You Century Riders..



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    I've also ridden on with increasing dehydration because I dont have the confidence to leave my bike outside a shop on a busy road. Earlier this year I road the last 30 of an 85m jaunt with no fluids at all , just because all the shops I passed were facing straight onto the road. I favour forecourts generally, as they are glass fronted and allow me to keep an eye on my steed, plus they have security which would hopefully deter most opportunists.

    I know what you mean - as most of my rides are solo, I don't have the easy option of "watch my bike while I grab a bottle mate", and the prospect of leaving £3k+ worth of eminently nickable bike leaning against a shop window that's completely obscured by marketing stickers etc for the duration is scary to say the least :frown: .
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    I've left my bike unlocked & unattended on several occasions in metro New Orleans (crime capital) to the swamp by roads. I never had a problem nor thought I would. I think most crooks would not be interested in doing "work" to make off on a bike. Of course larger cities like NYC there is a unique problem (even to those that lock them).

    Moral of the story, pick your stops wisely. When in doubt, roll your bike in the shop and ask the cashier to keep an eye on it (you are a paying customer after all). I tend to stop at the same places often--so much they know who I am (workers and patrons) so they are pretty kind to me (always have bananas for me, etc.)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    I'm with Stu. I just pick my places and go to the same places. Granted, I live in Montana so crime isn't like New York, but I've never had a problem leaning my bike against a window where I can see it while I'm inside.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Lot depends on the ride and the time of year. In the winter, two bottles can easily last me 50+ miles but in the summer with temps often in the mid 90's and humidity north of 80%, I'll go through 2 bottles in 30 miles or so, especially if there is a lot of climbing. As most of my rides are rural, I try to pick routes that go past a petrol station or convenience shop. When those are unavailable I look for churches. They almost always have a tap outside and are happy to let a cyclist fill their bottles.
  • Twomirrors
    Twomirrors Posts: 47 Member
    When I do a century ride, I carry three bottles and iodine tablets along with extra Cytomax and Saltsticks. But I'm riding on rural forest service roads with towns that are 30-50 miles apart, and don't usually have the option to refill at a store or gas station... I probably drink more water than most people, though, because I HATE cramping. =)

    Speaking of century rides... that's a good idea for what to do on Sunday. Thanks for putting that in my head.