Just had RMR tested - advice?



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So calories went back up, but no fast corresponding water weight gain.

    Usually meaning your carb stores are still deplenished to some degree because of indeed your increased activity.

    So still eating less than a more active TDEE.

    But you didn't lose weight.

    Which is what jumped out at me.

    You didn't lose weight eating 900 lower either.

    How much lower than potential TDEE have you actually been eating under? I'd suggest unknown at this point.
    If it was within a reasonable deficit amount your body felt comfortable with - wouldn't you have lost weight during the 3 weeks?

    I guess when you start your cut you'll find out. If fast water weight and that's about it, I think I know what's up.

    I suggested it near top of topic - your body seemed to have responded fast speeding up with little weight gain, which means it could very well respond fast when threatened too when moving down.

    Just a thought to keep in mind as you start your cut. If no slow expected loss in 2 weeks that matches what the math says, then your potential TDEE during summer could be a whole lot more than you think, and your deficit a whole lot more than you think. But your body knows and doesn't like it.
    So bounce back up to what you thought TDEE was if that happens, and then test 250 more for 2 weeks.
  • jleye27
    jleye27 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't have the exact numbers with me, but I had a slow loss over 3 weeks (about 4 lb) eating around 2500, and then a 14 pound gain in about 4 days (eating around 2500). It has to be water weight, but that is WAY more than I usually gain during TOM or a high sodium day. Very frustrating. Apparently my body is still confused.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Could indeed be some expected water weight gain.
    Could also be the stress during TOM elevates cortisol badly this time, more water weight.
    That should drop off too.
  • jleye27
    jleye27 Posts: 19 Member
    Gained two more pounds in the past week (at least it wasn't another 14, I guess). Not sure what is going on. Should I be adjusting my TDEE for what I assume was water weight and eating more? Or stay the course?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Are these valid weigh-in days to minimize water weight fluctuations?

    I would stay the course, don't adjust for water weight changes if nothing else has changed in routine or diet.
    Since already up around TDEE, you should have been gaining water with more stored carbs - unless your cardio has entered a bigger phase of endurance.

    And if in the summer heat, that's more blood volume too.
  • jleye27
    jleye27 Posts: 19 Member
    Weigh ins are after rest days and normal sodium days, so it's been pretty constant. My cardio hasn't changed too much - kickboxing once a week, 3-4 hockey games per week. Lifting once a week, which hasn't changed either. Did I not reset long enough? Am I just getting my real water weight back now, and maybe I was at a deficit before? This is very frustrating.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I don't think you'd find the reset water weight coming back that slowly or that delayed, not if really at reset.
    That's what you'd find if slowly moving up say 100 more daily for a week or two at a time.
    1st increase a lb gain. 2nd increase a lb gain, ect.

    When you were at reset, did you performance in boxing/games or lifting improve noticeable?
    It should have. Not so much at a deficit.
  • jleye27
    jleye27 Posts: 19 Member
    I had more energy for hockey, etc. but that has recently flagged... which is maybe a clue that I'm back at a deficit? I took last week off from tracking and exercise (vacation), but am back at cut this week. I'm staying away from the scale until I notice a change in how my clothes fit, but I hadn't lost those 14 pounds I quickly gained the last time I checked in, and it's been over a month.
  • jleye27
    jleye27 Posts: 19 Member
    a month later... I've noticed slight improvements in tone, and slight improvements in how my clothes fit, so I'm on the right track at least (I think). Still staying away from the scale, so no idea if I've gained or lost. I have a long way to go and my closet is full of clothes that fit 6 months ago. Very frustrating, but I am trying to be patient.