Back to the group again, back in the saddle

fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
Hey Guys,

I am back here doing my EMTWL thing again. For those that don't know I was an old moderating, I guess when the group was kind of small.

I had lost about 30 ish pounds doing it this way, but over the last 18months have had some serious life issues, that i used as an excuse to fall off the wagon.

By fall off the wagon, I meant eating about 1200 - 1500 calories a day, and drinking another 1500 calories a day with no exercise.

However, About 8 weeks ago I started back up (quietly for the most part, wanted to make sure I got it back as a routine) I did the following cold turkey:

- Stopped drinking alcohol during the week, and in moderation on the weekends
- Stopped fast food
- Stopped drinking 2 rockstars a day (cold turkey made me miserable for almost two weeks)
- Only drink an occasional soda
- Cut out most bread (but not carbs)

Right now I am eating about 2400 - 3200 calories a day depending on my workouts.

In 8 weeks, eating at these levels I have lost 10.6lbs and dropped 5.5 total inches.

I am here to say, even though we struggle with starting up, it does work, but it takes perseverance.

When I first started with EMTWL I was working out like crazy and eating about 1200 calories a day (total not net). I was stuck at the same weight for almost 3 months. I went to the doctors, though i had diabetes, thyroid problems ect. I was vitamin deficient though.

I found this group, and started out and gave it a go. I gained (Lucia you remember?) i think it was like 13lbs in the first 2 weeks. I FREAKED lol. But over the course of the next couple of months I worked through it and started losing weight. Dropped 30lbs before I had all that crap happen in my life.

Anyways I am back on it, doing my thing and its working for me. I will be around to help anyone with their numbers and questions again.

Feel free to add me as a friend.
