Intro + yet another question about net carbs

threnodies Posts: 14 Member
Hey friends as of today I am being kool and keto with you all 8-) Actually technically I'm taking today and tomorrow to ease into it so my total carbs for today are 42g, tomorrow is 38g then Tuesday onwards is 20g> total carbs bc idk what net is lol

Which leads me to my question; excuse this you've probably had it asked like 40,000 times and I'm sorry to add to that number but being not-American and not accustomed to the whole net/total carbs thing (and also new to keto in general) I just have a slight clarification issue with the calculating of net carbs to ensure I'm actually going to be in ketosis

So all I do to work it out is just look at the total intakes thing in my diary and subtract the fibre from the carbs right? Eg if I've eaten 32g total carbs and 13g were fibre it means my net carbs would be 19g?
I'd just like to confirm this because everyone on other forums seems to keep talking about how much of an inconvenience it is to work out and how MFP should do it automatically but if that's the case then what I did to get 19g must be awfully off target because it took literally about 4 seconds lol

But yes I'm quite excited to start keto (except for the keto flu haha I'm just going to be throwing back water + electrolytes and trying not to cry for the next few days I think) and keen to groove it up with you all :~)


  • threnodies
    threnodies Posts: 14 Member
    Bump? ;w;
  • maxinecc
    maxinecc Posts: 38 Member
    depends where you live as to how food is labeled, unfortunately. Some countries show carbs including fibre (US entries), while others will show carbs excluding fibre (UK, Europe, Australia, NZ). Its not always easy to see from food data base entries on MFP what country they are from.

    As long as you are consistant and do one or the other it really wont make much of a difference. I'm from the UK and always subtract fibre from the carb content.

    Just give it a go and see, good luck

  • threnodies
    threnodies Posts: 14 Member
    Oh so if there's a label for both carbohydrates and fibre then it's the net carbs already?
  • maxinecc
    maxinecc Posts: 38 Member
    not always, the carb content on an american product will have the fiber in it so you need to deduct, but an British product is just carbs. Either way if you are doing low carb the difference is not much. I subtract the fiber from the carb everytime. I learned a while ago not to get too hung up on the exact details. It will drive you mad

    just be consistent

  • threnodies
    threnodies Posts: 14 Member
    Okay, thanks a lot for the help!! :)
  • MadWidow98
    MadWidow98 Posts: 11 Member
    I was going to ask about this too - but more on whether or not "net carbs" is just a myth. My doctor's office told me to count carbs, don't deduct anything, if it says 4 carbs, it's 4 carbs to count. What does everyone else do? I am curious largely for when I go to a maintenance phase if I should continue as I have been, or if switching to deduct the fiber from the carbs will keep me maintaining.