Basic math...turned Calculus

pennyk54166 Posts: 18 Member
Happy Sunday!

I read in this group that those of us with Hashi and Hypo need to have a calorie deficit to maintain and a larger deficit to lose. So, I want to put this to the test because I am having an awful time losing anything.

I use MFP and Fitbit.

My goal is set for 1 lb loss per week. Activity level is sedentary because i have a desk job.

My Calorie goal on MFP is 1620 (which I think includes the deficit for a 1 lb loss per week.)

Using MFP calories in, and FB calories out, and calorie goal on MFP and the direction of the wind...(it seems)

which numbers do I compare daily to get my calorie deficit for the day/week?

Goodness gracious this feels like story problems in Algebra all over again.

If anyone can simplify this, it would be greatly appreciated.

thanks everyone. I can honestly say from being on these boards I have learned more in the past week than I have in the past 5 years trying to lose with Hypo. I understand it takes time out of your day to comment or reply to a topic but it sure has made a difference for me. THANK YOU.
