Friends Needed :)

Hey I'm Ryan Maire,
I'm a student at Northern Illinois University, and I've found loosing weight away from home can be so much harder than at home. Looking for friends to keep each other motivated and on track! Let me know!


  • Hey Ryan, I'm also a student and to make matters worse I study online :( So I have every excuse in the world to sit on my computer and eat snacks all day but this time I am serious about my weight loss :) I am here to support you, so I'll send you an add! :D ttyl BTW I'm CeCe
  • Hey girl hey! I too think that it is difficult to lose weight when I'm at school compared to when I am at home. I lost 20 lbs over the summer when I went home and unfortunately I gained it all back... :( I am starting again with the healthier lifestyle. I think my hardest thing to avoid is alcohol. I like to have a good time and it is definitely hard being the sober one. By the way I am Avery!
  • clindy33
    clindy33 Posts: 12
    Hey! I can agree that it is harder to lose weight at college. I'm currently a student at Ball State University, my name is Cassie. I just kind of lost motivation senior year and kind of over the summer. I had mono in october and lost around 8 lbs. I'm hoping to get fit and lose a little more to reach my goal. I'd love to have others to talk to and motivate!
  • EatwellLivehappy
    EatwellLivehappy Posts: 34 Member
    Add Me!
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    feel free to add me :D
  • CallMeAllie
    CallMeAllie Posts: 14 Member
    Heeeey! I'm Allison, a student at Middle Tennessee State University. I've always found it difficult for me to lose weight, I've been larger all my life, but I decided, literally, yesterday, to change that and did my first workout this morning. New friends are always welcome in my book! :)
  • Hey everyone!

    My name is Shannon and I've always struggled with weight- I'm a yo-yo-er. I'd love to have some people to cheer on, and some nice voices to cheer me on, and I try to break the 130 mark for the first time in forever! I'm going to add those who posted above me, but I'll also accept new friend requests as well!

    Happy losing and good luck!
  • smoreztero
    smoreztero Posts: 13 Member

    I have the same struggles with weight loss
    With work and school at hand, sometimes I find it impossible to workout
    But I'm so motivated to lose weight, I'm putting my foot down now!
    I'm 21 years old at 127lbs, my goal is to get to 120 and tone up
    Need some friends, supporters, and motivators and I'll definitely provide the same to you! :D
  • bgcummings24
    bgcummings24 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I am Brittany and I just returned back to my fitness pal and I am looking for all the support I can get. Being at school can be stressful for me since I am taking up to 5 classes at one time so trying to find a balance has been very difficult this year.
    I have been known as the big friend my whole life and I'm ready to keep making a change since my first goal is to get under 200lbs. Feel free to add me!!
  • ELizzyKD
    ELizzyKD Posts: 19 Member
    Hello there. I'm Liz and I'm going to be a freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University. I've been overweight since I was in elementary school. It got worse when I was put on seroquel, an antidepressant, which caused me to gain 30lbs over the summer before starting middle school.
    I'm worried about gaining the freshman 15, but I should be okay if I check what I'm eating.
    My long term goal is 120lbs, but for now, I'm going for 150lbs by Spring Break in March. I hope to be able to wear a two-piece swimsuit by next July.
    I only have a few friends on MFP, and I would love to have more. Anyone feel free to add me. :)