Sky Team!

danielle2198 Posts: 18 Member
Welcome Sky Team!

My name is Danielle, and I'm excited to be your team leader! I sent you all friend requests, and I encourage you to friend each other. I hope we can all stick with this challenge and motivate each other. Post a little bit about yourselves so we can get to know each other. What are you goals, what motivates/frustrates you, what can we do to help?

I just finished the Spring Fling Challenge, and didn't see the results I was hoping for. That said, it kept me more active than I had been, and I did drop a few pounds and started to notice changes in the way my clothes fit. Now I'm ready to crank it up to the next level. I started Chalene Johnson's new PiYo workout today, which is an eight week program. If I can clean up my diet a bit and stick with the program, I'm hoping to feel great by the time I go to Hilton Head in mid-September.

Welcome aboard everyone!


  • spongebex
    spongebex Posts: 194 Member
    Hi Danielle and the rest of the Sky Team :)

    Thanks so much for stepping up and being our team leader.

    A little about me ...

    I am from the UK, a yo-yo dieter and looking for change. I have a few events coming up this summer such as hen do, girlie holiday, wedding and then my big 30 in Jan. So I want to see results that stay around this time. I am looking for the group to help keep me motivated and stop me from putting off making positive life style changes till "tomorrow" or "just after this piece of cake"...

    Btw I have never heard of PiYo workout or Hilton Head ... fill me in :)
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Sky members! My name is Mary Ann, I live in Maryland, but we are on vacation in Delaware right now. I've lost my weight over the last year and a half. The last challenge group I joined on MFP was a Biggest Loser. In six weeks I lost 10 pounds and 11 inches all over. I started MFP originally at 254. I started with water aerobics and treadmill. I've progressed into Group Power ( a weight-lifting program) ellipticals, and small group training with a very bossy little trainer who really pushes my buttons. I love snacks but logging keeps me in line. I started at size 24, but now I'm mostly 14 - and some "large" shirts!
  • danielle2198
    danielle2198 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Team!

    How is everyone doing? I have been sick for the last few days, and I missed weigh in!

    I definitely struggled over the holiday, but I'm hoping to get back on track with everything later this week when I've recovered.
  • spongebex
    spongebex Posts: 194 Member
    Hey how is everyone doing? You feeling better Danielle?