do I ever get to eat "normal" again?



  • knitnpurlgurl
    Hello, I am three months post op and I do occasionally have "normal foods" just in very small portions.....for example instead of having three pieces of pizza I eat maybe one if I am lucky.... When we go out to dinner I split a meal with my son.... I do allow myself to have things but I make sure that if I am going to have it that it is in a 3oz portion and I also make sure I got all my protein I needed for that day as well.

    That being said I try to limit anything not healthy that you eat... you need to think of your new stomach and prime realestate, you can only hold so much food so you really want to get as much bang for your buck as you can. I try to eat a protein and a veggie or fruit with every meal.

    I really don't feel deprived and I am sure you will feel that way too soon enough. It gets better once you are not on liquids anymore. I am suprised a week out you are still on liquids. I was able to have purees at 3 days and soft foods at like a week out I think.
  • mrsgillis333
    Hello, I am three months post op and I do occasionally have "normal foods" just in very small portions.....for example instead of having three pieces of pizza I eat maybe one if I am lucky.... When we go out to dinner I split a meal with my son.... I do allow myself to have things but I make sure that if I am going to have it that it is in a 3oz portion and I also make sure I got all my protein I needed for that day as well.

    That being said I try to limit anything not healthy that you eat... you need to think of your new stomach and prime realestate, you can only hold so much food so you really want to get as much bang for your buck as you can. I try to eat a protein and a veggie or fruit with every meal.

    I really don't feel deprived and I am sure you will feel that way too soon enough. It gets better once you are not on liquids anymore. I am suprised a week out you are still on liquids. I was able to have purees at 3 days and soft foods at like a week out I think.
    I think my doctor/clinic is pretty strict compared to some of the people I read about on here. I had to do clear liquids and protein shakes for two weeks before. Now I'm on full liquids for 3 weeks after surgery. Then I move to soft foods for 4 weeks before going to all foods.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Take a look at my food diary; I eat everything I want but I weigh and measure everything, track all my exercise with a FitBit and make sure I get my protein in first. The sleeve is only a tool, you need to take advantage of the severe early capacity restrictions to develop some new positive habits.

    Exercise - Weigh Food - Protein first - Log everything (EVERYTHING) into MFP.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    HMMM "normal" what is "normal"? Is Pizza normal? Cookies are they 'normal'? I eat what the Dr has prescribed for me and now that is my new 'normal'. I snuck 2 potato chips, 2 little potato chips and threw up. So I say they are not normal! I didn't do this to eat what I used to think was 'normal'. That is what got me this size in the first place. I eat protien, veggies, some fruit. NO cake, cookies, ice cream, pizza, burgers for me. I feel so much better health wise and really don't want to go back to 'normal'.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    Dont rush the beginning stages, enjoy this time when things are hard to get down and a few small teaspoons fills you up lol. Before you know it you may start to get the 'ole hankerings for less then nutritious foods and you will start to push the boundaries and testing things and be surprised and what food work and although it may not be pizza it may still not be good for you.

    Im almost 2 years out and about a 10-12months out I started feeling a little more liberal with my eating and started with crunchy foods (crackers, pretzels) that escalated to chips, dry cereals, and cheezits. Without thinking about it I then started on sweets and tried chocolate, ice cream, candy, licorices, cookies, cakes, etc. I even went on a bender and had fast-food (not the good stuff - I mean like McD, Taco Bell, etc)

    I am very, very luck that my over-all eating balanced and I didnt gain too much, and since then I lost those few extra pounds, but nonetheless it scares me to know that when they say the first year or so is the "honeymoon period" they mean it. The last year has been a struggle (especially since I have had A LOT of emotional turmoil) and I do admit that I monitor the scale hawk-like and there have been times when I indulged too much and got sick (puke, nauseous, headache, etc.) and I AM SOO HAPPY when that happens because it reminds me that I can not longer overindulge like that. Luckily I have been working with a therapist and its improved, but boy do I miss the early days when I had no appetite and even a sip of water filled me :smile:

    So dont over-think it and dont worry, but enjoy the ride and work on fixing the eating habits and mindset now.
    SAANGLIN Posts: 3 Member
    I am nearly 3 years out. I am able to maintain within about a 7-10 lb. range. Right now, I'm trying to lose a few more lbs. If I stay low carb, I do fine. I have realized that I CANNOT eat carbs...crackers, Cheez-its, chips, cookies, ice cream, etc. If so, I will begin to gain and crave them like crazy. Also, I can tell that my body aches and arthritis are much worse when I eat sugar. Really sweet things like ice cream and frozen coffee drinks make me feel horrible and it takes me a day or two to feel normal. I rarely eat pasta, bread, or rice. This is just my experience. I can eat normal things and I do, I just try to keep it low carb.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    It's all about chioces. Even skinny people have the occasional piece of pizza or cookie (key word being occasional). It's what we choose to eat daily that's going to be the deciding factor on if we get the weight off and if we keep it off. My trigger foods are flavored chips and ice cream. I could never control myself with them and found that if I indulged with them, my eating was totally out of control and I was eating anything and everything. Ice cream was the worst, so I gave it up completely, haven't had any in over 3 years now and you know what? I don't miss it at all, which used to really surprise me. I will very occasionally have a hand full of flavored chips, but only if we are out and they are part of the variety of foods. They never come into my house anymore (the husband doesn't like them so that's easy).

    Truth is, this surgery will not mean you "can't" eat something only that you can't eat the same amount at one time as prior to surgery. This sugery is a great tool and if you use the tool you will lose the weight. If you continue to use the tool, you will be able to keep it off. Figure out what your trigger foods are and when you do, thouse are the foods you will want to choose to limit or eliminate from your life. I meant what I said, I really don't miss the ice cream. And I don't feel deprived, because this is my choice for my helath.

    Someone else said it best, but I will quote it. Nothing tastes as good as a normal weight feels.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    Hello! Yes, eventually you will get to "normal" again. However, "normal" will never be half of a large pizza by yourself (or a whole pizza... i've done that) or that large bucket of popcorn at the movie theatres! "Normal" is going to be a slice, maybe two of pizza down the road. Normal might be that you have some chicken, some salad and maybe a bit of bread with your dinner... instead of just chicken.

    I read a lot of posts that said "im three months out and can eat_______" or "im six months out" etc... I wanted to add my POV. I am now nearly 3 years out and can eat the equivalent of a childs meal (in portion size) if I do not drink any liquids with my meal. At three months out I could NOT eat anything "carby"... breads, pastas, etc where definitely a NO-GO. They HURT! Even just a BITE! I also got very full with just liquids so it could just be that I had a particularly tight sleeve. At 6 months I was tolerating them a little bit better, but I didn't really want them at that point.

    The only food I eat now on a regular basis that I did not then is popcorn! I LOVE popcorn and always have. I make it myself, stove top, at home so that way I can control the butter/salt content but its quick and easy and its a great go-to snack for me. My sleeve is at the point where if I go to the movies, I can pretty much "munch" all the way through. BUT once I realized I could do that... I stopped that habit right away! Not one I want to get into again :)