Friday 7/4 and First weekend of July!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Let's make these next 3 days (today, Sat, and Sun) good ones! I know most of us have done well at our half way point. Now it's time for a bit of accountability. The weekend can always be difficult, but we can do it.

Check in today and the rest of the weekend! I know the US has a holiday today, so we get to make healthy choices while having fun. :glasses:

When finish your goal, Come here and post it! Else, I'll ask you about about it Monday!

(If we post a lot over the weekend, I can start adding more posts for each day.)


  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Even though it's a holiday here, I'm going to work to walk my new biofuel's plant to learn it a bit more. I'm going to have my phone on me to hopefully track movement and call it exercise. (bit of cheating I think, but there's enough stairs there to make it worth something!)

    No plans for lunch or dinner yet, so that's dangerous. And besides finishing up my goal of exercise, I want to spring clean my apartment and organize a few areas I don't normally get into.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I just did 33 min's of yoga even tho my head feels all congested. I am doing a walk thing at work where we turn our steps weekly. Trying to get 10,000 per day. It's a beautiful day here, I need to go take a walk and enjoy the weather before work. Who knows what were gonna get tonight. I still have my run tomorrow morning to complete and then on to the weekend.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member

    And speaking of the 4th of July, here's to being independent of our old habits and being free to be healthy!!!

    I am going to go to Curves today, and while we are going out tonight for dinner and fireworks, I already have my dinner choices planned from the menu which are salmon marcona almond romesco and a side of asparagus- healthy and yummy:smile:
  • Binglebangle
    Stayed within calories today but really felt like pigging out! 30 day shred this morning, think I will do zumba over the weekend for a change.
    Enjoy the next two days everyone x
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Whoohoo- 55 minutes of cardio completed !!!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Holycow, great job everyone. Must be workout day. :)

    I got in a 4 mile walk today! I also did 10 flights of stairs! Little sore in my calves as I had on my steel toed boots for the stairs (work).

    Water today was not as good. Need to remember to drink water when at home. And the fireworks here were just canceled as a thunderstorm just rolled in. We are never ending rain this year for some reason.

    Tomorrow I want to work out and continue with my spring cleaning. Hope to see you all post then too!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I had a high protein breakfast today - eggs, turkey sausage, milk. :) I'm hoping to get a number of my cabnets, drawers, and storage places spring cleaned today so that I can clear up a bit of space and have it more organized. (Very boring really)

    For me to meet my goal, I need to exercise today or tomorrow. Knowing me, if I give myself the choice of two days, I always will go with the furthest time from now.

    Hope everyone's having a good Saturday!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Today - trying really hard to eat protein! I'm also drinking coffee, which does not make me feel any more energetic today or awake... Thinking, something must be wrong with the coffee maker, lol.

    I need to exercise today to hit my goal.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Way TO go every one! :) Sorry I have been incognito! Hoping to get back to posting again. I had a great weekend and the kids had a lot of fun. Fire works made me feel like a kid again! Im starting a clean eating challenge tomorrow and really nervous. I hope the hell I can do it for 7 days. This is my first time doing such a challenge and I am running it. lol So the pressure is on. I really think I can do this because of the prep work I have made ahead of time. I hope all of you had a great weekend and are about to have a successful week also. :)
    FitCoach SHawn
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    It's Monday here where I am now, today I get some reward food for losing another kilogram, I'm not sure what the general consensus about "reward food" here is, but I have found it particularly useful in the past. My normal food is rather simple, I prefer it that way, but it does get a bit dull after a while.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome Back Shawn.

    LumberJacck - I think the reward is a good thing if it works for you. I know that for me, I can't completely cut out a food because sooner or later I sabatoge myself. However, I can adjust my eating till I no longer want something or just don't eat it anymore. I also think a special dinner, lunch, breakfast is fine as long as it doesn't become a bad habit to me. So that could easily fall into a food reward type thing.

    Since we do seem to have a number of time zones, I'll try to post the night before for the next day's.