Who is doing what?

Please share what workout are you currently doing? Is it working for you? What about your nutrition - is it in check? Would love to hear everyone's fitness journey!!


  • Talina78
    Talina78 Posts: 1
    hello! mom of 3 here, 7yo, 6yo and 4mo. I´m walking for an hour a day and watching VERY closely what I eat. So far I've lost 7 kg (roughly 15 lbs) and am aiming for at least 10 kg more. I'm waiting for my dr to give the ok for me to hit the weight floor, I miss pumping iron!
  • Pamdiane82
    Pamdiane82 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there I'm a mom of a 16 month old and getting back on a fitness track. I was in love with running before my son Logan so I need to bring it back into my life to get in shape. I always loved it and running is what helped me lose the 30 pounds before I had him. What am I doing now I'm watching what I'm eating, doing a stair wokout once a week, doing Jillian's 30 day body shred workout 2-3 times a week and doing a run/walk once a week. Once I get this schedule down I will add more workouts. I want to run a race every few months but I have to be shape to do so.
  • kimber77
    kimber77 Posts: 10 Member

    Mom to older kids...20, 17 and 15...but man they do keep me busy still!
    I work 7- 4 and get home each day at 5. Usually teach twice a week at 6pm until 830pm...so I do find I am tired on those days.
    I like to go on the eliptical for 60 minutes 3-4 times a week.
    I think I will add some weight training to the mix also.
    My diet is fairly good...but I like tracking it to see where my downfalls are and add to my accountability.
    My goal would be to lose 40 llbs...hope I can stay on track
  • Hello Ladies!!
    I am a mom of 2 girls (8 and 4) and also work full time. I have gained tons of weight after my last baby and was in deparate need to lose 40lbs. All my life it was a rollercoaster with weight. I always tried out different diets so it was like a yo-yo. I was introduced to Insanity (I don't know if you heard of it, but it is a very intense 60 day program) and that helped me lose all the weight and some more. I was in a better shape than I was before kids! After this program I discovered a deep passion for fitness! So ever since I kind of stuck with home DVD workouts because they worked for me and gave me realy good results. I fell off track here and there but try to always get back on. I like to workout at home in the mornings because I can hardly find ANY time to go to the gym and I find that DVDs are more effective for me! I have currently completed T25 and 21 Day Fix. I am starting PiYO (yoga and pilates mix) next week and would like to do another round of Insanity because it gave incredible results the first time. I love the idea of this group so we can connect, share tips, motivate each other and keep each other accountable and on track.!!! Feel free to start a topic, post questions, share healthy tips and so on!
  • FightingFitMom
    FightingFitMom Posts: 80 Member
    Mom of little miss sunshine.. :)
    Doing C25K ( week 3 )+ Strength Training ( full body day 4 ) + Aerobics ( 1ce a week ) + Started 30 Day Shred yesterday ( Day 1 )..