So Folks, what are YOU doing for LeTour ??



  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I guess I'll be following the live updates from Cycling News and Velo News. It can actually get pretty exciting, I've been known to stand and shout, to the amusement of my co-workers.
  • katozdad
    katozdad Posts: 298 Member
    My Tour experience starts on Friday.. There are about four of us setting off from my house, with the first port of call 'Col de Jenkin'. If they survive that I'm taking them up Bradfield and onward through the stage 2 route in reverse to Holmfirth. We are going to play it by ear and either make a bee-line for Holmfirth and then climb up Holme Moss, or do it in reverse. I think Holmfirth first and then up Holme Moss and back down, as the climb will then be in the same direction as the race. I also think Woodhead by-pass might be a bit of a challenge, with the combination of Cagers and Articulated Monkeys.

    After Holmfirth I'm planning on cycling through Clayton West, into Wakefield and onwards to Leeds. We have some relatives in Leeds who will put us up for the night so we can get an early start for the start of stage one. We aim to immerse ourselves in that for a couple of hours and once they all roll out, we are thinking of heading towards Harrogate for the finish. Only problem is, that 3 million other people might have the same idea, so I might head out East towards York before heading into Harrogate on hopefully a bit quieter roads.

    We then need to get home, so I'm hoping to cycle somewhere to get picked up by the in-laws away from the Traffic. We will spend the evening in South Yorkshire.

    On Sunday, we want to load the bikes onto the car and get as close to Selby as possible, and then ride the rest of the way to York in time for the start of stage 2. We will then ride back to the car and from my home head back to Sheffield or takes the kids out towards Langsett for the day. Not sure on that one yet.

    I say all this, but key will be flexibility. If a bunch of riders take off in one direction, the herd mentality may sink in and we will be on some wild goose chase. But whatever, I'm just going to immerse myself in the three days and just soak it all up. Also, I question whether some of my group will have the legs even for day one, but we'll see.

    Like I said in the TDF thread. If any of you guys want to meet up in Leeds centre or York, or somewhere else... More than happy to arrange a time.
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Having to stay up till stupid a o'clock so I can listen to Liggett and Sherwin describing chateaux’s, the road, how angry the peleton is and who is not going to win the bunch sprint – Can’t wait

    At least I have number of channels to chop and change when the ads come on.
  • pmr545
    pmr545 Posts: 51 Member
    Can't wait. I like watching the live broadcast. I DVR it if I can't have it on while I'm working. It's a fantastic event!
  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    My cousin lives about a mile from the finish on day one. 25 of us camping in his back garden Fri and Saturday and 100 for a "Grand DeParty" Friday night.

    A few options for the Saturday. Not sure whether to cycle over to Leeds or somewhere else on route for the start/ early stage before heading back to Harogate to see them finish.

    Still working on tickets for the team presentations in Leeds on Thursday night as well. Its a long shot but I may have secured a couple of tickets :)
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    Watching & listening to Phil Liggett. I just love the way he announces a race.

    I look forward to Sherman's "very precarious..." comments. ;-)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I hope you fellas will share some photos here or IG (if you partake). Would love to see your POV of the le Tour. And I'd agree--watching on the TV might be the best coverage, but this is the chance of a lifetime to see it pass in front of you live. If I were there, I think I'd try to get a glimpse once or twice per day if the route was near me.

    "Fellas" - ahem??? And laydeez :wink: :laugh:

    Sorry about that! ;-) I wasn't aware we had some ladies in the British hood also. So I'll rephrase to "I hope all of you will share..."

    Stu I'm disappointed. You're from the south. It should have been, "I hope all ya' all will share." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I'll need to catch the tour via the internet. It won't even be on TV live here.
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Setting the DVR, muting #TdF hashtags on Twitter, not checking cycling news until after I've watched the stage and riding every day of the Tour. I think coverage starts here at oh-dark-thirty and I roll out to work not too long after so I may catch some during my coffee. More like though I'll be this guy: Just with different scenery.

    That and being incredibly jealous of you folks having the Tour on your doorstep!
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    In 2012 I was living in Provence for the summer and rode my bike over to see a stage. It was a great day. I picked a general area to watch from using RidewithGPS and rode part of the route in reverse from about 30Km south. There were of course thousands of people already roadside tucking into pate and plonk and they all cheered me on "Allez, allez" or "L'autre direction!!" accompanied by cowbells natch. It was fantastic fun! I stopped at a camper van that was obviously manned by Brits and asked if I could watch with them. They were happy to oblige and offered some tea and biscuits. Then it was time for 'Le Caravan' and finally about 10 seconds of actual riders whizzing by. It was a thrill to see Wiggo in yellow and Cav up front!!



