Wednesday! 7/2

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Throughout the day or at the end of the day check in on Water, Food, and Exercise!
Kim, Susan - if I have this right you both have Yoga today?

Mini challenge- try to do more physical activity during normal activities - take the stairs, throw in a few squats somewhere, help move boxes. And, share your creative ways of adding movement so we can benefit from each other's ideas. :)


  • Binglebangle
    Think I've already had my water quota...walked my dogs across the fields for 2 hours at 6am, thirsty work, then home for day 2 of
    the 30 day shred...need water & life support after that! No-one around on my walk so I done a mixture of squats & lunges every 10 mins...every little helps!
    Hope everyone is having a good day x
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Wow BingleBangle- that's quite an active morning- I'm impressed! Sounds like you did a great job keeping hydrated , too:smile:

    I'm afraid my extra movement today is going to be squirming in my chair during two hours of dental work coming up in an hour:noway: it is a yoga day, so I'm hoping to be comfortable enough after the dental work to go. I also want to keep up the water intake today like I did yesterday.

    Hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    BingleBangle! Glad to see you on the daily posts. Its inspiring to see all the morning movement and I like the idea of throwing squats and lunges into a normal walk!

    Susan - good luck with the dental work. Not sure I could do yoga after seeing a dentist. I'm trying to do well with water today too.

    This morning I'm stuck at the desk part of my job. Trying to walk around from time to time. In the drinking water area, I'm slacking. Only 10oz between 4:45am and now (11:30!).

    Tonight I want to do pilates, to make progress on this weeks goal for myself.. So you all should see me post about that later!
  • Binglebangle
    13Strong enjoy Pilates, have never tried it but maybe I should.

    Seehe I hope you made it to yoga and it wasn't too bad at the dentist!

    Not sure if I will be able to do the shred again tomorrow as my knees are feeling it, think it requires more of a warm up than the dvd allows but I'm sure I can find something to do.

    Another day cigarette free...finally kicking its butt!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Bingle- yay for you on being smoke free!!! I gave up smoking 2 years ago this month after 42 years , so I can relate! It's so worth it ???? Here's to your good health from kicking the habit !!! ~ Susan

    13- I can just picture you walking circles around your desk and doing squats lol. Good luck on staying hydrated and getting to Pilates . And thanks for all the cool motivational pictures!

    I just escaped from the dentist after a grueling 2 hours- heading home to take some aspirin, tutor for a bit then off to yoga!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Didn't do pilates. I did walk 20 minutes though, so that counts to my goal - although I should have done pilates.

    My final count:
    Water - only 42oz (not good)
    - Breakfast was good
    - Lunch - salad with hard-boiled eggs, watermelon, vegges, so good
    - Dinner, Catalina burrito from Taco Bell - not so good
    176 calories over,

    I broke my phone on the way home from work. Since I need my phone to work, had to go get a loan and start a warranty/insurance claim on it. So much stress for one small object. However this is why I didn't eat a good dinner as I got home at 8pm instead of 6... Need to put frozen meals in the freezer or something.

    Live and learn, then bounce back.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    13Strong- so sorry about your phone and the stress it caused:ohwell: Glad you were able to get some walking in and a couple of healthy meals though:smile:

    I survived my two hour dental torture and made it to and through yoga-yay! Made pretty good food choices today with one exception of one chocolate chip cookie at lunch. I was shocked when I looked up the calories and found this little cookie that lasted a mere moment on the lips was 220 calories-yikes! I did stay in my calorie goal though for the day.

    Here's to a new day tomorrow!
  • Binglebangle
    Jeepers! Don't think I could manage without my phone! Breaking into a cold sweat just thinking about it lol x