Weekly Challenge June 30 - July 5 - Water

dward59 Posts: 731 Member
If you have been caught in a temporal votex you may not have noticed, but it is summer. Hydration is always important, but getting out in the varying degrees of heat we all face it becomes easy to get busy and not drink like we should.

Your challenge this week: Get at a minimum those 8 recommended glasses of water (64 oz), but is that really enough for what you are doing this summer? Bump it up if you can.

My goal this week is to consistently get in 12 glasses or more of liquid (yes I said liquid, I'm not a water purist, coffee, tea, crystal lite, etc. is all OK in my book--but, if you are in a WL stall, try cutting out most of the additional liquids and go for the straight water. It may help!) So, shooting for 96 oz of liquid daily.

Time to go put on the coffee, and start my day with a glass of water while it brews.

Check in daily if it helps you.

Check in weekly if that works (don't use that as an excuse not to challenge yourself though!)

Now, go get yourself a drink. :drinker:


  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I am aiming for a full gallon a day, 128 oz. It only takes four fills of my water jug to equal that.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I did notice that I have been slacking off on the water a little bit! Going to bump it back up!
  • Wolfmother61
    Wolfmother61 Posts: 62 Member
    I am going to try this to see if it helps curb my mindless eating and gaining that has been going on for a couple of weeks.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I have been working more hours at the office and have noticed my coffee intake is as much or more than my water. Time to re-adjust. I always try to get at least 8 glasses of water (just water) in addition to any coffee, etc). I think I'll shoot for 10 or 11 8-ouce glasses on my work out days.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Water weak during Water Week? Never! --actually...one can always do better on water. Especially if that one is me. :embarassed:
  • suzybee30
    suzybee30 Posts: 30 Member
    I seem to be able to drink lots of water at work because they have an ice machine and purified water. At home is another issue as I reach for iced tea and lots of it. Just picked up two glass jugs from Costco that has infusers, so maybe if I flavor the water with lemons and other fruits I can manage to stay away from the caffeine.