbs over the past two years thanks to increasing my fitness, but I've been lousy with eating
    So, I've turned over a new leaf and made the commitment to get the eating under control once and for all.
    I am 35 days binge free today, and going strong. I did it by doing a 30-day detox system. That worked for me so far, but I've seen hundreds of other people fail miserably as the first week on it was hellish. So, I'm not sure if I recommend it for anyone- what works for some, does not work for all.
    My father is a recovered alcoholic. He hasn't had a drink in 31 years. I see this addictive eating disorder in the same way. It's totally a one step at a time thing, and I'm starting to really believe now that I can tackle it better when I just set really short-term goals for myself... i.e "I'm not binging this month" than really unrealistic ones.
    So, I like this group.
    Thanks Megan for starting it. We've got this!

    I'd love to hear more about the 30-day detox you did. I'm desperate to get past this binging & would definitely try anything that might help.

    In general, I also view the addiction to overeating in the same light as an alcohol or drug addiction. My partner has been a struggling alcoholic for 25 years, & has frequent relapses, so I see his struggle in the same light as my own. To a degree though, I think the overeating addiction we all suffer from is much more difficult to manage because we have to eat SOME in order to live. It's like telling an alcoholic to just have one glass of wine or telling a druggie to just do one line of coke. It's nearly impossible to control yourself when you literally MUST put your addiction into your body daily to stay alive. Once it's in your hands, you taste it, you feel that familiar feeling... it's the hardest thing to say "That's enough. I'm good with just that bit". Most people don't understand that. Thankfully, due to his own struggles, my partner understands what I fight daily, but it's not the same as someone who also overeats in an addictive manner.

    I came here looking for supportive, positive people who can understand this plight. Please feel free to add me.
  • Leahkat1020
    Leahkat1020 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all, I'm not sure how active this group is (looks like people are still on here). I'm Leah. I'm 21 and I'm studying social work in college. Right now I'm working at a McDonald's for the summer in my hometown. All of my friends have moved away from here so it's been very lonely. I'm staying with my parents and my relationship with them and with their religion (and how that influenced perception of myself, especially my sexual orientation) greatly influenced my habits of binge eating. I've been able to admit now that it really needs to be treated like the addiction it is. I'm looking for some support during difficult times as well as encouragement from people going through something similar. My hobbies include bike-riding, crochet, video-games, and watching Netflix.
  • Hello Everyone!

    New to MFP as of today! I have been a binge eater all of my life, however the issue has gotten progressively worse through the years and this year it's affected my my weight, my health, my finances, attendance at work, social life, romantic life, relationships with family and friends, and my zest for life. I'm currently going through the intake process at a hospital for the eating disorders program.

    I have 49 lbs to lose and have decided to go paleo. The paleo lifestyle makes sense to me and the eliminated foods are all triggers for me, so it looks like it can only be beneficial.

    I'd love to have some friends for encouragement and to encourage! None of us are alone in our journey's, so let's share it! :)
  • Hi everyone- My name Christina and I have Binge Eating Disorder. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago, but I can recall binging and all of it's ugly behaviors as far back as 5. I am 41. You do the math! A LONG time. I don't know how to work on this king it go away. Will it ever? I am at my wits end AGAIN and once again after working SO hard at loosing weight at the beginning of the year(I lost 40lbs) I feel back into the trap. Thinking at first I could control it. I could eat that "one donut" or "one handful of chips" it wouldn't effect me. I could work it off easily! As usual, the one became 2, then 3 etc. The sneaking around started because I didn't want my coworkers or family or husband to see me eating unhealthy again. The exercising decreased and eventually ceased. Before I knew it, before my eyes I had stopped all efforts to be healthy and loose weight and began the gain. And gain I did. I haven't weighed myself, but I am certain I am close to if not over my 40lbs lost. All my clothes are super tight, and I got rid of a ton of clothes in this process so I am struggling to find clothes that fit me. I refuse to buy bigger sizes! I want to get back in the groove, finally after 4 months of continuous binging. Though I want this, I am still struggling. As I sit here all I can think about is food. I need support, I need accountability and I really need to meet and talk to people in my shoes. I've been obese for years. I am realistic,I know I may never be THIN. That is OK with me. I want to loose weight, I want to be healthy and look and feel good about myself. I don't think that is too much to ask! Is it?
  • jkovasckitz
    jkovasckitz Posts: 2 Member
    I am a 24 year old male loving in Charlotte, NC. I have struggled as long as I can remember with Binge Eating Disorder, but only recently discovered that my struggle had a name. I have researched extensively and discovered my passion for Nutrition and a need to battle this, before I develop serious health issues.

    The main thing I am struggling to find is other males who relate to my issue / accountability within my community. Eating disorder research, support and communities all seem to be female only. I am unable to afford therapy, so I am looking for all resources and community to help. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
  • ripley821
    ripley821 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm Valerie and I've struggled with disordered eating for as long as I can remember, but it really started to affect me in high school (I'm 25 now). After a period of severe restriction I began to binge, then starve, then binge. I've had periods where I've gotten better and barely binged (right before I graduated college) but for the past 6 months I've been binging on average 2-3 times a week and gained about 30 pounds. I went to an outpatient program, which I finished last month, and I started going to support meetings again last week.

    I use binging to escape uncomfortable emotions- especially sadness and my depression- and to escape from everyday life. I also isolate a lot (emotionally) and so it's hard for me to reach out for support.

    I'm happy to say today is my third day binge free. I'm not sure how long in college I went without a binge, but the longest I can remember is 24 days, which was last spring. I really want to get better and am looking for support.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    hello my name is Karen. I have been a binge eater for a long time. I have lost 120 pounds and recently began binging again and gained some back. I even reset my ticker such as weight lost since restarting again in March.

    I don't have a lot of time to post here but I am very active on my newsfeed if anyone wants to add me as a friend.
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Hi. My name is Amanda and I am 33 years old. I have a compulsive eating disorder. I blogged about this awhile back. My binge eating started as a teen but really exploded after surviving sexual assault. I'll link my blog in case anyone is interested:

    I work in a library. I have an amazing husband and three wonderful kids. Now if I could just control my self-loathing enough to like and care for myself!
  • aconstant440
    aconstant440 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. I'm seeking treatment for binge eating disorder, but wanted to look for support on MFP also. I've had some type of eating disorder for years, and I suspect that my diagnosis will actually be Eating Disorder -- Not Otherwise Specified. I've had weight problems my whole life and remember my first diet when I was about 11. I lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers, only to get to a goal weight and start gaining it back within the first week on "maintenance." I've gained 50 of the 80 that I lost. Prior to WW, I'd lost weight thanks to Xendadrine diet pills. Every time I get to a goal, I begin the binge process again. I'm really good at losing weight and not good at maintaining a weight. I also have an OCD diagnosis which factors into every decision that I make and keeps every thought about EVERYTHING cycling forever. I have an intake appoint on May 6 with UPMC COPE (Center for Overcoming Problem Eating) and can't wait to get the help I need.
  • stellarchic06
    stellarchic06 Posts: 7 Member
    I just can't get a grip!!!

    What a great opening line but that's about the truth. I've had weight problems and eating problems for YEARS!!! When I was a child, it was just...oh, she's overweight. As a teenager, it became...well, your dads family isn't tiny so it's just family genes. Even as an're just an emotional eater that we need to get ahold of. I was always one of the heavier kids in school, hating gym class and always being made fun of. However, my junior year in high school I was diagnosed with migraines and put on multiple "experimental medications and treatments" which seemed to trigger my weight explosion...I put on 35 lbs over the course of 1 1/2 yrs. and I've just ballooned ever since!

    I am a 31 (almost 32) mother of 2 very healthy boys, and overweight or obese doesn't even begin to describe me. I feel like a horrible mom!!! Although right now my boys have extremely good eating habits (who knows how they got that, not from me or their dad!), I am afraid that it won't always be like this.

    Earlier this month I was doing good watching what I ate for 2 weeks, even lost 14 lbs. But then came by youngest sons birthday with leftover cake and subs and then came Easter with leftover food. And I have tasted real food and I love the way it tasted and *makes me feel*. I woke up Monday with every intention on watching and measuring everything I ate, and was proud of myself during breakfast and lunch, then afternoon came :( I sat down and ate 2 packs of Swiss Cake Rolls and 1 pack of Nutty Bars and 2 hours later had a full sized dinner.

    I know what I am doing is bad and wrong but I can't stop it. :( That's my story, thanks for letting me vent!
  • jraejess
    jraejess Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. My name is Jessica. I am 27 years old. When did it change? What made it change? My brain went from the idea that you eat to live to thinking that I needed to live to eat! I remember the day that I decided to make a change. It was the beginning/middle of 2011 and I was in my bathroom balling my eyes out picking at every imperfection I saw about myself. What got me to this point you ask? Well, a few days prior, I was told by a smaller child that I was so huge and then proceeded to ask if I had eaten another person. I laughed it off at the time but deep down, it hurt. I didn’t know how to change. I didn’t want to change to become healthy. I wanted to change to be sexy and get a man! I know, not the best reason.

    So here I was, a twenty-five year old woman who was scared, weak, embarrassed, had multiple health issues, insecure, and lost. In the first week, I think I failed around seven times. My thinking was that if I wasn’t eating, then I wouldn’t gain. That would last about two hours! I had to realize that I was eating for everything. Whether I was happy, sad, angry, depressed, excited, bored, or it was a Tuesday night! I always struggled with eating habits growing up. Even went as far as lying to people telling them I wasn’t hungry because I was embarrassed to eat in front of people. I was afraid of being judged. I would only eat in the privacy of my room late at night or in my car after a drive thru run. A lot of the times, when I did eat, I would make myself sick so I wouldn’t gain. All the lying and secrets caught up to me. And when it did, I made a promise to someone that I would not do that anymore. To this day, I have kept my word. However, there was still so many underlying issues.

    When I decided to tell people I wanted to try to lose the weight, I got responses stretching across the board. I heard encouragement and negativity. Some people thought I could do it, and unfortunately some people had no faith in me. I took the negativity to heart. The beginning was really tough for me. I didn’t know how to cook, I didn’t know how to read labels properly, and I think the only exercise I got was walking into work. I started to doubt myself. I didn’t think I could do it. But I had to. I was on the verge of diabetes, had bad knees, had multiple stomach issues, and so much stress from the way I looked and me being upset about it. If I didn’t do something, I was worried that I wouldn’t make it to thirty. So I took it one day at a time. Some of the days were bad. Some days I wouldn’t eat. The majority of the days were good. The weight started dropping off. However, I wasn’t proud of the changes I had made. All I could focus on was my appearance and I thought I looked the same. I had lost 50lbs at this point. I would still look in the mirror and see all my imperfections. Which would then turn into a binge.

    I was finally going fairly steady and in July/August of 2011, I was in a relationship after years of not being in one. A few months later, it ended horribly! I sunk back to my old self. I blamed myself and my weight for everything. I would not eat for days and then consume a weeks worth of calories in 20 minutes. Any confidence that I had gained was gone! I was completely broken! I didn’t care about myself at this point and it took every ounce of my being to make it through the day. I felt like all the hard work I had done was for nothing. I was still in the mentality that I was making this change for everyone else. I was still trying to prove a point to everyone.

    However, lately, I have REALLY be struggling with over eating and I cannot seem to stop.
  • Hey everyone. My name is Brittney and I've struggled with BED for the last two years, and it probably doesn't sound that bad because it hasn't been that long but it really is a mental "hell". I started binge eating around the time where my mom and step dad were getting a divorce. My step dad had been making advances on me for awhile and I used food as a way to cope. I felt ashamed from my step dad, and then added the binge shame on as well. I have had a very low self esteem for a long time now and I just want to feel confident again! I never really thought about why I was doing this though until a few months ago. I started to become very depressed and my grades at school dropped, I often feigned being sick because I thought that when people at school saw me they would just know what I did last night- binged. I've yo-yo'd in my weight a lot, gaining around 25 lbs in the last year.
    Eventually I sought help from my parents and friends and it has been a battle to recover. I have been seeing a counselor which has really helped. I'm really glad this forum has been created.
    Anyways, I am a very positive person and I am going to kick this horrifying habit in the butt! I hope I can help others here in their journey as well. :)
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone

    I am so glad this group is still active, and I have been reading everyone's stories. My name is Jan and my story is very similar to many of yours. My highest (known) weight was 222lbs and I have managed to lose around 65lbs. I always had episodes but lately my binge eating has returned to the bad old days, where I am hiding food packages, getting up in the night/early morning to eat, and binging until I feel physically sick. It seems like I have fallen back into that deep dark pit again where I feel I am never going to get out.

    But I found this group, and I am hoping this will be a place where we can support each other, share and understand without prejudice. My main problem is that I eat to punish myself and to run away from my emotions. My focus is going to be on emotion regulation and mindful eating.

    Good luck everyone xx
  • kateos1980
    kateos1980 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. My name is Katie. Or Kate, that is fine too.

    I came to the realization last night that I have a problem with binge eating. I saw my doctor in November and we talked about my desire to lose weight. I cancelled my follow-up in January because I had gained weight. I have struggled the last few months trying to get on track. One good day, two, three, four bad days. I feel miserable, physically and emotionally. It is affecting my relationship with my husband.

    Today is the day that I am going start beating this. I started tracking my food today. I tracked the good, the bad and the ugly. I know there are going to be ups and downs, but this is the beginning.
  • Hi I am Danielle

    My story is not dramatically different from many of the introductions. I am an emotional over eater. I really want to free myself from this dysfunctional relationship who some call ED. I am now in the 300's, borderline diabetic and hypertensive. My intention is to work to plan and prepare healthy choice meals, journal, therapy and reading.

    Looking forward to cheering us all on!
  • PS - Please feel free to Friend me!
  • Hi everybody. I'm a 31 year old stay-at-home mom who has struggled with overeating/binge eating since I was a small child. I have always been an overeater, but I started binging during my first pregnancy 6 years ago. I got up to 235+, and then lost down to 180 and stayed there for a few years. Since last Christmas I have started bingeing again, and I am ready to stop! The big factor in my eating is the sexual abuse I went through during my childhood. I started working through my memories with a therapist this last year, and I have been able to heal a lot....but I am going back to the overeating, which I loathe. I come from a long line of binge eaters, and being around them during Christmas seemed to trigger me as well. I am so happy to have found a group that deals with this disorder. A lot of people don't take overeating seriously. I liken it to someone who drinks a beer a week vs a six-pack every night-binge-eating is not just overeating. Thank you for all the support, and feel free to friend me or send me a message. I really need the support!
  • newbutterfly123
    newbutterfly123 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the intro. I joined 30 min ago!!! I found out about MFT just today. I have been a binger since I was 5. I weigh 164. I am vegan (when I dont have yucky binge slips which I have about 2 a week). I am an elementary teacher. I'm in therapy but I think this site will give me the support I need. I like this site because I will get get mutual support and I dont have to report my food in to anyone or feel outside preassure. I am so exited about monitoring my food in a kind way and getting to know others who are in a similar situation as me.
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 26 and I've binged my way to pretty bad heartburn, acid reflux and haemorrhoids.
    I'm 10 lbs away from being obese and feel old before my time.
    Just by drinking more water, I lost 5 lbs.
    Looking forward to losing the other 50!
  • Positive_Changes
    Positive_Changes Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm 23 and have just graduated from university. Binge eating has been a real struggle for me my whole life, but it's only something I've consciously realized a few days ago. I had always just thought that "I ate a bit too much" or "didn't eat quite the right foods", but it took some internet (and soul!) searching to really admit that I have a problem.

    Now, when I look back at me as a kid in high school, sneaking submarine sandwiches, chocolate bars, frozen dinners, cereals, and chips into my room, eating them and hiding the evidence (all between the 3 squares a day my mom would make), I am sad. At its worst this behavior has caused me on a handful of occasions over a 10-year period to eat so much that I went to the bathroom to throw it up, not because I wanted to be slender, but because my stomach was so uncomfortable and stuffed to the max, that I could not bear to sit with it waiting for the massive amounts of food to digest. It wasn't until I told someone out loud about this that I realized just how wrong it was. This behavior, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and an aversion to vegetables, caused me to weigh 320 lbs at my heaviest.

    Even today, after having lost and kept off about 70 lbs from three years ago, I am still overweight and still battles with the same demons. I ate much healthier foods today, but the quantity, frequency and manner in which i enjoy them is still reminiscent of those dark high school times. I know it's a compulsion because I've even caught myself sneaking my friend's gummy vitamins when they're not in the room, or taking food from people's cabinets and going home and gorging. It's not a matter of me liking or needing the food- I'm driven by something else.

    If you knew me outside of this forum, you'd think I was a very together person. I am intelligent, kind and extremely functional and very fun and accomplished. But this compulsion still haunts me every day. No one (except the few I've chosen to tell) have any idea that I struggle with this problem. They have no idea that these compulsions stop me from leading a normal lifestyle and losing the 95 more lbs that I need to lose.

    So, I am working toward consistency in my diet and exercise habits. I don't want to binge. I don't want to do diets. I want to eat well, in appropriate amounts, consistently. I don't want to be compelled to buy bags of chips and eat them by myself in my room, or hide the evidence of food I've pilfered from my friends. it is wrong. But I need support and time.