Ok so i bought this stuff.. my question is.. how does everyone do on it. ? if i make some of these recipes like cookies with organic eggs and dark chocolate... (is it ok?) i would love to have dessert again.. i mainly cant eat normalaly anyway because i gain weight and i have a ton of stomach issues (thats the worst page).. so far in paleo NO STOMACH issues.... so just curious how that translates to BAKING paleo..since that changes the chemistry of the food...

any good recipes that you have actually tried. i am up to all suggestions and any experience good or bad.. happy to hear it.


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I have a flourless mandarin cake on my blog it's not really paleo as it does use sugar, so more gluten free.

    I also have a gluten free brownie recipe on my blog.

    Almond flour is blanched almonds.
    Almond meal is the whole almond.

    So when a recipe calls for meal, the usually mean Almond Flour.

    The ratios are different. Check out blogs like stupideasypaleo or omgplaeo for dessert recipes.

    Eat like a dinosaur as a good cookie recipe too, I think it's also up on the paleoparents blog.
  • smallpalehuman
    smallpalehuman Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Maria

    When I first dipped my toe in to the Paleo lifestyle a few years back, I was ALL ABOUT the Paleo-friendly desserts! There are many delicious recipes out there! The coconut flour banana bread and chocolate almond meal cookies were my FAVES and I began consuming far too much of them EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

    For me, eating the Paleo baked goods just induced cravings for sweet treats and created the same bad habits I was trying to get rid of.

    Nowadays I'm more sensible to my approach to 'treat's, if I fancy something which isn't savoury, I'll have a small amount ofblueberries, blackberries, coconut chunks, coconut manna, almond butter, almonds or a cacao and coconut milk shake/popsicle.

    But, hey, just because I would scoff a whole Paleo Banana Loaf in one sitting, doesn't mean you will! So if you can enjoy them in moderation, go for it! I just wanted to share my experience :)
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Maria

    When I first dipped my toe in to the Paleo lifestyle a few years back, I was ALL ABOUT the Paleo-friendly desserts! There are many delicious recipes out there! The coconut flour banana bread and chocolate almond meal cookies were my FAVES and I began consuming far too much of them EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

    For me, eating the Paleo baked goods just induced cravings for sweet treats and created the same bad habits I was trying to get rid of.

    Nowadays I'm more sensible to my approach to 'treat's, if I fancy something which isn't savoury, I'll have a small amount ofblueberries, blackberries, coconut chunks, coconut manna, almond butter, almonds or a cacao and coconut milk shake/popsicle.

    But, hey, just because I would scoff a whole Paleo Banana Loaf in one sitting, doesn't mean you will! So if you can enjoy them in moderation, go for it! I just wanted to share my experience :)

    This is what i thought.. you know what you are RIGHT.. if i start making BANANA BREAD>. i will eat too much...
    I can do like you and eat blueberries with organic cream? and maybe some DARK chocolate chips with ORGANIC raw honey if i am craving...
  • smallpalehuman
    smallpalehuman Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Maria

    When I first dipped my toe in to the Paleo lifestyle a few years back, I was ALL ABOUT the Paleo-friendly desserts! There are many delicious recipes out there! The coconut flour banana bread and chocolate almond meal cookies were my FAVES and I began consuming far too much of them EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

    For me, eating the Paleo baked goods just induced cravings for sweet treats and created the same bad habits I was trying to get rid of.

    Nowadays I'm more sensible to my approach to 'treat's, if I fancy something which isn't savoury, I'll have a small amount ofblueberries, blackberries, coconut chunks, coconut manna, almond butter, almonds or a cacao and coconut milk shake/popsicle.

    But, hey, just because I would scoff a whole Paleo Banana Loaf in one sitting, doesn't mean you will! So if you can enjoy them in moderation, go for it! I just wanted to share my experience :)

    This is what i thought.. you know what you are RIGHT.. if i start making BANANA BREAD>. i will eat too much...
    I can do like you and eat blueberries with organic cream? and maybe some DARK chocolate chips with ORGANIC raw honey if i am craving...

    Oh for sure! My favourite combination is blueberries or blackberries with a HUUUUUUUUUGE dollop of Devonshire clotted cream. Not sure if you can get anything similar out of the UK, but if you can get hold of it, you have to try it! If not, heavy whipping cream is just as yummy.

    As long as the berries are ripe, you will not need the honey. Just a little dusting of cinnamon will do the trick nicely.
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    Most people would say to avoid replacing sweets with Paleo treats. I think if you can do it without inducing cravings, then there's nothing wrong with a treat once in a while. I've actually made treats to bring to the office when I know we're celebrating a birthday and want to be social. While others eat cake and brownies, I have my treat. I've shared and some of my coworkers enjoyed it. I have found some great recipes on Fastpaleo, also Nom Nom and Paleomg.

    I apologize that I can't remember what site I got this from, but there is an amazing coconut-chia-chocolate cookie recipe that I love. It calls for coconut flour though, not almond.

    Good luck.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Hi Maria

    When I first dipped my toe in to the Paleo lifestyle a few years back, I was ALL ABOUT the Paleo-friendly desserts! There are many delicious recipes out there! The coconut flour banana bread and chocolate almond meal cookies were my FAVES and I began consuming far too much of them EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

    For me, eating the Paleo baked goods just induced cravings for sweet treats and created the same bad habits I was trying to get rid of.

    Nowadays I'm more sensible to my approach to 'treat's, if I fancy something which isn't savoury, I'll have a small amount ofblueberries, blackberries, coconut chunks, coconut manna, almond butter, almonds or a cacao and coconut milk shake/popsicle.

    But, hey, just because I would scoff a whole Paleo Banana Loaf in one sitting, doesn't mean you will! So if you can enjoy them in moderation, go for it! I just wanted to share my experience :)

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Paleo substitutes are a big fail for me. (omg Paleo Banana loaf, my biggest enemy!) However, homemade Paleo granola bars are a big win for my child, but she's 6. They are not so great for me at 41.

    (I would highly recommend that if one is obsessed with weight loss and the number on the scale, stick to whole foods or you will be back here posting how "Paleo didn't work".)
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Maria

    When I first dipped my toe in to the Paleo lifestyle a few years back, I was ALL ABOUT the Paleo-friendly desserts! There are many delicious recipes out there! The coconut flour banana bread and chocolate almond meal cookies were my FAVES and I began consuming far too much of them EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

    For me, eating the Paleo baked goods just induced cravings for sweet treats and created the same bad habits I was trying to get rid of.

    Nowadays I'm more sensible to my approach to 'treat's, if I fancy something which isn't savoury, I'll have a small amount ofblueberries, blackberries, coconut chunks, coconut manna, almond butter, almonds or a cacao and coconut milk shake/popsicle.

    But, hey, just because I would scoff a whole Paleo Banana Loaf in one sitting, doesn't mean you will! So if you can enjoy them in moderation, go for it! I just wanted to share my experience :)

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Paleo substitutes are a big fail for me. (omg Paleo Banana loaf, my biggest enemy!) However, homemade Paleo granola bars are a big win for my child, but she's 6. They are not so great for me at 41.

    (I would highly recommend that if one is obsessed with weight loss and the number on the scale, stick to whole foods or you will be back here posting how "Paleo didn't work".)

    yeah i agree.. I have read alot about how many people (if they get tooo fancy with recipes) it just does not go well.. so i am going to stay away for now.. maybe as a treat for family and then i can try it.. Kids are loving love the Organic Dairy things in the house, a whole lot more fruit and veggies and NO MORE protien bars.. just jars of nuts...I even got them GLUTEN FRE PRETZLES and they are yummy for kids and they are better and have more of a snap..... so like its working out for the entire family.... ( even though they of course eat carbs because of SPORTS and they are young etc.. so good carbs are still ok for them..)

    BUT NO JUNK.. our house has never and will never have that...

    a note about the the very beginning i think the nuts were stopping me from losing weight and i laid off a little..

    overall.. I am very happy and most of all I FEEL great and not hungry.. ( very life changing for me)... seriously i must have some kind of allergy to gluten and dairy because ever since i gave it up, NO STOMACH PAIN....

    i feel so liberated.......
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    I prefer coconut flour but only use it for birthdays/holidays. After a while you don't miss the bread and treats like at all its kind of amazing; took me about 1.5 years to not make grain free rests once a week :).