Thursday 7/3 - Halfway through week!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

I count the week Mon - Sunday. So weekend is your final push to make it to the goal. Today will be the new hump day.

Post - Where are you on your week's goal?

And Check in - Water, Food, Exercise. :)


  • Binglebangle

    Have done day 4 on the shred..wasn't sure if my knees would be happy so had to modify a little to take the strain off....lunges seem to be my downfall.
    We have 2 New pups so lots of short walks that I don't add but along with the long walks for the bigger dogs my fitness goals are ahead this week.
    Water intake is good but although I'm in the allowance for calories I can't quit the goodies...too much baking = too much temptation :-(
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Bing- I think you are really smart to listen to your body and modify the shred to what works for you!!!! BTW, your puppies sound adorable :smile: I have two miniature Australian Shepherds, a 2 yr old blue Merle named Sophie, and a 4 yr old black tri named Jake (he grew to be the size of a full size Aussie which is fine with me) and a 14 yr old chihuahua. The Aussies are restless cause it's too hot to walk them and will be until late October (I live in Arizona).

    My goals this week are to do two cardios and two yogas and stay within my calorie goal each day , and so far so good! One yoga and one cardio down and have stayed within my calorie goal. I do need to make a footnote to my goals ( I forgot Friday was Independence Day) because we are going out for dinner and fireworks , so my goal for Friday is to make healthy food choices ( but I I may go over my calories somewhat).

    How's it going for you 13strong?
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    BingleBangle- Working out in the morning sounds great - gives the rest of the day for everything else. And like Seehe, I also think modifying is good. There's a number of moves I need to modify - and lundges are also one of them!

    Seehe - Congrats on doing well so far with the goal. I find it strange how the holiday here caught up to us so fast. Hopefully we both make good choices tomorrow!

    I'm very happy my loaner phone works. Plus, today is not desk-job type of day, so getting some miles in with my steel toed boots! (I work for 2 plants that are a quarter mile apart - so good exercise some days!)

    Goal wise, I wanted to exercise 20mins 4x a week. Because of this morning I did hit my halfway point. My exercise is not intense, but it's something.

    Food today - I am doing well. Actually It's the same as yesterday so far. Breakfast was meal shake and banana. Lunch - salad with hardboiled eggs, watermelon, and 1 chocolate truffle. After lunch I have milk with protein powder mixed in to tied me over till dinner.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    My goal for the week was to track everyday... done, run on Sun... done, run on Tues... done. Still need to run Thurs and Sat to meet my weekly goal. I had also planned on doing yoga yesterday but that didn't happen. I may be coming down with a head cold, not sure yet. Feeling very tired since yesterday but with my crazy hours being tired is a given. I just walked 20 min on my lunch break.. 2x around the hospital I work at. Working tomorrow 3-11 then I'm off for the weekend. Looking forward to being off.

    For breakfast I had a caramel macchiatto with nonfat milk and a bagel thin with whipped cream cheese, lunch was a evol meal and a small salad. One 20 oz bottle of water down and halfway through a 32 oz cup.
  • Binglebangle
    Seehe you obviously have a passion for dogs like me. I have 6 dogs at the moment including the pups plus numerous cats. All street animals we have found in Spain and yes the heat is a problem for them too, hence the early morning walks x
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    My goal for the week was to track everyday... done, run on Sun... done, run on Tues... done. Still need to run Thurs and Sat to meet my weekly goal. I had also planned on doing yoga yesterday but that didn't happen. I may be coming down with a head cold, not sure yet. Feeling very tired since yesterday but with my crazy hours being tired is a given. I just walked 20 min on my lunch break.. 2x around the hospital I work at. Working tomorrow 3-11 then I'm off for the weekend. Looking forward to being off.

    For breakfast I had a caramel macchiatto with nonfat milk and a bagel thin with whipped cream cheese, lunch was a evol meal and a small salad. One 20 oz bottle of water down and halfway through a 32 oz cup.

    Crazy hours make it hard. It's impressive that you are pushing through and finding time to get your own personal goals done even with work in the way. I may have to take a few notes from you on that as my job is about to be come busier too. :) Do you have trouble drinking water at work? With a job that's constantly in flux, I find it hard to drink water sometimes.

    You are doing Z25k, is that similar or more advanced that Couch-to-5k? I'm going to start couch to 5k once I get my diet under control.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    The zombies 5k app is similar to c25k except there's a story line about a zombie apocalypse. It's pretty cool. It makes me wanna go out just to hear the story. You are learning to run to help the town of able. Zombies Run! Is the name of the app that I'm using now and it has zombie chases so you have to speed up to get away from zombies. It's pretty cool! The stories motivate me and it syncs with my runkeeper app. I've hear some people walk the storyline and it still works.