
Hi everyone,
Hope you're all having a great weekend!
I woke with a migraine this morning, get them quite often & when I do they completely mess up the day. My eating habits were terrible...cereal & biscuits, just couldn't be bothered to think healthy to be honest. Tried to compensate with a bit of exercise inbetween bouts of pain thinking it would help but was practically impossible.
Hope tomorrow I can get back on track!
Not letting one day put me off! fighting talk lol


  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    I just joined this group, and I also have chronic migraine. This past week has been more or less migraine week, with the occasional break. Maybe we can figure out ways to figure out how to stay on track when we aren't well enough to deal with exercise and perfect eating. I am too old to just be figuring this out, but it finally occurred to me that I have to find ways to adapt, not give up and hope I get back on track in the future.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Queendebor - Welcome. Trying to stay on track when things are going well is hard for me as well. Today I'm stressed, and wanting to drink wine and eat chocolate and I don't even know. It's hard not to give up or given in to the negativity when we are feeling down, in pain, angry, or stressed. If you find a good balance, please share! :)

    Binglebangle - I get migraines as well, but not chronic. For me, I've come to figure out my triggers that start them so I can get ahead of them before they fully develop. For me migraines come from not drinking enough water the night before, 3 or 4 hours after having too much sun or half a day after getting too much blood to my face (usually exercise related).

    I don't know how you can try to exercise with a migraine, I'm always out for an entire day and unable to do anything till it subsides. So kudos to you for trying. Don't push yourself too hard.

    Happy Saturday - kinda, lol.
  • Binglebangle
    Too little water, Sun and stress are triggers for me too, as are lack of sleep (puppies this time), repetitive noises (howling wind etc), too much choc, citrus, cheese... the list goes on. Also my migraines are only 20 per cent headache, the rest is loss of vision, funny shapes & colours & can't coordinate words etc.
    Today so far I am ok so fingers crossed, 2 days left before my weigh in so need to counteract yesterday's biscuit session!
    I'll be happy with a 1lb loss and maybe getting my new jeans at least over my hips....I bought them in my goal size so I have something weekly to be able to see a change!