Daily Chat: 7/3/14 - Happy Thursday!!

mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
Good Morning All! How's everyone doing today?? Today is Day 4 for me back at the gym ... and I am sore. :happy: Yes, it is a good kind of sore, but sore none the less. Crazy how quickly we "lose our place in line" when we take a break for a few weeks. Since waking up this morning I have spent the better part of my morning stretching and coaxing my body to warm up for the day ahead. I guess it helps that I am off work for a few days so I have the time to spare, but I am happy to be a part of a group again. Group accountability is awesome. I have already started consciously making better food choices because I know I am reporting back to many folks who are posting awesome goals so I do not want to be the slacker! Ha, ha, ha ... But this knowledge is making me mentally strong. As my new friend Yagmur says, "I have been focusing on feeding my body with good and tasty energy in moderation." So yesterday was nectarine slices instead of chips and one cookie after dinner instead of two, three or four.

We are up to 26 members as of this morning, ranging in age from 21 to 57 - a great range of life's experience and a good size group that remains manageable. Please everyone, if you have not already done so, post your introduction in the START HERE post as we are anxious to get to know you.

Wishing everyone here in the U.S. a great 4th of July (we have few International members too). When you have a moment, please leave a short note to let us all know what you are doing this week and more importantly HOW you are doing!! OK - time for me to get moving!!


  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    Glad to be back with the group. Really love the support I get and I love being able to return the support. Today I did some work on the challenge. It's not easy in this humidity. I got back from a long walk with my boy. I couldn't breath for awhile after I got home. I must say after u took my shower I really didn't want to get off the couch. I am watching I lifetime movie. They are so bad and yet I can't rip myself away. The good side I ironed my uniform for this weekend and folded 2 loads of laundry.

    Happy Thursday.
  • ichbinyagmur
    ichbinyagmur Posts: 6 Member
    I love the support too! And I enjoy hearing what everyone is doing in their day. It sounds like we are off to a good start making good food choices and getting some exercise. It is great that we have so much fruit in season right now....that nectarine sounds good! I think I will make a fruit salad tomorrow. My mom used to sprinkle a tiny bit of cinnamon into a fruit salad....so good. I walked up a steep hill last night with my husband after it cooled down. Walking with him makes it seem fun, we talk and laugh, but I know I got a workout from the steepness because my legs were sore this morning! Genn, how old is your son? My kids used to walk with me, but now that they are teens they don't anymore. I miss those walks and talks!
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    My girls are 15 and 13 and my boy is 8. My 13 yr old also comes with me too. I love walking with them cause they talk, I learn so much about them.