July Role Call - Introduce yourself for July

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Name or Nickname:
Why are you on mfp:
Who or what motivates you:
Favorite thing about July:


  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Username: seehe
    Real name : Susan

    I'm on MFP because 2 years ago I had a wake up call when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I needed to drastically change my lifestyle to a healthy one including releasing extra weight! MFP has been a valuable tool for accountability and support on this journey. I did reverse the diabetes and got my triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the healthy range and dropped 41 pounds so far. However, I have been slipping lately, so am happy to find this group to help me keep focused .

    Motivation: at first my motivation was fear based. After I reversed the diabetes and lost 39 pounds the first year, the fear subsided, but then so did some of the motivation and consistency, especially cause I hit this stubborn plateau. But support from friends on MFP and some meditation and my desire to be healthy continues to motivate me:smile:

    Favorite thing about July: The monsoons (I live in AZ).
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Name or Nickname: Ann. My idea for a username was actually One Three Strong, but then I realized it reads 13 lol.

    Why are you on mfp: I'm at my highest weight and need to start curbing my bad habits as they are getting worse with time and excuses. MyFitnessPal is what helped me before.

    Who or what motivates you: This is a hard one. I'm inspired by other people but myself I haven't found my mojo yet persay.

    Favorite thing about July: Long daylight hours. :)
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    My name is Kim and I live in Indiana. I came up with the username kashaas years ago and it's a mash up of my full name.

    Im on MFP to lose weight... I was always into health and fitness but when I went through a very stressful time with my youngest daughter and her drug addiction I stopped taking care of myself and gained weight by eating fast food and not exercising. She's now 22 and still stresses me but I'm more focused on taking care of me.

    What motivates me is how good it makes me feel to be healthy. You only live once, I strive to make the best of it.

    My favorite thing about July is that my birthday is in July... I will be 42 :bigsmile:
  • Binglebangle
    I joined mfp and this group today. Over the last year I have yoyo'd with the last stone so have decided to go into battle one last time & succeed and I'm sure having you guys around will help, and vice versa?
    I don't have to go back to work until middle of September so that's two and a half months to make a dent in the last 10lbs. My lovely husband loves me regardless of weight and I'm doing this purely for me, to make me confident again.
    July (& August) are fantastic in this part of Spain so that's both motivational and my fav thing about July.
    Binglebangle is made from the names of dogs we have taken in off the streets :-)
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I joined mfp and this group today. Over the last year I have yoyo'd with the last stone so have decided to go into battle one last time & succeed and I'm sure having you guys around will help, and vice versa?

    The more the merrier! Welcome! :)
  • jaimejesse
    Hello! I am very new to this site, so I am still figuring out how it works. Any tidbits would be helpful. I haven't figured out how to put the app on my phone yet. I learn a little bit more everyday. I do best with short goals, so I am going to take on this weight loss challenge one day at a time. Weekly accountability sounds good to me. Thanks for the invite 13 Strong! I need to go get some water and exercise done so I can add it to my chart. No time better than right now. Here I go!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome to the group JaimeJesse! :)
  • kaischu
    kaischu Posts: 12 Member
    hi! my name is Kaila. I just joined mfp earlier this week, hoping to overhaul my lifestyle to eat healthier (including not overeating) and stay active. I'm excited to get started and i'd love to also meet some new people and form a support system in process!
  • Binglebangle
    Hi Jaimejesse & Kalia...good luck :-)
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Hello everyone! My real name is Ashley. I am here, much like all of you, to become healthier. I am motivated by family and friends who support me; however, my biggest motivation comes from wanting to get off of high blood pressure medication that I was put on about five years ago at the age of 28. I have done quite well, but I know I can do much better. This is not my first time losing lots of weight. At 23 years old I lost 80 pounds in less than a year, but I did it in an unhealthy way; consequently, I gained it all back plus some within four years. This time I'm doing it slow and healthy. My favorite thing about July is meeting up with friends and family, eating Bar-b-Q and watching fireworks. Come on y'all let's get it!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome to the group Kalia and Ashley!

    Feel free to jump in the daily & weekend threads at any time!
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    Nickname: Queendebor, because my name is Deb, but my college roomies back in the day called me Debor. The queen part is for the kingdom I rule in my imagination. It's a very nice place. However, Deb works just fine.

    Why I'm here: I am 55 and at my highest weight ever. I am at the point where any physical exertion makes me short of breath. My son got me going with MFP a couple years ago, but didn't stick with it. As I see retirement in the not too distant future, I realized I will never be able to do the things on my retirement list (too young for a bucket list!) if I don't get healthy.

    My motivation is to see my grandson and any future grandkids grow up. I have chronic migraine disease, which started about 14 years ago, although I've had less frequent migraine for 50 years. That's been my stumbling block, but after watching the Today Show interview with Amy Van Dyken Rouen, who last month went from being Olympic quality swimmer to paraplegic, I realized I had not a single excuse to not work at being healthy. None. She is my inspiration.

    And I love July because I am a teacher off work(except when I choose to work) and no family birthdays or anniversaries to remember.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome Deb!
  • Tues72
    Tues72 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, My name is Tuesday and I live in the UK. I Was 236lbs in July 2012 and lost 28lbs quickly as a result of anxiety and stress, the comments from work colleagues and friends was unexpected because I hadn't really noticed, this motivated me to make some lifestyle changes and keep going as I worry lot about what other people think of me. By Dec 2013 I weighed in at 164lbs and I felt good about the achievement.

    But now... I weigh 186.8lbs :-( which I have gained in the last 2 months). my anxiety has reduced but I feel fat and miserable. I think I reach out for sugary food to give me a energy boosts to get me through lethargy (I have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia & vitamin D deficiency).

    I have joined the group to help me stay focused on achieving my goal so I can get back to where I was.

    I have broken my target down into 10lbs stages to make it manageable.

    I hope to be able to help others stay motivated too.

    I love July because the sunshine and light nights make me feel happy because you can achieve more.. :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome Tuesday!

    I know I told this to you before, but I like the mini goals. I'm currently going for 2lb increments so probably 4lbs a month if I can keep the trend up. :)

    Feel free to hop in any post. I appreciate you joining!
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Hi, thanks for the invite 13Strong, my name is LumberJacck and I'm on MFP because it's probably the biggest weight loss messageboard on the planet. I also have a weight loss blog but I don't post particularly often, I prefer to use messageboards for frequent postings and my blog for long-term stuff.

    I guess I'm motivated by my goal weigh, it's only about 7kg away. I've been a huge yoyo dieter since developing an illness that made me tired all of the time, I think I've worked out how to stabilise my weight although it's not perfect right now.

    Favourite thing about July: snow (if there is any).
  • krnorris28
    krnorris28 Posts: 12
    My name is Kacey and I am new to the group and new to mfp. I joined mfp because I am at the highest weight I have ever been and I'm miserable! I just had a baby 11 weeks ago and I want to get healthy for him. I don't want him to be embarrassed by how his mommy looks. I keep his picture as the screensaver on my cell phone. When I am working out and start to feel tired, I just look at his little face and it gives me the push I need to keep going. He is the ultimate motivation! What I like best about July are all of the summer festivals.

    Thank you 13Strong for the invitation to join this group. Good luck everyone!
  • akwhite82
    akwhite82 Posts: 7
    Hey everyone, Thanks for the invite. My name is Kayla . I joined MFP because it seems to help me be accountable to what I eat. And helps me see where I might go wrong. I am motived by my children. Who are very active and I have to do something to be able to keep up with them. I have been unhappy for years and believe it or not, I feel the happiest right now while I am exercising. haha weird I know. I love July because that is the month I became a mother , It just holds a special place for me.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome Kayla and Kacey! Please feel free to jump into the normal daily check ins! :)
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    Hi all!

    Name or Nickname: "Farrah" or "Holly" or "Hey you!"

    Why are you on mfp: I went from overweight to normal after graduating from college four years ago without trying, and it felt great. But lately I noticed my clothes getting a little tighter, and I also just graduated from grad school, so I decided it was time to get back down to my low weight and then to my ideal weight. I've been focusing on this since mid-May and am currently at my lowest weight since I don't know when, probably before puberty. I'm a huge planner and MFP fits with that quite well.

    Who or what motivates you: No health reasons for doing this, mostly vanity and a little bit of just wanting to see if I can do it. I've wanted to reach 135 lbs for years.

    Favorite thing about July: I'll second the long daylight hours. I swear I have a mild case of SAD.