I just can't wait for surgery

HOW do you wait? I mean once you've decided you want to do this?
7/7 my PCP will dictate the medical needs and H&P letter.
This will generate the insurance approval
7/9 is my psych assessment (how long do these people take to generate their report?)
I am hoping for the only day open for surgery: 7/21

My surgeon requires two weeks on 4 protein shakes plus clear liquids per day, for two weeks prior to surgery

I started today, three days early just in case.

I just feel like I can't think of anything else in the world except this possible surgery date.
What if I have to wait until August?! I think I will die.
I've gained 10 pounds in the last 5 days. Don't ask me how.
I just feel I can't wait for this surgery.

Does the 4 protein shakes/clear liquids pre surgery plan let you lose a lot of weight?
Right now, with the additional 10. I feel like I don't even want to leave the house.
I've reached a point of just total weight intolerance!


  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    Somebody was just encouraging me because I was feeling a little down and your comment about gaining 10 pounds in 4 days reminds me that I used to do the same thing and be clueless as to how. AT least that doesn't happen anymore.

    Just do what you surgeon says and leave the rest to the Universe. You can't control the dates. It will happen when it happens. Meanwhile, get out and exercise as best you can. Eat appropriately and get your life in order because you are going to be out of it for a while after this surgery. Set up your home so you can recuperate in comfort and without stress.

    Your day will come. Just hang in there.
  • olivia0428
    olivia0428 Posts: 10
    I had mine 6/25
    I did loose 10lbs on the two week diet before surgery
    Take it day by day, it will get here quicker than you expect
    What I did to prepare for the change is completely clean out the pantry with things I no longer need to have (I left some sweets for my husband) and made sure I had enough protein shakes soups vegetables tuna ect this made me mentally prepare for the change. And my husband supported the changes in the pantry

    Good luck!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Just remember the surgery is only 10% of the process. 90% is the psychology of changing your relationship with food. The surgery is ONLY a tool. the surgery won't do all the work, you will. Measure, weigh and log your food. stick to the dietary plan. Do the recommended exercise. But most of all stop medicating with food. Most of us are obese because if we are sad/depressed/stressed/tired/bored/happy/ celebrating/angry we eat. This is the biggest part of the process and it has nothing to do with the surgery. However if you fail to address this surgery will do little to solve your obesity issue. I would advise stopping worrying about the surgery and focus on dealing with life's problems without resorting to food. Life and all of its problems will still be there after surgery. Think about why you eat and how your relationship is with your body. the surgery will eventually come. Having surgery before you are mentally ready for it would be a disaster. :)
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    From what I have learned in my pre-surgery process, I would not recommend rushing the surgery date. I have been on the slow boat and I feel that the changes I have made in my eating, exercising and lifestyle will help me post-surgery much more than if I had had the surgery quickly after insurance approval.

    I got my insurance approval in March and the initial Bariatric Orientation meeting was April 15th. My first meeting with the Surgeon was June 9th. We were told to start logging everything we eat, aim for 1500 calories/100g protein per day, 64 ounces minimum of water, and start some sort of exercise. Before the meeting with the surgeon, there was an exercise appointment, blood work, psych eval, and we had to write a letter of intent to the surgeon explaining why we were looking for the surgery and our understanding of the post-surgery plan.

    I have done really well in the program and am now in the last month or so before my surgery (will get the date July 18th). I get a little scared when i see people trying to rush the process and not talking more about the pre-surgery "training" time.

    Good luck to you, but I hope you use the pre-surgery time to start some of the habits and behaviors you will need for the long run.
