When did you start calling yourself a runner?



  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Lol ummm I don't really know this answer. I guess when people started asking me... "Are you a runner?" I usually had some lengthy explanation like "well I run but I don't run like marathons or anything" type of BS. But the more I was asked this question, the more comfortable I just felt saying "yes" & getting on with it. As soon as I started responding yes, I Probably started referring to myself as a runner.

    In my view, anyone who runs, is a "runner". It's like anyone who eats drinks could be called a "drinker".. But are they "drunk" "alcoholic" "social drinker" etc is the important follow up question.

    I'm a marathon manic.. So I guess you could say this running thing has gotten out of control ;)
  • apple_22over7
    I think the most I felt like a runner was in the winter, training for the half in Feb took serious dedication. AT the time I was doing a 2.5hr each way commute, leaving home at 5:30am and not getting back until 7pm. I'd then get in, get changed and head out for a run. It dawned on me one evening when I left for an 8 mile LSR - in the dark, in the rain, in the cold - that I must either be mad or I must be a runner.

    I'm still not sure which it is, although saying "I'm a runner" is (marginally) more acceptable socially than saying "I am mad".
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    I'm still not sure which it is, although saying "I'm a runner" is (marginally) more acceptable socially than saying "I am mad".

    Most of my non running (and a few of my running) friends tell me I'm mad on a regular basis. They are synonymous. :glasses:
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    When I realised I was modifying my schedule to ensure I had time for my runs, and just how cranky I got/get if something interfered with my run at the last minute.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Threads like this always give me an opportunity to post my favorite running quote:

    "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."

    I love that quote.

    I knew I was a running from the first day I laced up those shoes and had the intestinal fortitude to run out in public no matter what I looked like or what others thought of me passing by. :)

    Now, addicted to running, yes to many things I've read here:

    I don't like to be called a "jogger" there is no such thing.

    I get cranky if I don't run, if I feel cranky and can swing it, I will go run.

    I alter my waking times in order to fit the things in that need to get down during a day or to do things with my son for the summer.

    All my friends at work know I run and send new runners in my direction.

    I'm sure there are more........*sigh*
  • Novus175
    Novus175 Posts: 80
    Threads like this always give me an opportunity to post my favorite running quote:

    "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."

    There was a day when I was doing the Couch to 5K program when I realized that I loved running and there was just this sense that there my "inner runner" was being set free at last, after years of being smothered in an overweight and sedentary body. O my g....that was an awesome day.

    Then this spring, after a few years of not running, I kept feeling this urge to run. I mean, I'd be walking through work or the supermarket or whatever....and I just wanted to break out into a run. It was like that "inner runner" was screaming, "Let me out!"

    Wait. This sounds totally bonkers, doesn't it? But someone said something in this thread about being mad, didn't they? :D
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    My biggest realisation that I was a runner was tonight when I was doing the dishes and saw the note I left my OH on Sunday.
    'Gone to running thing
    be home between 2 -3pm'

    I got a call at 4pm that arvo asking where I was. When I said I did one more even that planned, all I got was an 'Oh ok;' And I wasn't even in trouble when I got home.

    When 'Running thing' is an easier explanation than what is actually happening and your OH accepts it. You're definitely a runner!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I started calling myself a runner when I just felt like I had to run. I felt weird on the days I didn't run and always felt great after a run. Running is very much a part of me now.

    It boosts my spirits, helps me relieve stress, keeps me in shape, I could go on and on.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    When I decided that I loved to run. When I wasn't doing it for exercise or because I was training for something. When it became a part of me and I identified with it. This was before I completed my first half and at this point in my life, I have no intentions of ever attempting a marathon.
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    When I joined a running club, on the advice of people on here ( thanks dave)