Workouts 6/30-7/7

Post your workouts here. Tell us what you did, how you feel, did you see any improvement and anything else your heart feels like sharing.

I am going to have to go to the gym today. My phone died:( Went to Verizon and they said there is nothing they can do. I cannot buy another phone until the end of the month :( So I am going to follow a written plan for the next few weeks and then get back to the app. Where there is a will, there is a way!



  • JenniferRHughes
    JenniferRHughes Posts: 30 Member
    Day One Reflection

    I cannot even express my feelings right now. So I finally faced the scale and the treadmill. I walked/jogged for 30 minutes plus 10 minutes of warm up cool down time and it was brutal. I feel great that I did what I did but it is so hard to face how out of shape I am right now. Plus I was off my starting weight about 5 lbs which was eye opening. No more blaming the baby and surgeries, I am gaining weight because of me now. I am only going to weigh myself once a month because that scale screws me up big time. You start doubting yourself and the negative thoughts pour in. That being said I know I am successful because I am out there. In one of the TED talks I listened to, a woman said that most people have to fail over 20 times before they succeed. As long as we are trying we are succeeding. Here is to Day One!

    Question: How many of you are supplementing couch with weight training and do you find it helpful? Thinking about 3 days card and 3 days strength training.

  • Inechan
    Inechan Posts: 21 Member
    I did week 3 Day 1 today and felt like dying lol. I will keep it up so it hopefully is getting better.

    I do yoga in the evening to calm down. My day is so busy that I need something to relax

    I go 5 times a week and do day 2 and 3 twice. I am so out of form I feel like I need that. And If I don`t go running something feels like missing
  • amable26
    amable26 Posts: 3
    I didn't do it =(

    Today is a new day and I will make it happen today!
  • cori314
    cori314 Posts: 38 Member
    Did Week 2 Day 1 yesterday. It wasn't too bad but it wasn't easy either. Addind 30 second of jogging doesn't seem much but it definitely gets you huffing and puffing. Gotta keep pushing!
  • JenniferRHughes
    JenniferRHughes Posts: 30 Member

    This might give us some motivation. A little long but really spot on.
  • Myselvein2012
    Myselvein2012 Posts: 37 Member
    I completed Week 2 Day 1 yesterday and it went just fine. We are suffering from a heat wave up here in Seattle. Yesterday it was like 80! :tongue: Today it is already 94 degrees. I try to do my 5K training every other day so today I will most likely do some strength training or walk after the sun goes down. Keep it up ladies!
  • 6/2914 D1W1
    2.37 Miles

    7/1/14 D2W1
    2.38 Miles

    I've been fighting a bad head cold the last couple days so jogging has been difficult to breath, not fun at all! I have a dog that I get to bring along so it's nice to have him with, a 80lb Chesapeake/Lab mix and very protective of his mom, I don't usually leave the house without him. We live in a pretty safe town but you can never be too careful.

    I'm hoping to get fitted for a new pair of running shoes next week, I have problems with plantar fasciitis in my right foot (currently doing steroid shots) and shin splints in both legs. Really hoping once the extra 60-75lbs come off everything starts feeling better.
  • I didn't do it =(

    Today is a new day and I will make it happen today!

    Taking the first step is always the hardest. Just lace up them shoes and do your best!

    Edited because I have no clue what I'm doing :)
  • JenniferRHughes
    JenniferRHughes Posts: 30 Member
    My legs were sore today so I went swimming for an hour. I just treaded water but I figured it would be good to stretch and burn some calories. Tomorrow I am going back to the gym for day two and some strength training.
  • leahfrederiksen
    leahfrederiksen Posts: 23 Member
    Am going to do Week 2 day 1 after work today, a bit apprehensive about those 30 extra seconds jogging! Hopefully it will be fine, just need to keep my eyes off the countdown timer and concentrate on something else, I find it goes a lot quicker that way! Wish me luck!! :happy:
  • souvenance3
    souvenance3 Posts: 8 Member
  • souvenance3
    souvenance3 Posts: 8 Member
    Day One Reflection

    I cannot even express my feelings right now. So I finally faced the scale and the treadmill. I walked/jogged for 30 minutes plus 10 minutes of warm up cool down time and it was brutal. I feel great that I did what I did but it is so hard to face how out of shape I am right now. Plus I was off my starting weight about 5 lbs which was eye opening. No more blaming the baby and surgeries, I am gaining weight because of me now. I am only going to weigh myself once a month because that scale screws me up big time. You start doubting yourself and the negative thoughts pour in. That being said I know I am successful because I am out there. In one of the TED talks I listened to, a woman said that most people have to fail over 20 times before they succeed. As long as we are trying we are succeeding. Here is to Day One!

    Question: How many of you are supplementing couch with weight training and do you find it helpful? Thinking about 3 days card and 3 days strength training.


    I did my first run (Week 1, Day 1) on Sunday, but I waited to do the second until today so that I can get on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule with strength training Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday, and Sunday as a rest day. I'm really bad shape strength-wise, so I'm starting pretty basic, just kind of adjusting for how in- or out-of-shape my different muscles are.

    This is my starting workout, though, it left me sore but I'm hoping to build it up as soon as I can:

    100 situps
    25 squats
    15 pushups
    Lifting two 5 pound barbells from arms at my sides to straight above my head
    Bar hang for as long as I can (I can hold on for about 30 seconds, but I sink down the entire time and the last few seconds I'm hanging down with my arms straight).

    Have you found a good strength routine? I'd like to hear other people's ideas or plans to see if I'm expecting enough from myself.
  • cori314
    cori314 Posts: 38 Member
    Did Day 2 of Week 2 yestarday, Struggled a lot more than I did on Monday. Could be because I didn't have a rest day in between. But this week is going to be a little crazy starting today so I need to get my workouts in early.
    Today I'll do my 30 minute walk during lunch but I don't think I'll have time to make it to the gym for Day 3. Hopefully I can get it in tomorrow.
    30 seconds of running takes a toll even if the walking time is increased by 30 seconds also.
    Gotta keep reminding myself that it's all worth it.
  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    Did week one day 1 today, much easier with the new app, only running for 15 seconds/1min walk. Managed to run every run section except for part of one (No way was I running down stairs!) Looking forward to day 2 on Saturday!! :D
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    W1D1 completed yesterday. It went really well and no soreness today so far. I run with my 2 German Shepherds and they make the time pass more quickly. :)
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    W3D1 today. I do NOT complete 5K in 30min at all. I am a really slow slogger...but I am doing it. The outside edge of my right foot burned for the first 20 minutes than eased up. I felt so good when it was over that I stayed on the treadmill until I completed 5K...jogging some...walking some...I am really slow. Did I mention that I am really slow. LOL! We are doing this!
  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    So did not want to get out of bed and run in 4 degree weather today :( Did it anyway, and managed to run all of my run sections, and managed to run twice during the 10 mins of free run at the end :) Day one I managed to run once during the free section, so Monday I will be attempting to run 3 times!
  • stardance1
    stardance1 Posts: 20 Member
    I did w3d2 today. I feel very slow, but at least I am running when I am supposed to run. Hopefully the pace will come.
  • JenniferRHughes
    JenniferRHughes Posts: 30 Member
    I have been exercising daily but I have not actually walk/jogged again. We have been swimming and I have been doing turbo jam. Going to make it a priority to get out there today and get it done. I am leaving for NY and will be in a car for 24 hours (with stops) with seven kids! My mother is already raring to go walk/jogging with me when I get there :) She actually has ran marathons and is in great shape.
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Getting ready to do W3D3....also very slow. Never get close to 5K in 30minutes....I have been adding some walk/jog time at the end (what ever feels good) to get closer to the mileage. Anyone who has done this in the past....what do you recommend. Complete program and THEN work on pace? or repeat weeks increasing pace.