What is your workout routine at PF?

DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
I just joined PF a month ago and have been "winging it". What is your workout routine?

I am looking to tone and lose weight. I've a long way to go and want to make sure I'm doing what I need to do. :ohwell:


  • Flgrl1973
    Flgrl1973 Posts: 7 Member
    If you don't mind I would like to suggest that you take advantage of the build your own program that is offered at no additional charge. You set up a time, they take your stats (weight, heights, measurements and age.) You tell them what you want to acheive, they will go through step by step and design a personalized plan for you and even take you to each machine to train you how to use it.
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    That is awesome... I didn't know they did that. When we signed up, the person helping was from another gym and we keep learning new things about the facility as we go. I will definitely take advantage of it. Thanks for the tip!
  • ejfike
    ejfike Posts: 3
    Ditto the pp. I haven't done it yet, but they offer Build-Your-Own-Program as well as group training.

    I usually run (either on the circuit arc trainer or elliptical) for 20-30 minutes. Then I'll focus on a muscle group using the machines. I'll do abs one day, arms the next, back/shoulders, etc. Make sure you're not doing the same muscle group every day or you'll injure yourself.

    When in doubt, try the 30 minute circuit (if they have that at your location) for a quick work out. But if you're looking to really lose weight, that might not be enough.
  • TGSgirl2017
    TGSgirl2017 Posts: 32 Member
    when i go with my grandma we do the circuit, then do a few mins of the treadmil, few mins of bikes then she goes and walks the mall and then I go into the abs room and do the hip abductor.adductor, and the ab machines, then i go to the free weights and use the pulleys and stuff like that. When im not with my grandma i focus on cardio.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    If you don't mind I would like to suggest that you take advantage of the build your own program that is offered at no additional charge. You set up a time, they take your stats (weight, heights, measurements and age.) You tell them what you want to acheive, they will go through step by step and design a personalized plan for you and even take you to each machine to train you how to use it.

    That's what I do! My routine changes every 6 weeks or so as I keep going back to meet with the fitness trainer. The more I work with him the more I like him! He kicks my butt… but never so much to cause injury or to make me hate it.