Anyone fighting this through diet and not medicine?



  • Jeannie_SP
    Jeannie_SP Posts: 8 Member
    Gosh, you are complicated :) I am so happy that you've figured out what works for you and have been flare free since 2009. That's wonderful! I'm glad Humira is working for you. I have a friend who has finally found some relief with Remicade and has had minimal symptoms. I feel very blessed to have such mild symptoms and only moderate inflammation. I just wish doctors could predict the future so I knew what to do. It's a tough decision to make whether to go on meds. I'll see what the doctor of Integrative Medicine says. I am eager to treat this holistically and not just with meds. Even if I do go on the azathioprine, I want to make sure that I am taking care of my whole self and not just swallowing pills! Take care :)
  • Jeannie_SP
    Jeannie_SP Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry all- I should have quoted the people I was responding to ... hopefully you'll figure it out :)
  • rjs0924
    rjs0924 Posts: 7 Member
    I am treating with diet only. I went the Humira and Methotrexate route initially (dx Nov 2013) but it made me feel absolutely horrid so I stopped it. I am doing okay without it I have pain and occasional bleeding but so far it's not to a level I can't tolerate. I would rather be able to work and take part in my family's lives than feel like death everyday.
  • ckdprevent
    ckdprevent Posts: 105 Member
    I am glad I found this group! I was diagnosed with mild Ulcerative Colitis in 1998. At that time the only diet recommended was stay away from salad bars. Physician treated me with Rowasa, Asacol, and Prednisone over the years. In 2006 I started working for a University Medical Center. I started seeing the GI physician there. He found that I make -0- IgA, did an EGD and Colonoscopy and said I didn't have Ulcerative Colitis. He took me off all my medicine. I still had GI issues and every CT scan I would have for kidney issues showed inflamed bowel. So I'm thinking I don't know what to believe. I definitely don't want another colonoscopy.

    I plan to fight this through diet this time. I plan to start the low-residue diet. If I don't have Ulcerative Colitis, I definitely have some other type of inflammatory bowel disease.
  • ckdprevent
    ckdprevent Posts: 105 Member
    The low residue diet is really helping. Why hadn't I found that earlier??
  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I do both food and medicine to treat my UC. I was already vegan long before diagnosis. My doctor says that is probably why it took so long for the disease to present itself. So I'm still vegan but now I also have to avoid gluten, corn, and oats. I'm also on Apriso, Canasa, and hydrocortisone enemas once a week. The enemas seriously changed everything.

    When flaring I need to eat a low fiber diet but now that I'm better I can eat lots of veggies. It does help if they are cooked. I still haven't worked up the courage to eat lentils and split peas but black beans and pinto beans are fine.

    @ckdprevent - It took 2 years of symptoms before my UC was actually visible in my colon so I don't know that diagnosis is all that simple. By the time they went and did a 2nd colonoscopy on me I had progressed to severe pancolitis.
  • ckdprevent
    ckdprevent Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks, I'm just now getting to my happy place. I'm going to give it another week, if I am still doing good, I will slowly return to a more balanced diet, sticking to canned fruit and cooked veges.
  • Wyantan
    Wyantan Posts: 2 Member
    I am so glad I have found this group. I was diagnosed with Crohn's for 23yrs. I went 10yrs without any flare ups. Then 3/4yrs ago, starting having flare ups. Now I was hospitalized twice this year in May and June and the Dr have told me there's no way I can continue unless I start taking Humira, which I have been avoiding due to the side effects. Anyway, I've resigned myself to start it next week. I'm currently on steroids and my weight since May has gone up over 50lbs. What really annoyed me was that I wasn't having ANY symptoms, none at all. then I ate something that obviously didn't agree with me and flare up followed. Even though I am going to start Humira, I still am looking to getting help myself through diet and exercise so one day I can come off the meds and avoid flare ups. I'm going to stick to non processed diet, with no dairy, grains and nuts and seafood which seem to be my issue.
  • TaraKayKitty
    TaraKayKitty Posts: 3 Member
    I have refused medication for my IBD/IBS even though it got debilitating a few months ago. It was so bad i could not eat and lost 20lbs in 3 weeks. I welcome the loss but would rather it be in a healthy way. I changed my diet to small meals throughout the day and plant based. It has been working great. Popcorn is a huge trigger for me.
  • pomegranatemint
    pomegranatemint Posts: 37 Member
    I have IBS, and am on a chemical elimination diet, which is an ever stricter diet than the FODMAP diet. As FODMAPS was still an issue for me.

    It's not meant to be a permanent diet, but because it takes me so long to get back on track after trialing certain food groups, it's been over 3 months since I have been on the diet. Still it has helped me heaps. No more nausea ( I was getting it everyday), and getting closer to understanding which foods really affect me.

    No medication, I just don't think it teaches your stomach to function probably and just suppresses the issue, so I decided against them. Plus I wouldn't really know what the real food triggers were if I took medication.

    I don't even take probiotics, because I got a huge, huge reaction to them that made my IBS ridiculously worse. I am too scared to try to reintroduce them.

    I still have a way to go, but I am getting there. I still get brain fog, and flu symptoms with certain foods.

    I am lactose intolerant, unsure yet if I am gluten intolerant for sure, not too bad with salicylates but noticed some fatigue/flu issues. I don't eat any gluten anyway, because it always makes me feel too full. Eggs are a big 'no, no' for me.

    I now suspect my lactose intolerance, made me more intolerant to other foods, but have a feeling if I keep lactose out I may be able to introduce those foods back without issue.
  • JaimeNJ
    JaimeNJ Posts: 51 Member
    I have been following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) for about 6 weeks now. My goal is a clean colonoscopy in March to hopefully keep me off of immunosuppressants. If you look into that program (I hate calling it a diet because my entire lifestyle has changed) and think it's something you are interested in, please feel free to join our SCD support group on here. It's called SCD Support (BTVC). Best of luck!
  • wilkie67
    wilkie67 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I've been on 2.4g mesalazine per day for about a year now for my UC, doubling the dose when I get a flare up. This seems to be working well, but I'd love to get off them because I'm wondering what the long term effect of them would be. Trigger foods for me include corn, cabbage, cream, fizzy drinks, caffeine, excess fat and excess carbs, etc. Strangely (and thankfully), curries, alcohol, milk, eggs and animal protein are all good for me. Most veg is good too as long as I prepare it properly by removing the skins and seeds.

    So thankfully, there aren't many things I need to steer clear of and I'm sure the mesalazine has a lot to do with it. Diet-wise, it's been more a case of making sure I eat light but often, and make sure it's prepared properly. Using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone has definitely helped to picture what I've been eating over the last couple of days, so I can make sure I don't go overboard on a particular food type. Variety and smaller portions seem to be the key avoiding flare ups for me.
  • AmyMoenae
    AmyMoenae Posts: 21 Member
    I was following the SCD diet but it wasn't working for me. I was making my own chicken soup, pureeing everything and drinking my diluted Welch's grape juice. I had gone completely off grains and gluten. Everything was organic; sugar and dairy were limited and yet I was in the ER every 2-3 weeks!!! This way of life for me was not working.

    I finally met with a homeopathic doctor and he gave me the ALCAT food sensitivity test I realized why... My body was irritated by chicken and especially grapes and garlic and many other things I considered healthy! I have since learned to eat off the foods on my okay list and I am doing really well. I found out I also suffer Adrenal Fatigue. Now that I know how to manage my stress, altered my daily routine and eat what does not upset me and am taking many supplements to combat and support everything, I feel great. The worst part is knowing I cannot get it all done in a day that I would like. I still feel this route was the best for me.
  • macelmer
    macelmer Posts: 55 Member
    I applaud you if you are able to manage your disease with diet alone. I cannot.
    I am currently taking 2 Colestid one hour before breakfast to tighten things up and 400 mg of Cimzia every 14 days. This makes the CD manageable.
    Since your diary is private, will you share some of the foods that are on your specific diet?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I have tried many times to manage my symptoms through diet. I have been on and off many different meds. I have gone for almost 3 years at a time without problems, but inevitably I end up back in a flare. After my last colonoscopy, my doc said my colon has narrowed considerably from scar tissue and even when I wasn't experiencing any symptoms, I still may have had inflammation. I have now resigned myself to the fact that I will have to stay on my meds. I take Imuran and Remicade. I am not happy about it, but experience has taught me that this is what needs to be done. I still am very careful about what I eat though because I do have certain trigger foods.
  • JaimeNJ
    JaimeNJ Posts: 51 Member
    AmyMoenae - I'm curious. Have you had any colonoscopies or any medical evidence of the food limitations helping your disease? I'm completely on board with the evidence for most people being their sense of wellness. I get that. But for me I'm looking to see if it's reasonable for me to expect an improvement in my colonoscopy, or at least some evidence to suggest to a doctor that, yes, diet does impact actual health. I never heard of the ALCAT. I want to look into that.

    AmyMoenae wrote: »
    I was following the SCD diet but it wasn't working for me. I was making my own chicken soup, pureeing everything and drinking my diluted Welch's grape juice. I had gone completely off grains and gluten. Everything was organic; sugar and dairy were limited and yet I was in the ER every 2-3 weeks!!! This way of life for me was not working.

    I finally met with a homeopathic doctor and he gave me the ALCAT food sensitivity test I realized why... My body was irritated by chicken and especially grapes and garlic and many other things I considered healthy! I have since learned to eat off the foods on my okay list and I am doing really well. I found out I also suffer Adrenal Fatigue. Now that I know how to manage my stress, altered my daily routine and eat what does not upset me and am taking many supplements to combat and support everything, I feel great. The worst part is knowing I cannot get it all done in a day that I would like. I still feel this route was the best for me.

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I do both meds and diet. I have severe fistulizing Crohn's disease and almost died so can't go off my meds. I'm in Remicade and azathioprine. I'm not in remission but my intestines look much better. I am very reactive to food. I am low residue and low fodmaps. I am jealous of people who can eat whatever they want with no nasty consequences
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    edited September 2016
    I take both meds and diet, but I hope in time to get off my meds. I don't have any strictures or fistulas, but a lot of inflammation in the colon. I have been through every med, and they saved my life on numerous occasions, but the only time I noticed significant difference in my symptoms were when I changed my diet. I am on the Autoimmune protocol, which emphasizes on eating nutrient dense foods, and to temporarily avoid foods that may aggravate the immune system (I can add them in later if there are no reactions). I have to cook everything, including veggies and fruits, and I still have to avoid some healthy foods like broccoli, cauliflower, and grapes. I love how I feel, and I am starting to become a decent cook, but every once in a while I wish I could dive into a pizza without feeling like crap the next day.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Also, sleep is another huge factor for me. I can be doing all the right things with food and exercise, but if I don't sleep well for one night, then it's all over. My symptoms act up and I can't function like a human should lol.
  • SkinnyMomma02
    SkinnyMomma02 Posts: 82 Member
    I was finally diagnosed with ibs in 2016 (more consipation now) had my gallbladder removed in 2006 and my bowelmovements were all over the place from not being able to get off the toilet to going weeks without going. They told me to just change me diet, and learn what works, it’s been a long road and I know some triggers but I feel like I still don’t fully have it down still learning. I’ve cut out cows milk and gone to coconut and almond. Also told to increase my fiber when I got told I had IBS, that’s been hard because I hate pills I’m horrible at remembering to take them.

    What kind of stuff do y’all do for more fiber?