healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
Hey everyone! :)

So, I thought it'd be cool (if you WANT to that is) to post our current weights here now, and then on August 1st, to post again. Whether it's an up or a down. It'd be fun to figure it out together and hopefully, we'll have some more answers as to what has been working and why and what HASN'T been working and why. I was at 199.1 lbs yesterday, and I am DONE with the scale now.

I'm drinking 8, 8oz glasses of water daily. My biggest PERSONAL challenge, is to quit drinking pop this month.... COMPLETELY! Secondly, I'm done with the snacking at work. I work in a convenience store, so there's TONS of horrible-for-you-and-easy-to-access snacks available to me. OH WELL! I've got to push past it. AND HERE WE GOOOOOO!


  • SkittlesMeLove
    I am completely addicted to the scale. I actually do the 3 Day Diet. Then I have one cheat day. Then I go back to the diet for another 3 Days. That is giving me one cheat day a week. So far I have lost ten pounds on the diet. I'm learning that after the 10 pounds are gone, I'm going to have to up my water intake and workout routine. But I'm hitting that scale EVERYDAY!! It's hard not to. However, I'm totally up for this challenge. Not looking at the scale for the whole month of July.... CRAZY.... yet a good motivation to want those numbers to be low when you do weigh in!! :)
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    My current weight is 152 lbs. I have water retention and strange, fluctuating periods so it usually takes me a good week just to figure out my new weight. That being said...sometimes I hop on the scale 2-3 times a DAY. :( Not good.

    My goal is to be 150lbs. on August 1st. :)
  • NICOLEMC1980
    NICOLEMC1980 Posts: 9 Member
    I am sad to say I am completely starting over. I lost almost 40 pounds a year and a half ago and have gained it ALL back. I currently weigh 175 lbs and only 5 feet tall. I started nursing school in August (its my second degree) and have been soooooo stressed out. I am so mad at myself because I have done this so many times over the last 10 years. I am over gaining the weight back and being frustrated by the scale. I actually already decided not to weigh myself for one month when I started my diet one week ago, so this board is perfect for me. I have always weighed myself on a weekly basis so this is definitely new to me. I am looking forward to this month and hope to lose 10 pounds.

    My goal is to start exercising but it is hard for me to find time between work, school, and my 6 year old. Definitely looking for support!
  • SheenaInvincible
    Hi everyone! :-) my current weight is 119 lbs. OMG it seems so much to me because I had to convert it from kilogrammes ahahah (54 kg). Anyway, everytime I hop on the scale I feel so bad that I start to binge and I ruin my progress. My goal is to eat healthy and to exercise regularly, so that I can feel well and stop being ashamed of my body. Good luck <3
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    (Love the Mrs. Doubtfire reference, OP) :flowerforyou:

    Hi, My name is Ty (feel free to add me as a friend if you haven't done so already)
    I'm 27, 5'5.5" and i currently weigh 203.6 lbs (Starting weight 229lbs in January)
    I hold onto water like nobody's business. :grumble:

    I'm truly hoping to finally get under the 200s; i want to hide the scale so i can be surprised when i hit a new low.
    I currently drink 3 liters a day and keep my calories between 1,350-1,900.
    I also have a fitbit if anyone wants to add me there :)
  • eunicezieske
    eunicezieske Posts: 78 Member
    So what are the rules? What should we post?
  • missdune
    missdune Posts: 24 Member
    Well, I've tried everything else so giving this a go! I weigh 160. I'm 45 and having some health issues (tremendous work stress) and went off the pill about three months ago and have been in weight gain and PMS-symptom hell ever since. ;). I gained eight pounds in three weeks (and no, I wasn't on a binge) and they are just not moving back off in spite of logging my food and exercising faithfully at the gym. I've given myself until August 1 and then if things don't improve I'm seeing my doctor and demanding some tests. But, chances are this is a hormonal blip and so I'm just going to try and stay the healthy course. Any tips for water retention issues are most welcome!

    And yes...what are the rules? :)
  • missdune
    missdune Posts: 24 Member
    I'm starting over, too! Here's to new beginnings!
  • missdune
    missdune Posts: 24 Member
    Was trying to reply to Nicole above in the thread. Clearly I need a lesson on board usage :).
  • SkittlesMeLove
    My current weight is 152 lbs. I have water retention and strange, fluctuating periods so it usually takes me a good week just to figure out my new weight. That being said...sometimes I hop on the scale 2-3 times a DAY. :( Not good.

    My goal is to be 150lbs. on August 1st. :)

    Unfortunately periods can throw us waaaay out of wack. However, I try to take advantage of this time due to the fact that when on your period you metabolism actually goes up (which is why hunger rises). So, I use it as motivation to stick to my diet and workout even more. That way when I weigh myself at the end of it... I weigh a little less than when I started.

    As for getting on the scale 2-3 times a day. It can also be used as a motivation for making sure you're eating healthy. Just as long as you keep in mind that the scale will go up and down all day. I guess for lack of better words... it's a mind frame thing and it's how you can turn these situations around to benefit you rather than allow it to cause damage. Positive thinking is always key!!!
  • eunicezieske
    eunicezieske Posts: 78 Member
    I am completely addicted to the scale. I actually do the 3 Day Diet. Then I have one cheat day. Then I go back to the diet for another 3 Days. That is giving me one cheat day a week. So far I have lost ten pounds on the diet. I'm learning that after the 10 pounds are gone, I'm going to have to up my water intake and workout routine. But I'm hitting that scale EVERYDAY!! It's hard not to. However, I'm totally up for this challenge. Not looking at the scale for the whole month of July.... CRAZY.... yet a good motivation to want those numbers to be low when you do weigh in!! :)
    What is that 3 day diet
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    Welcome one and all! TODAY BEGINS NO WEIGH JULY!!! Keep posting ladies and gents ;) we will encourage each other! I'm having some phone issues currently, so I may not be on all the time, just go ahead and message me anyways and I WILL reply ASAP!! you can feel free to find me on facebook too
    good luck everyone, WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • eunicezieske
    eunicezieske Posts: 78 Member
    So what are the rules? What should we post?
  • SkittlesMeLove
    I am completely addicted to the scale. I actually do the 3 Day Diet. Then I have one cheat day. Then I go back to the diet for another 3 Days. That is giving me one cheat day a week. So far I have lost ten pounds on the diet. I'm learning that after the 10 pounds are gone, I'm going to have to up my water intake and workout routine. But I'm hitting that scale EVERYDAY!! It's hard not to. However, I'm totally up for this challenge. Not looking at the scale for the whole month of July.... CRAZY.... yet a good motivation to want those numbers to be low when you do weigh in!! :)
    What is that 3 day diet

    It is now called the Military Diet. It used to be called the 3 Day Diet. It was originally formed by a hospital so that patients that have to have heart surgery can lose weight before they operate to prevent difficulties. If you Google Military Diet... the first resource is the website. You follow this diet for three days EXACTLY and then you eat normally for four days. As mentioned before, I do not do the four day part. I just give myself a 1 day rest in between unless there is something going on (like an event) that is not going to allow me to do my diet. Then I will extend my days. I also workout those three days and my one day is my rest day from the gym. It will advertise that you will lose 10 pounds in three days. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! However, I did lose 5 lbs. in three days. People will claim it to be only water weight. I can't say if that is true or not. I can only say that so far I have lost 10 lbs. and I have gone down a dress size.Since I've joined the NO WEIGH JULY group, I'll only be able to keep track by how lose my clothes fit. The third day is tough but you can make changes accordingly. I do over do it on my cheat day b/c I have room for it and it has not messed with my weight loss AT ALL. It is a low calorie diet and to my understanding, when you eat low in calories all week you actually leave yourself room on a cheat day to go a little crazy. I am only getting one cheat day a week after all...
  • eunicezieske
    eunicezieske Posts: 78 Member
    Cool I'll look it up. I was also doing this other diet it's called the famous soup diet and I like it I don't follow it word for word but I do eat a lot of veggies and fruit and I lost 4 pounds so far. This group is a little weird no one posts anything we should post stuff that will help each other...
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    hey everyone! how's it going? everybody staying off the scale? I found this awesome app on my droid called "drink water!" and it calculates how much water you should be drinking based on your height, weight, and activity level. I am supposed to drink 101 oz of water a day, approx. 3 liters. I've been able to keep up with it for 3 days now, and today, I am on my FOURTH liter already! I haven't had any pop (save my sunday, where i did drink some pop at the Gay Pride Parade in Chicago with my booze! lol) and I have been able to sleep a lot better! I had a ton of stress yesterday and today, my fiancee disappeared last night. He came home from work, showered, and left for a meeting at 8 pm. He never came home, and didn't show up for work this morning, and I had no way to contact him because he lost his phone at the parade sunday! Finally, 2 hours late for work, his friend let me know he showed up. He claims after his meeting, he fell asleep in his car in the parking lot of the office his meeting was at (around 9:15pm) and didn't wake up until 8am..... I don't trust this at all..... makes me feel quite uneasy, but I am dealing with it! Needed some encouragement today. I DID go over my cals by a little over 300, but I enjoyed a cheese coffee cake today, which I've been wanting to try, and everything else I ate was extremely healthy. Tomorrow, I will recommit to my slimfast plan and make sure I have everything with me, as well as walk 5 miles :)